If they want to get there then they should work for it.. Jeez if i saw a level 1, closed chat player in a Moo Shu battle calling HELP! or HELP ME! (whatever the closed chat way of saying it is) I would leave them.
If they want to jump ahead then they should suffer the consequences and learn not to jump ahead.
That is REALLY mean if someone as a level 10 or lower I would help them!
If they want to get there then they should work for it.. Jeez if i saw a level 1, closed chat player in a Moo Shu battle calling HELP! or HELP ME! (whatever the closed chat way of saying it is) I would leave them.
If they want to jump ahead then they should suffer the consequences and learn not to jump ahead.
That is REALLY mean if someone as a level 10 or lower I would help them!
It is not immediately obvious what level they are when they call for help. Yesterday for example this life mage kept calling for help on every one of his fights. He could have done the fights easily, he just wanted more people so he can kill stuff faster.
Good afternoon Professors, As you can see, the overall census is geared more towards the people coming to your location unannounced.
I personally feel that you SHOULD be at a certain level before entering in each world because of the problems with people popping in on you unannounced. I agree with several people that have already replied, it is more aggravating to be in a tough battle and then all of the sudden BAM here comes this uninvited lower level guest who brings in an extra enemy to make the battle even more difficult if not fatal for the original player. No matter how many times the person pops in and out the tough fight is not eased by the incoming player at a lower level.
I do hope the monitoring system of who can join you where you are currently is added to this game because sometimes, no matter how much you like the other wizard, you just don't want the current company to join you.
I'm for the level requirement for worlds and here's why:
*I have had people that had less health than my opponents coming to me as soon as they logged in trying to fight them and complaining when they were defeated, even though it would almost leave me in a four against one situation
*I don't want it to be ridiculous, but still let the people be at a reasonable level to hold their own. Like level 35 for Dragonspyre, 25 for MooShu, 15 for Marleybone, and 5 for Krok.
*Perhaps have a "ghost" effect for people who don't meet the requirement. Allowing them to see what's in the world, but prevent them from entering battles or doing quests.
I dunno about you, but if someone popped in on me unannounced like that, I would remove them from my friends list and not ever add them again.
I don't think the level restriction is necessary because of all the other deterants to prevent what you are describing. Marlybone for example, it is hard to walk around without getting attacked by monsters. A lower level would have a hard time there.
I am a level 50 death wizard in dragonspyre. I find it annoying when you meet a level 10 wizard who jumps in to battle with you. It draws in extra monsters. They also will ask me to become there friends. I find that i have only a couple of high level friends and a bunch of low level friends now. They are no help to me in instanced areas. They should be able, in my opinion, to jump ahead but shouldn't gain experience in that world.
I think it would be a good idea to place level requirements on the worlds, reasonable levels that a person would be at when they reach a new world. Lately I am seeing more and more people taking lower level friends through high level worlds to get them to level up faster.
It just seems like it takes away from the game and isn't really fair to those of us who actually worked to get to where we are. It would also cut back on the number of noobs who teleport in, add an enemy, then leave because it is too overwhelming for them.
Well I disagree, and you shouldn't be calling people noobs its rude!
It would be nice if there was a way to warn the person that is trying to teleport to you that the person is (in battle) and it's not safe for you to teleport in! Ofcoarse this should apply only to real lower level players which would stop them from adding another monster to the battle and then fleeing the battle afterwards.
Fyi i'm a level 25 and I think that it should warn anyone no matter what level, so technically I disagree with your statement COMPLETELY!
i beleive that if u r not allowed to just skip over quests then it would be ok for a level to be required to enter other worlds. 8)
as for low level people teleporting into battles, adding an enemy and then fleeing, i recommend whenever somebody flees from a battle that an enemy is also reduced when the person flees.
It makes me really mad when there's a low lvl and I'm in battle in dragon spyre and trhey just come in to the battle so there should be a lvl limit and if they dont have text chat and you cant tell them to leave or anything IT JUST MAKES ME MAD! ! ! !
Well if staff make a wizard for each school and ONLY go through the main storyline they could see the BARE MINIMUM for a world. Maybe for each school or ( preferablly) Find the lowest overall and use that for a base.
Then if you want to get to worlds quick then just do the main storyline but if you want to be able to teleport in/ help friends higher up then you should put more work into the extra quests.
People jumping can sometimes be a pain but when the only friend on is a friend outside the game in krok, and you need help in marley really badly it can be a strain......
Personally i have 2 friends who i know out of game who have carried all out us through. I'm a bit ahead but we all work together.
