It annoys me to no end when Novices jump into duels, pulling another monster in with you in Marlybone mind you, and then flee because the monsters are too hard.
I, however, like to have support from a couple of lower-leveled True Friends in Instanced Areas in certain worlds.
Maybe a way to keep them from jumping into your duels is that they get a busy signal if you're in a duel. But if you want help you could send an 'SOS' that the friend could click on, and then and only then, could they jump to you.
Awesome idea MrOwl ! I couldn't agree more you said it perfectly. You have my vote.
Only subscribers can travel to the other worlds on the Spiral. You have to earn your way to these other worlds by questing and following your professor's instructions. Read the quests carefully, as you progress you will hear mention from Ambrose about a land of manders.
If you want a sneak peak, you can read more about each of the worlds in our About the Game section of the website, under Worlds
Enjoy Wizard City, the other lands of the spiral will be there when you are ready. ~Professor Greyrose
gorfloplex wrote:
okay don't call me stupid but I'm lvl 13 and I have no idea how to get into other worlds besides wizard do I?
I think it would be a good idea to place level requirements on the worlds, reasonable levels that a person would be at when they reach a new world. Lately I am seeing more and more people taking lower level friends through high level worlds to get them to level up faster.
In my opinion, which I know isn't much; There should definately be level requisites before allowing players into the different worlds. I saw a level 8 walking around Moo Shu the other day. Come on really.
This behavior is as close to "cheating" as you can get. But all the responsibilty does not lay with the low level player. "Someone" has to be bringing them in. I for one will not keep a friend (nothing personal) if I feel they are not qualified to be in the world I am in.
Many of us have worked very hard to get to the advanced levels. Now we are eagerly awaiting Dragonspyre. We could not jump to Dragonspyre and get advanced clothing, weapons, equipment, and then go back to Krokatopia. (I wouldn't even want to, detracts from the game).
To make a short comment even longer. YES! There should be level requirements to enter the different worlds! Follow the game flow the way it was designed. Stop bringing players into worlds that they would never be able to survive in on their own.
I think if you have completed the task, you should be able to progress because you will get more experience once you are there. If a person has to wait for a certain level to go to new world, it takes away from the game. I like the fact that you have to be certain level to receive different items but any other restrictions would take away from the game.
How does it detract from the game. If you have not done the requsites to arrive in the world under your own abilities, walking in versus teleporting, then you should not be there. Simple.
Complete the quests, do the battles, find the items.
i wouldn't like a level requirement because well i didn't finish krokotopia but i am doing marleybone. it an easier way to level up. i am a storm so i have strong spells but i kind of miss a lot. and anyway i jsut think a level requirement is a bad idea. no offense.
"easier way to level-up" Of course. Why didn't we all think of this.
If the player has advanced to the point of being able to travel the spiral, then he should be able to enter a world. If he cannot enter of his own accord, the he should not have access.
The higher level players could be jumping back to help the low level friends advance.
I prefer a slightly different approach. Instead of a level limit, they need to have completed the main quest series for the previous world in order to access that world. I understand everyones views but I really find it discouraging to have some level 15 player teleport into a Mooshu boss fight and start messing up strategy by triggering traps with low level spells, because they lack teh experience of learning how to play higher level content. It happens all the time.
I think it would be a good idea if on the friend list there was info on where the friend is right now. Also there should be a system where the person who somebody is porting to would agree or disagree whether that person can port this time. This way nobody would port blindly and if they shouldn't come they wouldn't come at all.
I vote no, simply for the reason that I think people should be able to make their own decisions. However, if a level requirement is imposed, it will need to be the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM that you can get into that world. For example, someone could get into Krokotopia before level ten, I think, if the only the quests required of them to get to that point.
And, still being sick, the Terror of the Forums shall say no more on this subject.
I actually had to think about my vote for a while!
It would be nice to have a level requirement to reach a world because if their was a boss that just couldn't be beaten, you could just do other things and get to the level requirement for the next world. Then you could just move on and completely skip the task. But seriously - it would be annoying to have a quest just sitting there and taking up all that room in your book. I am one of those people who is a neat freak about only certain things. Like my quests for one. If I really can't do a quest, I will ask my friend Kaitlyn IceSword to help me get it off my hands.
I think that people should still be able to cheat and teleport to you when you are in the new world but that doesn't mean that they have just magically unlocked it so that they can go there by themselves!
