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Never say this to a Balance wizard...

Feb 07, 2011
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.

I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...

1) you boost against the enemy's school,
2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or
3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,

you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.

Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.


I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".

(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)

When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.

Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.

Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!

El Veeb/Shadowsong
transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.

May 13, 2011
vonawesome1 wrote:
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.

I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...

1) you boost against the enemy's school,
2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or
3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,

you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.

Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.


I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".

(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)

When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.

Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.

Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!

El Veeb/Shadowsong
transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.

my best wiz is a sorcerer and i dont get such things as "buff/heal/shield me!". well, i especially wont shield since i almost never carry one, but i agree. sorcerers have feelings too! i wish i got to meet your wiz

Quinn Ironsword - the offensive type sorcerer and proud owner of a leviathan

Mar 18, 2012
I agree. I hate it when people just join in on a battle. They don't get sucked in, they walk into it. They don't apologize or even ask "Hey, mind if I join?" or "Would you like some help?" Some of us don't want to fight 3-4 enemies...some of us just want to fight the 1-2 that we were fighting before someone else joined.
Now, I can understand it when someone gets sucked into a battle; they're walking by minding their own business and bam! They suddenly find themselves doing something they didn't want or intend to do. To me the right thing to do is apologize..."Hey, sorry I just got sucked in." If they did that then I wouldn't mind them joining in. But they don't. No, instead they just take over. Never mind that you might need that battle for a quest, or that you may have been trying to get all the exp. points you could.
(Yes the exp. points are divided amongst players in a battle.)
What happened to nettiquette? These people say "Well the game tells us to..."
BULL! You have your own minds.
What I normally do is let the person who joined w/out asking or apologizing have the battle...yup I stand there and let them get beat up. I don't have to help someone who's a lower level if I don't feel like it. And if these people don't like that fact, then too bad and maybe they'll learn from that. I don't heal them, in fact I refuse to unless they apologized or asked to join. Why should I waste my PIPs and Treasure Cards on someone who can't respect my character?

Apr 10, 2010

I most certainly agree with you! I really do not appreciate demands from others. Especially if they jump into my battle!

What I do appreciate is when
1. someone asks if they can join my battle. I tell them sure about 100% of the time.

2. If someone gets pulled into my battle, they STAY and help me fight the extra enemy they've pulled in.

3. Jsut say the simple word "Please"; it really works. this thing called being polite isn't overrated, folks. lol Try it; you might like it!

Feb 03, 2012
If you ever had a battle were you have nearly no health left, they defeat the last enemy and then some random strnager walks in with another enemy, you would agree to this post. People these days, the world would be so much better if everyone could get along be nice.

Oct 22, 2011
I get that, too. I'm an Archmage Sorceress (just completed Avalon).

I'm in the first circle, and when others join (whether they ask or not), I frequently get the demand to "blade me", "heal me", or even "shield me". Since I'm first, it's all I can do to help myself. Balance has only ONE no-pip blade and only ONE no-pip trap. All the rest take one white pip, or if you get all power pips, one entire power pip is used for blades/traps (meaning, technically two pips, which is unfair).

I'm not wasting my pips on another player who can't blade themselves, or didn't have heal cards. These other players also want the HUGE hits on the enemies, whether just because they want to, or just showing off, I'm sure a little of both.

Balance wizards have a hard enough time getting decent damage hits. With just the wimpy 25% blade, plus 15% amplify, and colossal enchancement, my damage ranges between 1100-1400 (Nova), and 1200-2100 (Ra). That's with a 64% damage boost. Even though I have 155 for critical, I very rarely critical ..... and besides, most of the enemies use crit block anyway, even the street thugs.

If I join a battle, and am NOT in the first circle, then I'll help heal and blade to the person on the first circle. This has done very well for me as well as the other players.

But, if I'm in the first circle, I'm going to do everything possible to help myself. That includes blades and heals. I'm not going to worry about the other players.

Many other players think all Balance does is load up on blades/traps/health/shields. Not true. I know exactly what I need to get the job done, and very little goes into my deck .... only enough for myself and no others.

Feb 07, 2011
So many good points here, from everyone! Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

As mentioned, I have no problems with people joining my battles. Even those who don't ask (either because they got sucked in, or just weren't paying attention) are, 9 times out of 10, polite and willing to help... and I'm willing to help them, in return. I only have issues when I'm in the first spot and people start demanding- there IS a difference between asking me nicely to help you and outright ordering me to do so.

If I'm the one who's gotten sucked into someone's fight (and it happens), I always:

1. apologize,
2. ask before touching ANY traps,
3. don't beg for blades or buffs, and
4. heal/buff/shield that other person where I can.