Implementing a level requirement would be really a lot better.
I hate people jumping a head then doing quests or finding certain shops which have a free training spell in further parts of the game......
If they want to get there then they should work for it.. Jeez if i saw a level 1, closed chat player in a Moo Shu battle calling HELP! or HELP ME! (whatever the closed chat way of saying it is) I would leave them.
If they want to jump ahead then they should suffer the consequences and learn not to jump ahead.
THATS NOT VERY NICE What if they didn't mean to what if it was an accident?!?!?!? For your info i'm level 31 and i accidenlt tp to my friend in dragonspyre she's really NICE her name is Kathrine Sky Petal and she didnt just leave me there she helped me!
I think if you have completed the task, you should be able to progress because you will get more experience once you are there. If a person has to wait for a certain level to go to new world, it takes away from the game. I like the fact that you have to be certain level to receive different items but any other restrictions would take away from the game.
I agree to! Because i'm in krocatopia (srry bout the spelling) and i was only a lvl 11 when I got in. Now i'm 13 and i earned it but even if i port to my friend in a battle farther in people tell me to go back to wizard city!When I tell them that i'm supposed to be here they are still telling me to go back to wizard city where i belong! I find that disrepectful!
As far as the poll goes, i'd be curious to know how many of the "no" votes were the ones that are teleporting to higher levels to get leveled up. To teleport to someone without first talking to them is inconsiderate. Most of the ones that do this to an annoying degree could care less. As far as having trouble finding help in the level your in, if lower levels are NOT allowed, people within the same level would communicate and work together more - it would encourage teamwork. And if you have a friend who is in a lower level than you are, then motivation for them and for you to HELP them complete the quests that would give them access to that world. Lower level players have less points required in order to level up. As you go up in levels, points needed to level go up. If you want to work on it you can do bosses in the world you should be in to do so. People wanting the easy way , personally I'm tired of it, why play the game? Do you hand out all the properties to players when you play Monopoly before ever rolling the dice? Of course not, defeats the challenge of the game. There are rules. It is a process. As should be in Wizard 101. If from the beginning it had been set up to where players could not access the next world until finishing all quests in the world there were in, this wouldn't even be an issue. It would be accepted , known and all would still have fun, still level up, make friends and complete tasks and advance.
I chose no but i do the work only with help of my HIGHER lvl firends (like i have one who's in Marlybone and he will come if i sos) I am a low lvl but really far in three days of being a member!A lot of people think I skip worlds and that's why i'm so far but it's not true! look people who said yes how would you feel if you were like me. a lvl 13who did all the work but gets yelled at for being a lvl 13 Think about it
I think if you have completed the task, you should be able to progress because you will get more experience once you are there. If a person has to wait for a certain level to go to new world, it takes away from the game. I like the fact that you have to be certain level to receive different items but any other restrictions would take away from the game.
I agree to! Because i'm in krocatopia (srry bout the spelling) and i was only a lvl 11 when I got in. Now i'm 13 and i earned it but even if i port to my friend in a battle farther in people tell me to go back to wizard city!When I tell them that i'm supposed to be here they are still telling me to go back to wizard city where i belong! I find that disrepectful!
I'm new to this idea of moving forward in the game. I have a few questions when you say you are supposed to be there. Are you there because you have the quests? Do you have your own access to that world in the spiral chamber? Do you have quests still in the previous world, excluding side quests like sunken city?
Please realize I'm not judging your actions I just want to understand how this is happening. I get total silence from you fellows when I ask these questions in the game, if your not ashamed of what your doing then speak up.
My concern, and I think most others agree, you'll get to a point in the game where you can't move forward with out help and become a burden to others. I have seen level 17 in DS telling me thay have the quest to Malistair, although they may have the quest they couldn't go to him, can I help ? I'm not stepping into Dragons Roost with a level 17, are you kidding me! So I'll ask you does this level 17 with no admit to Malistair have the quest?
Really would like to here from you on this.
Also I like that you can go to higher level worlds of the game gives me an idea of what to do now and you can buy stuff that you can't get for your level in the world your in.
Simply put no, you'd be segregating the playerbase and keeping lower levels from seeing all the other things besides their current world which in a sense gives them something to look forward to. secondly the next big update if it goes as planned is giving you the ability to block teleports among other things.
There already is a minimum requirement mechanism in place; you can't stumble into new areas without completing the proper quests first. When you port, it tells you the area and asks for confirmation; you have to deliberately choose to circumvent the game flow.
octagig wrote:
I think it would be a good idea to place level requirements on the worlds, reasonable levels that a person would be at when they reach a new world.
