and trust me teamwork is the best thing in all ways
I don't think the OP is against teamwork- I think she was getting to the problem of people joining battles (uninvited) then deciding to hijack the direction of the battle by demanding blade/shield/heal/etc....
I have soloed most of the game on 6 different wizards. I have a lvl 71 life who is soloing through AV right now. Soloing is the key word here -that means I don't even bother to carry rebirth in my deck - and usually only one regenerate, and maybe 2 or 3 fairies for healing, and that is it. So when people join my battles and start telling me heal - well, sorry. I wasn't planning on being part of group, my deck isn't built for that.
That said - I love being part of a team where I have a designated role - that I *agree* to play. Then I can build my deck accordingly - and actually be a productive member of my team. I love to play tank on my lvl 80 ice for my fire/storm friends, throw out shields, etc.... as long as I know the hitting is taken care of, I can (and will) do that all day long if they need me (and ask nicely). Plus throw in my life amulet on the ice - I have plenty to do in a group without having to wait to get enough pips for snow angel or mammoth.
When schools cooperate together to do battle, it's great, especially if everyone knows what their role is to get the job done.
As a Balance, I don't mind providing shields, health, and blades to help a more powerful hitter. But, that's if you are working with a team to get the job done.
What annoys Balance wizards (and this includes other wizards from other schools, not just Balance), is when you start a solo fight with a mob, others join in (whether they ask or not is not a big deal), and start demanding to be healed/shielded/bladed.
As a good solo player, you keep your deck as small as possible, so the cards you need come up fast. There aren't any extras to hand out to others. I'm not giving my 2 blades, or 1 health to another player, just because they demand I do so. I'm going to use them for my own needs so I can get the job done, as it was my fight to begin with.
I had a different situation the other day. I had finally gotten my Ice wizard to Wintertusk, and was doing some random Defeat and Collect quest. All of a sudden, this random LIFE comes in. Now, My deck was built for solo. I decided to use Satyr on myself because I DESPERATELY needed healing. So, next turn, the the Life is actually fighting, I use Satyr. Do you know what he said? 'Heal me.' I mean really. You have about 300 health missing, I have almost no health left due to a double Ice Kraken, and YOU want ME to HEAL YOU! And he was a LIFE! Seriously? He didn't even ask for a shield or anything. He wanted HEALING. How does that work? And then he fled, leaving me with 3 enemies to kill. I also get the common 'Shield me!' a bunch as well. Ummm, I was just playing solo, and I normally don't shield, and you think you have the right to barge into my fight, do absolutely NOTHING, and ask for a shield? I hate people who demand things like that.
and trust me teamwork is the best thing in all ways
I don't think the OP is against teamwork- I think she was getting to the problem of people joining battles (uninvited) then deciding to hijack the direction of the battle by demanding blade/shield/heal/etc....
Amy, you just hit the nail right on the head! I have absolutely no problem with being part of a team, but random people hijacking my battles uninvited? Not okay.
amy7274 wrote:
I have soloed most of the game on 6 different wizards. I have a lvl 71 life who is soloing through AV right now. Soloing is the key word here -that means I don't even bother to carry rebirth in my deck - and usually only one regenerate, and maybe 2 or 3 fairies for healing, and that is it. So when people join my battles and start telling me heal - well, sorry. I wasn't planning on being part of group, my deck isn't built for that.
Same here~ my deck is only big enough for one of me. I think it's rude to demand anything from anyone, regardless of school. Life and Death wizards probably get this a lot, too, and I feel their pain. It's not about my school... it's about manners, and respecting that other people have their own plans; getting help is always nice, but remember that you're not entitled to it.
amy7274 wrote:
That said - I love being part of a team where I have a designated role - that I *agree* to play. Then I can build my deck accordingly - and actually be a productive member of my team. I love to play tank on my lvl 80 ice for my fire/storm friends, throw out shields, etc.... as long as I know the hitting is taken care of, I can (and will) do that all day long if they need me (and ask nicely). Plus throw in my life amulet on the ice - I have plenty to do in a group without having to wait to get enough pips for snow angel or mammoth.