I teleported to my friend and he was in Mooshu and I regretfully allowed myself a 'sneak peek'. I was regretfull because I remembered that I was the first of anyone I knew who unlocked Krokotopia and I loved exploring it. It is like Christmas all over again. You want to peek at your presents but everybody loves unwrapping a present and finding out it is exactly what you wanted. Ah... I love that feeling. That is why I only peeked at one of my presents! Hahaha. My mother said I wasn't her child if I hadn't peeked at something after I had admitted this. Hahaha.
Well, I can't vote because I'm of mixed emotions on this. My husband, our cousin that lives with us, and I are about the same levels, and we play together. (Yes, we have three computers in the house.) We help each other with the quests. I can see where lower levels can be of assistance, as our cousin was quite a few levels below us, and still joining our battles, and being a big help because of her ability to heal everyone. She carried the healing while we did the bashing. And it helped her get her quests done faster, leveled her up to us, and got us all even. We have had plenty of experience with those "people" who teleport to you, draw in an extra critter in an already hard battle, and then flee leaving us to deal with their draw. Or they stand behind us watching, then when we've just about got the battle won, and we are all really low on health, they jump in, draw another critter and leave us to deal with it. Which usually results in all of us getting wiped and gaining nothing for all our hard work.
There should be a way to get those kind of people for doing that.
I think there should be level requirements, but only with a group system.
Because, if your going to have level requirements for a zone, it's a reasonable idea, but like people above have said, there are times when you need a little extra help in higher worlds. If there was a group system, you could group with that person, and the level requirement shackles would be off, but then again, you'd have people who would constantly follow you asking for a group...
Or hey, even try like they did in City of Heroes/Villains, add a system where it bumps you up high enough when in a group, so you can at least survive those areas.
I don't really know on this one, and it's gonna require a lot of thought on my part... :?
I think if you haven't EARNED the access to a world you shouldn't be able to teleport there. Much less get the quests available and work them. What's the point in building up to the final quest that gains you access to the next world? And yes, sometimes lower level friends might not be able to teleport to you if your in a world they don't have access to, but then that would encourage more teamwork in helping them get there! It really is out of hand and affects the enjoyment of the game. interesting topic. I can say i have mixed feelings on this. Well, i have much exp dealing with differnt worlds and would know a thing or two. For starters, it depends what kind of requirments. A certain level would be good, but not to high that no one can get in. I can't really think of any other requirments there could be..maybe a certain item But there are some times where i really wish students wouldn't be able to come to certain worlds. Such as when i am in moo shu. There are people who don't and shouldn't be there and it annoys me, especially when they come into battle or expect you to help them. Then they continously ask to be your friend and pretty much follow you around. There should be certain requirements. I feel that To achieve a new world is an honor and a good feeling. But when a novice is in mooshu, its just wrong and dissapointing. Some students shouldn't be able to merely skip around worlds if they are let and please to, we work hard to get where we are at and to see some novice there? A discace. And i have thought of some certain requirement you need to get into the certain world. You know when you beat a world and you get a quest to go to a new one? Yeah..maybe there shoudl be something else. They could give you a item/badge/or key that can only allow you to enter that world, so if someone tried to come or teleport they wouldn't be allowed. Just saying there can be more to it than just levels.
i think things should stay the same, but add an option "allow teleport to player, disallow teleport to player. Put it in that fancy options menu. This will allow players to teleport to you when you need them, but stop them from teleporting when you are trying to draw experience from a battle.
if a player is in a world you dont have the key for, it should say "you dont have the key for this world, therefore you cannot teleport to it.
i have my friends list empty because of the teleport thing.
i would like an option in option menu, just like see names or not, one that says allow teleport or not!
I disagree completely, I feel friends should be able to teleport to each other between worlds... I have a few friends on much lower levels that I like to have in the game for extra help, and when they need help I help them, But I do feel that lower levels shouldn't be able to gain more XP just so they can reach the next level and I feel that there should be a warning before they teleport to that level saying something like " The world you are about enter is mostly ranged between the levels of 28-36 " Or something else to warn lower levels
I use my second account guy (which is in krok) to help me in dragon. There is almost NO way to solo dragonspyre so you need some kind of help and what if you didnt have any friends "with high enough level" to help ya?
[*] We should try not to unduly discourage friends from playing together, even if one friend's character is significantly lower in level than the other's; [*] I'd rather see a cap put on XP earned, so that beyond X difference between your actual level, and the expected level, you don't get any additional XP. That way, the abov epoint is preserved, while the exploit of "power-levelling" is somewhat curtailed; [*] I would also rather see each world pop up a "Hey, you sure about this" warning for people who are under-levelled for that area, than simply lock them out; [*] Quests can still be level-limited, without locking people out of the areas entirely. I would still suggest letting people up to 5 levels below the "expected" time of entry get thsoe quests, though - so a World that expects you to be level 30 ... you can get the quests from there, as soon as level 25.