What constitutes 'reasonable' here will vary from person to person. In most games, I like to go to higher level areas/quests because I tend to be well-equipped, may be duo-ing with my wife, and like a challenge, lest I get bored.
octagig wrote:
Lately I am seeing more and more people taking lower level friends through high level worlds to get them to level up faster.
That's called powerlevelling and people do that in any game. Perhaps they already enjoyed the game with their main character and just want a max level alt of a different school for PvP. Personally, I don't do it, but what's it to us if people do?
octagig wrote:
It just seems like it takes away from the game and isn't really fair to those of us who actually worked to get to where we are. It would also cut back on the number of noobs who teleport in, add an enemy, then leave because it is too overwhelming for them.
Isn't fair? What it fair? If they short themselves of gameplay experience, again, what does it matter to you? We're not talking about government equalising programs where someone loses so someone else can gain.
octagig wrote:
It would also cut back on the number of noobs who teleport in, add an enemy, then leave because it is too overwhelming for them.
That's a friends list issue, not a game mechanic issue. The privacy options in the next update will be the solution.
i think thare should be a option for your accont if you want noobs to come in or not (i dont know what you would call it maybe like world teloport) or something like that so i say NO big time and i helped some one do malistare wean i was lvl 26! and again what if thay ask you for help, huh? still a lvl requermet makes no sense! well heres an exsample, you are doing krokopatra and you call in a lvl 9 but you didnt have the option of any one else sense that was your only friend online so you went in by you self so far but your dieing now. so that insted of going to mb you die and have to try again, so maybe something like that. :) thanks for reading, ryan owl leaf lvl 45 ice / fire
I say no, and what does noob mean? I keep seeing it everywhere and if I am correct in thinking what it means, its a big putdown, right? Anyway, most under level wizards are in the higher levels because someone has asked them to help out or they wouldnt be able to get there. If they survived the boss fight then as I have I would look around a bit to see what was coming up in the future. If i got caught in a street fight I would try to fight them alone if not i would either die or flee. The point is what is the point? People you are acting totally ridiculous on this. So what if a lower level is in a higher level. Isnt getting experience and knowledge part of the game? Also when wizards ask for help hasnt it been expressed we should help them. Remember we were all lower levels at one point in time, and when we needed help people were there to help us regardless of our level. Sorry for the long comment, but thats my 2 cents worth.
I say no, and what does noob mean? I keep seeing it everywhere and if I am correct in thinking what it means, its a big putdown, right? Anyway, most under level wizards are in the higher levels because someone has asked them to help out or they wouldnt be able to get there. If they survived the boss fight then as I have I would look around a bit to see what was coming up in the future. If i got caught in a street fight I would try to fight them alone if not i would either die or flee. The point is what is the point? People you are acting totally ridiculous on this. So what if a lower level is in a higher level. Isnt getting experience and knowledge part of the game? Also when wizards ask for help hasnt it been expressed we should help them. Remember we were all lower levels at one point in time, and when we needed help people were there to help us regardless of our level. Sorry for the long comment, but thats my 2 cents worth.
And a very fine 2 cents, I agree with you 100% That is how I do it, one point I don't accept the quests given to me when I've "jumped a level" because it tends to mess things up.
The only problem I have is trying to help a lower level Wizard understand they may have these quests in another part of the spiral but they are out of order, that they have accepted a quest that is meant to be played in their future.
Very hard to convince them and then we start looking at what their earliest quests are. One Wizard I helped had MB, Krok and WC. I felt so bad for him I helped him finish the few he had in WC just till his quest log was begining to make since.
But yea, I love that we can go anywhere with our friends and be helpful. We should be mindful to instruct newbies or "noobs" if you will, (btw not really a bad word at all), not to accept quests out of order.
I voted yes, I do not like seeing low level players running around with a title "Savior of the Spiral". To me, they are just leechers and cheaters. I strongly feel there should be a level cap and main quest line requirement to advance to other worlds to cut back on leechers/cheaters/power-levelers being helped or having it easy way out.
I think it would be a good idea to place level requirements on the worlds, reasonable levels that a person would be at when they reach a new world. Lately I am seeing more and more people taking lower level friends through high level worlds to get them to level up faster.
It just seems like it takes away from the game and isn't really fair to those of us who actually worked to get to where we are. It would also cut back on the number of noobs who teleport in, add an enemy, then leave because it is too overwhelming for them.