Me too! I've been the healer, the tank... the healer AND the tank (lol). I was even asked to be the heavy-hitter once, on a Mirror Lake run with an Ice, a Death, and another Balance~ they all bladed me, and I went for the boss.
If we've agreed beforehand on our roles, that's fine. One less chimera for me... but, if you're going to be rude, don't expect any favours.
So glad that this is still going, and that the topic has gotten such a great response from the other schools as well. No one should ever feel like they /have/ to alter their deck or strategy, to suit the entitled folk.
"So glad that this is still going, and that the topic has gotten such a great response from the other schools as well. No one should ever feel like they /have/ to alter their deck or strategy, to suit the entitled folk."
I couldn't agree more!
It's sad that some players designate us into certain 'roles' for the game. As a team, it's fun to coordinate effort. As a soloist, it takes a lot of thinking and strategy to figure out what works best.
And, for anyone who wants to bash Soloists ....... it's not that we necessarily WANT to be soloists, it's that we don't have anyone else to hang with to do the same quests.
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.
I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...
1) you boost against the enemy's school, 2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or 3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,
you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.
Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.
I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".
(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)
- When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.
Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.
Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!
El Veeb/Shadowsong transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.
balance types arent the only ones asked yo heal and shield and buff you dont know how many times random people ask me to pvp with them just cause im a life type it gets kinda annoying so random people who probily just made a new wiz ask me to pvp with them cuase "im life so ill heal them when they die" it makes me mad
"So glad that this is still going, and that the topic has gotten such a great response from the other schools as well. No one should ever feel like they /have/ to alter their deck or strategy, to suit the entitled folk."
I couldn't agree more!
It's sad that some players designate us into certain 'roles' for the game. As a team, it's fun to coordinate effort. As a soloist, it takes a lot of thinking and strategy to figure out what works best.
And, for anyone who wants to bash Soloists ....... it's not that we necessarily WANT to be soloists, it's that we don't have anyone else to hang with to do the same quests.
I couldn't agree more to that statement there at the bottom.
Even though, in retrospect, I may be lucky since my friends are on the same quests as I am, I still find it hard to find anyone to do a quest with me. Most of my friends are busy in other worlds, so I have to solo dungeons, bosses etc. It all gets really tough when I don't have the right spells in my deck. (For a soloist I have a big deck. I have to because I have friends that will randomly teleport to me. And I seem quite popular for random people just to join my fight. :/ *Go Justin! And a thanks for all the Balenceblades in that last boss fight. Literally saved all of our lives.*)
balance types arent the only ones asked yo heal and shield and buff you dont know how many times random people ask me to pvp with them just cause im a life type it gets kinda annoying so random people who probily just made a new wiz ask me to pvp with them cuase "im life so ill heal them when they die" it makes me mad
Oh, I feel your pain~ I have a Life wizard in my little family of them, though she doesn't get spammed for healing anywhere near as often as my sorcerer does. That's why I've said, over and over again, that it's impolite to demand anything from anyone... I don't care what our "job" is: we don't have to give up anything for people who don't deserve it.
I'm glad that this thread has gotten such a good response from other schools~ that tells me that I'm not the only one who's sick of this rudeness, and that it needs to stop.
balance types arent the only ones asked yo heal and shield and buff you dont know how many times random people ask me to pvp with them just cause im a life type it gets kinda annoying so random people who probily just made a new wiz ask me to pvp with them cuase "im life so ill heal them when they die" it makes me mad
Oh, I feel your pain~ I have a Life wizard in my little family of them, though she doesn't get spammed for healing anywhere near as often as my sorcerer does. That's why I've said, over and over again, that it's impolite to demand anything from anyone... I don't care what our "job" is: we don't have to give up anything for people who don't deserve it.
I'm glad that this thread has gotten such a good response from other schools~ that tells me that I'm not the only one who's sick of this rudeness, and that it needs to stop.
Happy travels, El Veeb
I feel your pain there. It gets annoying sometimes and I have to spam the block sometimes. :/
And, for anyone who wants to bash Soloists ....... it's not that we necessarily WANT to be soloists, it's that we don't have anyone else to hang with to do the same quests.
