I voted yes, I do not like seeing low level players running around with a title "Savior of the Spiral". To me, they are just leechers and cheaters. I strongly feel there should be a level cap and main quest line requirement to advance to other worlds to cut back on leechers/cheaters/power-levelers being helped or having it easy way out.
Again, what does that matter to you? Why should they be prohibited from playing the game differently? Their experience isn't infringing on anyone else's gameplay experience; if it were, then I would agree and that would be the issue, but it isn't the case here.
All I am hearing is "I had to work to get here and so should you!!!"
I find this so frustrating especially with the kids with no chat. You can not tell them they should not be here. I had a few I made friends that follow me into battle in mooshu. Would 900 points be good enough no way.
In big ben fight we had to carry a kid who had 800 points. I would not like the levels to be too hard to get too. But no wizard that has not even finish Kroktopia should be able to get into Mooshu.
This never bothered me before. With chat people I can express my displeasure. With No chat all I can do is delete them. Which I think is much more cruel than telling them to stop following me and you should not even be here.
But if we have a chat button that said you should not be here go back home then I would see no need for minimal requirements.
Or maybe you could go to Mooshu but you would only get experience points for the level you are at. There is no way you could beat any of those monsters with 800 points. So If the prize is a robe the robe that player gets is the same value as they would get in Colossus.
So they would gain nothing for jumping up so high, but if they truly wanted to help a friend they could too.
yeah right im still in marleybone and i can beat the bonk out of dragonsyre creatures with my judgement one hit one kill
I voted yes, I do not like seeing low level players running around with a title "Savior of the Spiral". To me, they are just leechers and cheaters. I strongly feel there should be a level cap and main quest line requirement to advance to other worlds to cut back on leechers/cheaters/power-levelers being helped or having it easy way out.
Again, what does that matter to you? Why should they be prohibited from playing the game differently? Their experience isn't infringing on anyone else's gameplay experience; if it were, then I would agree and that would be the issue, but it isn't the case here.
All I am hearing is "I had to work to get here and so should you!!!"
You're right, the fact that low level players get high level achievements is one of the main arguments for this. I agree totally with a level cap, especially after I saw an Oni Slayer with 800 health. It just really takes away from the prestige of having it if all the low levels have it too.
Only subscribers can travel to the other worlds on the Spiral. You have to earn your way to these other worlds by questing and following your professor's instructions. Read the quests carefully, as you progress you will hear mention from Ambrose about a land of manders.
If you want a sneak peak, you can read more about each of the worlds in our About the Game section of the website, under Worlds
Enjoy Wizard City, the other lands of the spiral will be there when you are ready. ~Professor Greyrose
I think that says it all, my vote is yes for level limits. It's a real simple formula to figure out what the minimum level should be, add up the total experience available from the quest rewards in just the main quest line. There you have a hard number of the level you must be to even get into a higher world.
Again, what does that matter to you? Why should they be prohibited from playing the game differently? Their experience isn't infringing on anyone else's gameplay experience; if it were, then I would agree and that would be the issue, but it isn't the case here.
All I am hearing is "I had to work to get here and so should you!!!"
Why does it even matter to you that it bothers players like me? Unless you are one of those players that had the easy way out, then naturally you would object to it. If players can cheat and have it easy, then it would defeat the purpose of having quests and main questlines to get to other worlds, what is the point really? Why even bother? It is infringing to me and other players that feel the same way as I do. I am simply saying in simplified terms- They should work their way up to grandmasters fairly, no other way, period. And that means not being allowed to cheat by going to ther worlds that they are not level-ready for or main questline ready for and cheat.
I feel like there should be no level requirement for worlds. Some wizards enter the world with a lower level like how i started with my life wiz. When i got into MS she was at level 27 and very under the level to wear the clothes and items they give you.
On the other hand, I do think there should be a warning before other lower levels port and join the battle with you. There should be a sign rite after they hit yes to teleport to you, saying: "Waring! Your friend is currently in a battle. Would you still like to port him/her at ..... ?" and then restate what world and where your friend is at.