I also agree with gmpax. I'm a level 19 diviner with a ton of great items ( coat of stomping my favorite ) All of my friends are always wanting to help them with a quest or a boss battle. if we had a world level cap i would be very angry because i cant get any good quests latley. Caps on worlds could also be a good idea. i have a level 10 friend who always wants to help! its so evil im fighting a street battle in krokotopia and all the level ten does is bring in more monsters!
I guess I'd have to say "no", because I love going to MooShu and Dragonspyre early since I'm only level 32, and Marleybone can be kind of boring. Plus, while I'm in Marleybone, I sometimes need help with a boss or area. If none of my high leveled friends are on, but my intitate friend Mary Pixiecloud is, then I can't get any help because of the limit. That would just be unfair. I can also see where the people who said yes are coming from, though. It is very annoying to have a low level teleport to you and then flee. I like the thought of having a limit on how many times you can flee, and the warning that you're entering battle with someone or that its high for you. I'm sure a lot of the people doing this are just trying to get a sneak peek at a world, only to find themselves in a battle against monsters that are 20 levels ahead of what they're used to. I debated this with myself for a long time, but finally decided against it. I'm going to think about this, and see if there's some other way to prevent this. Because I am a little embarrased when I'm showing off that I'm in Marleybone and some level 3 walks by. You should at least make it so that you can't flee battles if your friend warns you. Then you will know what you are up against, and can decide to face it or not. And if you do decide to face it, then you can't flee and give up.
I'm half and half on this decision. I voted Yes anyway
I'm in Dragonspyre and I'm tired of seeing low levels teleport to me and bring another monsters with 1,300 health into the battle then either flee or do nothing beneficial.
However, I'm fine with people going to Moo Shu and other places for higher experience just because when they really get there, They'll miss out on the experience they could have gotten now but chose to get earlier. Just let me tell you, it takes a lot longer to level up to 40 from 39 than to level from 10 to 11 and Dragonspyre is no picnic for experience.
I voted yes, but make it fairly lower end for people (by this I mean the experience you earned if you were to do just the straight primary quest to get to the next town). I would vote no though if as some pointed out before if there was menu chat options of:
I will not help you with healing, you are on your own because this is to high level area for you.
You should not be here.
You do realize this zone is well above your level and you could be easily killed.
Please flee this combat.
And Also:
No new creatures would join your combat if the joining player is at least 10 levels below the highest level player already in combat.
Me again, and I have some better reasons on why you should say "no" this time...
What if you are one of those people who do nothing but the quests that you have to? What if you gain access to a world that you can't go into because of the requirement? Then you are forced to stay in a world doing quests that you don't want to in order to level up.
I think someone should figure out what the minimum level that you can be, not what you should be is. Then, lower that by about 5 levels and you have your requirement. Still, I think that requirements are not right. I don't want to be banned from Dragonspyre!
My sister got into MooShu at, believe it or not, level 28. Yes, only an Adept! She was extremely low, but she got the quest to go in there. Imagine what would have happened if there was a requirement for, let's say, level 30. She would have to go back and do a lot before she was a high enough level to continue on with the game.
It is a certain no from both my sister and I, and I know that most of my friends agree.
Please listen... this would take a lot of the fun out of the game if there were level requirements. Don't ruin it!
I guess I'd have to say "no", because I love going to MooShu and Dragonspyre early since I'm only level 32, and Marleybone can be kind of boring. Plus, while I'm in Marleybone, I sometimes need help with a boss or area. If none of my high leveled friends are on, but my intitate friend Mary Pixiecloud is, then I can't get any help because of the limit. That would just be unfair. I can also see where the people who said yes are coming from, though. It is very annoying to have a low level teleport to you and then flee. I like the thought of having a limit on how many times you can flee, and the warning that you're entering battle with someone or that its high for you. I'm sure a lot of the people doing this are just trying to get a sneak peek at a world, only to find themselves in a battle against monsters that are 20 levels ahead of what they're used to. I debated this with myself for a long time, but finally decided against it. I'm going to think about this, and see if there's some other way to prevent this. Because I am a little embarrased when I'm showing off that I'm in Marleybone and some level 3 walks by. You should at least make it so that you can't flee battles if your friend warns you. Then you will know what you are up against, and can decide to face it or not. And if you do decide to face it, then you can't flee and give up.
I totally agree with you that "no " is the answer!
1. You're my sis XD
2. We can't help our Grandmaster friends!!!! *sob*