That's half-true (for me, anyway). Like you, I often find that I don't have anyone to quest with~ since I'm in AST (Atlantic standard time), that puts me up to 4 hours ahead of most people on my friends-list; the only time I see them is when I stay up all night and don't go to bed until 5 am my time (which is when the game usually goes down for maintenance anyway).
To be honest, I'd rather play alone, but that's only because a lot of people I've encountered in my travels are either entitled or unreliable. At level 80, most of my friend-requests (which I decline) are from random level 10s in the bazaar, who are looking for someone to power-level them... or, they join my fight and go AFK. I'm sorry, but I'm not wasting pips on someone who's inanimate.
(We totally need to hang out in the Spiral one of these days, QueQueg. We'll go beat your gear out of Malistaire, throw down with Mithraya, and maybe annoy Glowstorm a bit, just because it's fun... this could be very entertaining.)
Hey guys, I've also been in a sit like this. It was Avalon fighting some guys for a quest when some dude just randomly walks in. I could tell he ddint get sucked in, he just walks in like I'm not there. And me being a Life, appearently that means I'm supposed to just heal him, and do nothing else. Um, my battle? So he asks to be healed when he joined with barely 800 health. I healed him cause well, I'm nice like that :D But honestly... When I accidently get sucked into a battle, I apologize, being the awesome, polite person that I am XD but no this guy just comes in like he's the boss or something. Rude much. No "please may I join." Or "Sorry, I got pulled in."
how'd they like it if someone just randomly joined their battle with health that'll barely last them a round or two and jsut EXPECT to be healed or bladed, or shielded. Its not our responsbilty to be their providers when they arent prepared. Next time this happens I swear no one gets heals from me! O:
Hey guys, I've also been in a sit like this. It was Avalon fighting some guys for a quest when some dude just randomly walks in. I could tell he ddint get sucked in, he just walks in like I'm not there. And me being a Life, appearently that means I'm supposed to just heal him, and do nothing else. Um, my battle? So he asks to be healed when he joined with barely 800 health. I healed him cause well, I'm nice like that :D But honestly... When I accidently get sucked into a battle, I apologize, being the awesome, polite person that I am XD but no this guy just comes in like he's the boss or something. Rude much. No "please may I join." Or "Sorry, I got pulled in."
how'd they like it if someone just randomly joined their battle with health that'll barely last them a round or two and jsut EXPECT to be healed or bladed, or shielded. Its not our responsbilty to be their providers when they arent prepared. Next time this happens I swear no one gets heals from me! O:
-James Archmage Life-
Yay, this thread's still up!
@James~ that the guy you mentioned in your post is lucky that he ended up with you and not me. LOL. I have no problem helping other players, but if someone walks into MY fight with 800 health, that's his problem.
When I was a little kid, my school librarian used to tell us that, "a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine. Translation: I'm not going to overcompensate because you're unprepared.
No matter what school you are, it's never your teammates' responsibility to heal you. I mean, if I see you get slammed with a critical Levy and have the pips/cards to heal you... that's another story entirely. But don't stand there and spam healing requests at me~ if you do this, you've just signed your own death warrant. LOL.
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.
I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...
1) you boost against the enemy's school, 2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or 3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,
you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.
Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.
I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".
(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)
- When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.
Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.
Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!
El Veeb/Shadowsong transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.
agreed noone should ever do that it drives me insane!!!
I have to agree wholeheartedly. I gladly give blades and heals to help the team effort. However, if someone demands it, I usually give it to someone else in the group. People love to expect us to just give them things because we have the tools that will complement any school. That is why we are called balance. Don't take us for granted if you want our cooperation. Yes, we are very well "balanced." But we are also very proud, and a bit stubborn. Lol!
I agree with this and I'm Balance. I have people yelling "BLADE ME" "PLAY JUDGEMENT" I just tell them to not tell me what to do. They usually don't say anything afterwards.
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.
I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...
1) you boost against the enemy's school, 2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or 3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,
you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.
Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.
I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".
(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)
- When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.
Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.
Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!
El Veeb/Shadowsong transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.
I completely agree with you, I played with this one random thaumaturge who had the complete ability to heal himself, yet when he got low on health, he just demanded that shield him. My response was a very definative "No" as it should be.
For me all it takes is adding please or sorry or some form of politeness to a sentance asking me to do something, and I will gladly do it.