I think it would be a good idea to place level requirements on the worlds, reasonable levels that a person would be at when they reach a new world. Lately I am seeing more and more people taking lower level friends through high level worlds to get them to level up faster.
It just seems like it takes away from the game and isn't really fair to those of us who actually worked to get to where we are. It would also cut back on the number of noobs who teleport in, add an enemy, then leave because it is too overwhelming for them.
hahaha your rite its so unfair like my lvl 50 grand i worked! worked!!! and membership for cyclops lane and fire cat alley? so uncool try to find me in wiz101 my characterz name is wolf goldthief :D
I voted yes, I do not like seeing low level players running around with a title "Savior of the Spiral". To me, they are just leechers and cheaters. I strongly feel there should be a level cap and main quest line requirement to advance to other worlds to cut back on leechers/cheaters/power-levelers being helped or having it easy way out.
Again, what does that matter to you? Why should they be prohibited from playing the game differently? Their experience isn't infringing on anyone else's gameplay experience; if it were, then I would agree and that would be the issue, but it isn't the case here.
All I am hearing is "I had to work to get here and so should you!!!"
You're right, the fact that low level players get high level achievements is one of the main arguments for this. I agree totally with a level cap, especially after I saw an Oni Slayer with 800 health. It just really takes away from the prestige of having it if all the low levels have it too.
I know. It's not fair. I ACTUALLY saw a lvl 9 with the "Savior of the Spiral" badge. Another time I saw a lvl TWO with the "Oni Slayer" badge. It's not cool. People think they can look cool because they have a badge they don't deserve to have yet. I worked up to those badges, as opposed to the players that just pop in out of no where. Once a player that was lvl 17 ported to me when I was fighting the Imp boss in the Tree of Life. He got the "Sword Saint" badge when the Imp was down to 800 health. He didn't deserve it. My point is that there SHOULD be lvl caps for certain worlds, so under lvls don't come porting to us and getting quests and badges that they shouldn't have yet.
~Michael ThunderSpear Grandmaster Pyromancer
I have something else to add. Along with lvl caps, there should be QUEST caps. Like if you were up to Malistaire you'd have to be uh-- lvl 47 (idk just a guess)? ex:
QUEST: Defeat Malistaire 2400 XP Level requirement: 47
Again, what does that matter to you? Why should they be prohibited from playing the game differently? Their experience isn't infringing on anyone else's gameplay experience; if it were, then I would agree and that would be the issue, but it isn't the case here.
All I am hearing is "I had to work to get here and so should you!!!"
Why does it even matter to you that it bothers players like me?
Re-read my post that you quoted: you are forcing players to play a particular way for no reason pertaining to the game's dynamic or hindering others' experience: you want everyone to play like you do 'cos that's "fair".
echolette wrote:
Unless you are one of those players that had the easy way out, then naturally you would object to it.
You should probably read a person's posts in the discussion before you bring their character into question. I already stated that I don't take shortcuts. Put it this way: I've played EQ2 for two years and I still don't have a level 80 character. I play slowly and deliberately, savouring the author's intended experience.
So, no, I do not have ulterior motives; my point is that policy based on opinion rather than sound mechanics beneficial to all is bad policy.
echolette wrote:
If players can cheat and have it easy,
Taking shortcuts isn't cheating.
echolette wrote:
... what is the point really? Why even bother?
You really should scroll up and read; your questions were already answered. Besides, that is your opinion (an opinion I share; I don't recommend anyone take shortcuts, but I won't force it upon them and that is what the intent of this motion is: to force a particular play style by prohibiting a contrary play style.)
echolette wrote:
It is infringing to me and other players that feel the same way as I do.
Rather than personally attacking those who don't agree, perhaps you could make the argument of how do these power-levellers infringe upon your experience? What I see as "infringement" here is mere jealousy that someone got the same title you did only quicker. Perhaps taking titles away would be a more beneficial solution... :-o
echolette wrote:
They should work their way up to grandmasters fairly, no other way, period.
People play this game to have fun and you want them to work! If that is fun for them, then so be it, so long as it doesn't adversely effect others' game play, for which it doesn't and nobody has explained how it has. How is this not forcing your way of playing on others for no other reason than your own self-esteem? Fair is defined as "free from bias" and you are saying "'cos I had to work for it, so should you!" isn't biased?
echolette wrote:
And that means not being allowed to cheat by going to ther worlds that they are not level-ready for or main questline ready for and cheat.
Again with the slander; porting outside the linear questline isn't cheating.
Bottom line: nobody's gaming experience is adversely affected by power-levellers, only your emotions. You own your own emotions and you are responsible for them; altering game mechanics to compensate for lack of mental discipline isn't the solution.
... I ACTUALLY saw a lvl 9 with the "Savior of the Spiral" badge. Another time I saw a lvl TWO with the "Oni Slayer" badge.
Do we get our own cult or something with these titles??? So what? Why does it matter? "Whassit to you anyway?"
LucarioAura45 wrote:
It's not cool.
Au contraire! You're riled with envy over it. :x I think being envied is an indicator of coolness. 8)
Since we're on the emotional squishy stuff, I'm detecting a morsel of self-loathing manifesting itself in silent rage because you secretly admire these allegedly un-cool people because it is quite clever and socially skilled to pull off "Saviour of the Spiral" at a single-digit level and wonder how such a feat could be done!
NOTE: Cleaver and socially skilled are two definitions of cool. Random House Dictionary, definitions 14b and 14c.
LucarioAura45 wrote:
People think they can look cool because they have a badge they don't deserve to have yet.
What difference does it make what other people think?
LucarioAura45 wrote:
I worked up to those badges, as opposed to the players that just pop in out of no where.
Worry less about what others are doing and more about what you are doing and 1) you will always improve, and 2) will will enjoy yourself more.
Completely agree I saw a level 15 with menu chat in dragonspyre! We(me and oran lionwielder) were farming Karuvian ScarGiver and we told the level 15 guy to go away BEFORE we went into battle because we knew what he was going to do(join the battle) He went away and I was PRAYING he wouldn't join our battle and THEN, my fear came true, he joined the battle!!!
We couldn't say anything to get him away, after the battle he was alive and niether of us got the staute from him. :( :( :( :( But i have a awesome plan to get rid of him since we were going to farm another boss for his statue. Since I had to go, I told him during the battle that when he was going to farm when the level 15 came He would instantly flee and he would be facing that boss alone. 8) 8) 8)
I think it would be a good idea to place level requirements on the worlds, reasonable levels that a person would be at when they reach a new world. Lately I am seeing more and more people taking lower level friends through high level worlds to get them to level up faster.
It just seems like it takes away from the game and isn't really fair to those of us who actually worked to get to where we are. It would also cut back on the number of noobs who teleport in, add an enemy, then leave because it is too overwhelming for them.
i both agree and dis agree the lvl requirement should be for ROADS! this way people cant go in and out adding another enemy yet people can go to commons in higher worlds and site see a little and window shop :D that way everyone is happy
I have not had this happen to me very often, people joining a battle and then fleeing, but if it's as big a problem as it seems to be, I'm willing to bet that most of the players fleeing these battles are doing it deliberately (griefing). If that's the case, then blocking lower level players from higher level areas won't solve the problem.
I agree with what someone above said about giving out stricter punishments for fleeing. Yes, there are many legitimate reasons to flee a battle, but if someone is fleeing 5, 10, 20 battles a day, chances are they are doing it on purpose.