-"Do you want to defend against Life, or Death? I say "Is it too much to ask for both?"' -Talon Earthheart, Magus Sorcerer
The problem is that a lot of people fail to see that even the support classes can fight just fine on their own. :x The worst part is when people then throw a hissyfit because you didn't want to heal/shield/blade them when you have full powerpips and eight blades floating around your head, and they just dragged in a single monster more that will be turned into mush by your Colossal Ra.
I don't know HOW many times my little attack-oriented Life has been fighting, only for a group to arrive and start demanding that she switch to healing them while they argue amongst themselves and throw low-pip spells at the monsters... Resulting in a lot more damage taken and a lot less damage dealt than if she had just put two blades on herself and unleashed the forest lord.
That said, though, I have met somewhat... selfish Balance and Life wizards. Such as running in with a Fire wizard, politely asking for a blade so that you can quickly destroy everything in the ring with a Meteor, or for a heal so that you can survive long enough to cast said Meteor. Only, of course, for the balance wizard to waste their pips on a no-blade scorpion (at a time where they have access to Power Nova) and for the life wizard to start spamming imps...
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.
I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...
1) you boost against the enemy's school, 2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or 3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,
you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.
Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.
I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".
(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)
- When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.
Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.
Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!
El Veeb/Shadowsong transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.
Thank you for finally posting this i hate when people do this it is soooo annoying just because we have the tools to power you up doesnt mean we are going to just because you say so, my godness what is your problem i have many poeple who do this to me and some friends who ask for it, if there in the same battle i will only blade or shield the person who asks and not the person who demands it. -John Dragoncatcher Lvl 80 Sorcerer-
vonawesone i want to friend your character in game you are awesome, and i really hate it when one of my friends who is not a high lvl like a lvl 16 for example(this happpened yesterday) ports to me just because he wants to go to avalon then he dies a demands to be healed no no NO! i will not heal you when yo joined this battle without asking even though you are such a low lvl seriously why would you do that, that is the reason my teleports are never on so not so smart low lvl people cannot port when i am in battle and do nothing but bring in another enemy!!!!!!!!!
The problem is that a lot of people fail to see that even the support classes can fight just fine on their own. :x The worst part is when people then throw a hissyfit because you didn't want to heal/shield/blade them when you have full powerpips and eight blades floating around your head, and they just dragged in a single monster more that will be turned into mush by your Colossal Ra.
For some reason, people seem to think Shadowsong incapable of fighting by herself, but she always proves them wrong. Most notably, I don't give her any shields for mob-fights and she has an amulet blade that stacks with her trained ones... which, when combined with Amp, Colossal, and/or a lucky critical, makes for one deadly Nova. Most of the time, the enemies don't live long enough to even put a dent in her armour.
(I'll be honest~ pre-Legendary Balance wizards are a nightmare to solo the game with. As a grandmaster, Shadowsong struggled something awful, but she always got the job done... then, when she hit level 60, it was like someone flipped a switch. She coasted through Zafaria and most of Avalon (she maxed out in the Outer Yard) without help and now just destroys everything she runs across. The difference was (and still is) night and day, heh.
Bookshelvings wrote:
I don't know HOW many times my little attack-oriented Life has been fighting, only for a group to arrive and start demanding that she switch to healing them while they argue amongst themselves and throw low-pip spells at the monsters... Resulting in a lot more damage taken and a lot less damage dealt than if she had just put two blades on herself and unleashed the forest lord.
I feel for Life wizards. Tavia (my baby theurgist) is only level 32 and in Marleybone, so she hasn't run into any beggars just yet, but her main focus is not on healing. As of now, her highest-ranking spell is Seraph, but it can be pretty deadly when I pop 3 blades (pet, trained, spirit blades) up beforehand.
Like Balance, Life is good for more than just healing. And, like my sorceress, Tav will heal teammates who are polite and/or useful. Start begging, and she'll happily let the monsters do her dirty work... LOL.
Bookshelvings wrote:
That said, though, I have met somewhat... selfish Balance and Life wizards. Such as running in with a Fire wizard, politely asking for a blade so that you can quickly destroy everything in the ring with a Meteor, or for a heal so that you can survive long enough to cast said Meteor. Only, of course, for the balance wizard to waste their pips on a no-blade scorpion (at a time where they have access to Power Nova) and for the life wizard to start spamming imps...
You, and everyone else. :P
Unfortunately, it's hard to tell whether or not a player will be a decent one, based on his or her school alone (I've played all 7, though Storm is my favourite). In a world with 25 million + players, not everyone will be nice... but I should hope that most people have enough sense, and proper manners, not to beg. If my toddler nephew can say please and thank you, so can everyone else.
Whether or not I help you is based on how you treat me on the battlefield~ you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. But don't expect to get something for nothing... I don't think that's unreasonable.
(Another common misconception is that Fire and Storm wizards are rude and have huge egos. Sure, some of them do... but every school has a bad seed, or 5000.)
And I did see a friend of mine spam colossal Scarabs once. Mind you, we were pet-farming Nightshade... not exactly a massive undertaking, when you're level 80. ;)
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.
I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...
1) you boost against the enemy's school, 2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or 3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,
you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.
Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.
I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".
(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)
- When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.
Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.
Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!
El Veeb/Shadowsong transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.
lolz i agree one friend just reported me for not healing him rofl
As ice, I'm begged to taunt. Sure, I'll throw a snow angel. "SHIELD ME" isn't ok though. I tower myself, or legion if I'm feeling nice. What I would do if I was balance, and people repeatedly begged me is I would keep group buffs in my sideboard. Yeah, your deck is built for soloing but if someone joins you don't have to be a jerk about it. I'll let balance unleash Ra. It's not that I underestimate balance, it's just that if I give you Frozen Armor and towers throughout the match, all I get is the blade storm you used for yourself? I don't think that's very fair.
I also have a life wizard, but the same rules apply. I rarely solo, but when I do, I don't take out all group support spells. Think of others when making your deck. So what if you're soloing? If someone forgets to say something when they run into your battle, that doesn't mean that you have to completely ignore their needs.
Now, I can understand it when someone gets sucked into a battle; they're walking by minding their own business and bam! They suddenly find themselves doing something they didn't want or intend to do. To me the right thing to do is apologize..."Hey, sorry I just got sucked in." If they did that then I wouldn't mind them joining in. But they don't. No, instead they just take over. Never mind that you might need that battle for a quest, or that you may have been trying to get all the exp. points you could. (Yes the exp. points are divided amongst players in a battle.)
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this Esmerelda, but you have this comment wrong. Experience points are NOT, I repeat, NOT divided amongst players in a single duel. A player that does not use ANY spells will get NO experience, no matter how many other wizards are there.
The experience is determined my the spells you use. A zero pip spell or a 1 pip spell gives 3 experience. A 2 pip spell gives 6. A 3 pip gives 9 and so on, in increments of three. At the end of the battle only the spells you have used yourself are factored into the experience you get.
I know this from testing it myself back when I started. If you pay close enough attention to the aftermath of a battle, the amount of experience that each individual wizard gets are very seldom if EVER the same in the later parts of the game.
The reason for this is because the likelihood of any two wizards getting the exact same amount of experience, ESPECIALLY in later parts of the game, is highly unlikely. Note, I said UNLIKELY, not IMPOSSIBLE. If two wizards perhaps collaborate with each other and set up the exact same deck, and by some stroke of luck pull the exact same level cards each turn they use them, then yes, it is possible for two wizards to gain the same experience.
Think about it this way. You and your friend both go into a sigil dungeon, and one of you starts the battle because you're high level, and get the battle to near completion. You're then told to come on in and join. While yes, you do, then get credit for participating in the battle, you do NOT get the experience that comes from all the cards and attacks your friend has used. And you will likely get a considerable amount less than that since, at that point, the battle is nearing its end.
Another way to look at it. Someone goes and starts a battle in the street, and gets the battle near its end, on their own, having used many high-level spells to get the experience, then some other wizard 'decides' because youre almost finished to join the battle. If your comment about experience being shared were true, then approximately half of the first wizard's experience he EARNED would be given to the second wizard who has done little if anything.
That is an oversight that I highly doubt KingsIsle would let slip. Sorry, but experience is NOT shared.