A limit could be placed on how many battles you can flee a day without any consequence other than the mana drain, maybe 3? If you flee a battle past your daily limit, you are blocked from re-entering the area you ran away from for an hour or so.
i like the idea but i don't flee why? it drains all of your mana and i hate playing mini games! this idea is great i would vote for this! your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 18 ice goddess8)
Rather than forcing level requirements to keep low-levels from joining higher-level battles (which is annoying, yes, but this is an MMO: there are nice people and there are annoying people), how about removing the flee option? When you join, you are committed.
I voted Yes without hesitation what is the point if the game isn't going to be played as intended? It is people's natural instinct to grief. They join and leave for the sole intent of adding more enemies for the pleasure and fix they get of seeing you die. It's like Wolf Firespear who came to me in big ben deliberately spilling milk doing NOTHING ONCE SO EVER in battle then leaving soon after for my partner and I to get through it. They need to make the game based on worlds and the level range it intails for those worlds. You can't get into Krockatopia till level 16. Can't get into Marley bone till level 22. Level 30 to get into mooshoo. and level 40 for DS. The same should go for crafting and buying of reagents for those worlds. There are far too many people low levels not in the worlds or even crafting ov levels 16 and under buying up all the diamonds, scrap iron, pearls, blood moss, and anything else rare or in short suply leaving those who actialy need it for quests going without and highly fustrated.
I watch how this game has gome from fun to fustrateing in the few months and ask what is next. First Malistare, then fizzle rate increase then health not working. what's next? Why are we suddenly counterdicting all the game was designed for to please a hand gull of board grand masters?
I have between my partner and I gone through a dozen wizards and poured close to a $500 dollars in crowns into this site and only seen it go down hill to a point either of us can barely stand to play any more. This isn't fair to general public. Two million members, shouldn't we ALL have a say and not just the elite?
Ok i'm just saying this but most of you people are low levels and are talking about lvl requirements. I bet you dont have it nearly as hard as the high level people in battles then you port and get them killed. For your levels its not as hard of battles and the fights aren't as valuable as they are for people in higher levels.But as and adept wizard i do still say that there should at leats be a minimum lvl for the worlds so a novice cant just port to someone in Dragonspyre. At leats a warning for when you are going to teleport to someone so you know what your about to get yourself into and will understand that it should have been expected for you to die if you do happen to die.
I say that if you get a badge saying "Oni Slayer" and your only a novice then you shouldn't be able to wear the badge until at least your a journeyman so that you could have at least really contributed to the win of beating jade oni to get the badge. Because if your a novice and got the badge then you couldn't have truly helped to the win since your spells would still be exceptionally to weak to really do anything. I've fought the jade oni many times and since more then half of the times someones friend thats only a novice they teleported in and they barely even did any damage. More then half the time they would die and nobody bothered to heal them cause they either didn't have a spell ar knew that their spells would be too weak and wouldn't help much.
For the level requirements i didn't even need to think about it i chose Yes because if a novice teleports to you while your in dragonspyre they cant really help at all.They only bring a monster and flee because they attacks thrown at them are too strong for them to handle. I am one of the many people that cant stand when weaker people teleport to me in battle and then flee after a monster comes in after them.It becomes very frustrating when i die because there are too many monsters for me to handle.So having a requirement for being in a world helps you survive and to be able to handle the amount of monsters brought in battle.
Okay, THAT I can agree with making level-limited ... or rather, "quest completion limited": you should never gain access to worlds, even areas thereof, that are still "locked" to you when playing alone ... just because a friend is there.
well...i would think if ambrose says to you something like...."moo shu has still hasnt been connected back to the spiral" porting to a friend in moo shu or dragonspyre or a place u havent earned wouldnt make sense it just wouldnt go with the game because if thar world is not connected to the spiral its like HOW DID U GET THERE? if ambrose knew that i bet he would say it... cause if its not connected u are not able to be there... i know i am REALLY BAD LOL at explaining but i hope you understand me i know lol i dont make sense and what i said doesnt make sense to me lol
i have multipule characters in many worlds and many friends for each one. i find low level charters fighting where they are not ready for annoying. calling them for help is fine but letting them stay... i have better things to do than be flooded with help me help me help me considering how many people reach lvl 50 but haven`t finished their quest perhaps the exp handed out in fights should be eliminated and should only be given out for completed quest, its a thought
Yes certainly. As a Diviner (I have one myself) you are right where you should be for ds. Come on in and get that Triton ready, you will need it.
As for the poll I voted yes. Lately I have been seeing many more low level characters in ds. Normally I make a bee line around them; however, they will on occasions jump into my battles without asking and get killed off. That draws more for me to fight while trying to bring them back from the dead. There are also casses where I am passing by and someone, or several someones, ask for help. I jump into the fight only to discover that they are low level. A recent example; I helped three people out of a fight at the Tower Archives just two days ago. Two of them were below level 20 and one was the Grandmaster friend they ported in with. The two low levels were dead already and the Grandmaster was sinking trying to battle and heal. This annoys me to no ends but it's ds you know. You can't just walk off and allow someone to be beaten. That is only a recent example mind you. I can sight many examples across the travel history of three Grandmasters in every world from mb to ds where I've helped someone whose level was to low to deal with the fights.
KI set up the main story line quest and the side quests for a reason, to ensure that you are ready for the next world. With all three of my characters I've completed the quests before moving on to the next world and I've never had a problem like the one I'm seeing more and more of now. Even if that meant I had to not advance to track down quests I've missed. Such as the ms Wavebringer et. el. quests.
Yes! TOTALLY! I was in Marleybone fighting three deadly scratchers (by myself, the other people fled) and a level one friend teleportd, and drew in another scratcher, then fled. It was kind of hard.
Cassandra Griffincloud always in Banshee area one in knights court, ironworks, the bazaar, or Chealsea court, all in Marleybone except for Bazaar. Level 34, magus necromancer.
I do think that lower levels (more than likely to be kids doing this than adults, IMHO) port to higher levels not to help, but mostly for personal gain.
Sure, I'm sure there are players in Kroktopia who want to help friends in Mooshu, but more often than not, a player will blatantly ask you to take them to boss fights so they can farm items to sell or to keep for later use.
That does negatively affect the way I feel about the game. I can't blame anyone for resenting people who want to piggyback off your hard work to take the easy way out. That goes for badges, too. Badges should be something you earn, not something you can easily teleport into. Maybe they should put limit badges for certain worlds which can only be worn if you're a certain level range (Magus/Master for Mooshu badges, for instance).
There's a lack of gaming ettiquette from these types of players, as well. In Grizzleheim, I'd had experiences where players would jump in and cast zero pip spells instead of fighting once they see you're a Grandmaster. They are expecting you to carry the fight and they don't have to use their mana. I warned the player (who was a Magus or Master, can't recall which) that if he didn't cast a decent attack spell (with his full arsenal of pips), I would sit back and stop fighting until he did. He finally did cast a spell, and I quickly changed realms.
Tonight, I found players in Dragonspyre fighting Viktor Snowcrusher. One player complained that he teleported to a friend and the friend left the fight after he ported, and felt that was rude. I thought it was probably justified, if the player was teleporting without an invite. I think he took his chances and suffered the consequences. A couple of his friends had ported in to help him, but I ended up joining and saving the almost-dead player.
I probably should have switched realms, but I didn't notice that a player stayed behind waiting for me to start a new fight with Snowcrusher. This player jumped in long after I started the fight, and he admitted he wanted boss items to sell for gold. I told him that he should do that from bosses in his quests....not to come to a world he didn't belong in to do that.
When he was starting to build pips and only throw wand spells, I asked him why he wasn't using fight spells. His responses: No mana. I found that incredibly rude to expect me to fight for his boss drops, so I told him to leave. I was fighting this particular boss to get the best shoes for my school. As he replied "no", I told him that I would leave so he would have no choice in the matter. I fled the fight and hope that taught him a lesson.
Somehow, I doubt he'll stop using others for his own gain.