I'm level 78, power-pip chance is 98%. Having to fork over 2 pips for a 1-pip spell is a bit lame, but I'll do it if:

1. I'm in the second spot,
2. get pulled in, or
3. accidentally waste someone's trap*

*(like, if we both have attacks up, and s/he fizzles, that's not anyone's fault). I carry feints and tri-traps, for those reasons.

I always have enough buffs for myself, and no more. Whether or not I'm willing to share those with you depends on how much you annoy me (or not) during the fight.


Apr 28, 2009
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

,Luis LegendBlade

Oct 22, 2011
I hate getting sucked into a battle, especially in some parts of Avalon. If I do, I ALWAYS apologize and immediately take a look to see who might need health, or whatever I can help them with. For regular battles, I only carry 16 cards in my deck. I normally only carry one Availing Hands, but I've learned to put an extra one in my deck just in case and one reshuffle.

Through most of Avalon, other wizards seemed to be nice and polite. I didn't run into too much trouble with demands.

What annoyed me the most (when it happened), was one or more wizards would join my battle, wait till the extra monsters showed up, then FLED. Some of those monsters were really tough, especially if you're fighting Balance enemies (and you're a Balance yourself). Luckily, in one incidence, other wizards asked to join to help me out, because they saw me stuck with 4 monsters by myself. WOOHOO! I was very thankful and told them so.

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
vonawesome1 wrote:
... or to anyone, for that matter. But, since I happen to be a Balance wizard (primarily), I'll roll with that for now.

I'm sure I speak for sorcerers everywhere, but, unless you like being a bobblehead, NEVER ask me to just "give" something to you. I don't care if...

1) you boost against the enemy's school,
2) you have forest lord/scarecrow/insert high-rank spell here, or
3) you have 2 health left and *will* die on the next turn,

you do NOT just DEMAND things from me.

Buffing and healing are NOT all I'm good for; taking care of you is not my responsibility, and a lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... I am not a one-stop convenience store, and am sick of being treated like one.


I was fighting some Logres Knights in Avalon earlier, when some random necro joined my battle halfway-through. I didn't have any problem with him being there, until I went to blade myself and he said "give it to me"- no please, or anything like that. Just "give it to me".

(to annoy him, I bladed myself anyway, then hit with back-to-back Power Novas)

When you join my battle (as in, I started it and have done all or most of the work), I call the shots- not you. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially not if you're going to /demand/ that I buff or heal you, or ask me to give up a boost that I need for myself.

Remember- just because I /can/ buff and heal you doesn't mean I have to.

Safe travels, to my (non-obnoxious) fellow wizards!

El Veeb/Shadowsong
transcendent sorceress, who's fed up with being ordered around.

As long as they don't follow me or help me ever again, I'd do it.

Feb 03, 2012
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

,Luis LegendBlade

I've never heard of any one ordering death to do that in a normal battle, and also cooperating is not the same as ordering. If your gonna work as a team you need to actually want to be in the team. Also fire would also be a remove shield on too partly.

Feb 07, 2011
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel.

You are missing the point completely.

My issue is that, even though we may be "expected" to do things a certain way, we are not obligated to do so- hence why I prefaced this post with, "... or to anyone, for that matter". There is a difference between asking nicely ("can you blade me, please?") and being rude ("give it to me").

Have you ever been on a plane? Ever seen those nice, little oxygen masks that drop down from overhead, and the warning that states, "if you are with someone who requires assistance, put on your own mask before helping someone else?" That same principle applies in-game- here's why:

Example: I'm in combat with a Myth wiz. We are both about to die.

Myth: "Can you please heal me?".
Me: *heals self, waits a few turns, then heals Myth*

If I had healed him first, and been defeated, that Myth wizard can't heal me back and I'd lose credit for everything we'd accomplished. By healing myself first, I've ensured that I survive long enough to help him out.

TJCAR wrote:
If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.


I don't exist for the sole purpose of helping you. You did not ask to join my fight, and the fact that you jumped or ported in without filling your health first is not my problem.

Unless we are in a dungeon, and have specifically agreed that my sole purpose in that dungeon is to buff and heal you, you have no right to expect anything from me; therefore, the person making demands is the one being selfish. There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting ourselves first.

El Veeb/Shadowsong

Oct 22, 2011
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

I was going to post a response to this yesterday, but I'm sure I would have been banned from the forum if I wrote exactly what I was thinking at the moment.

When people are in a battle (mobs or boss), it is expected that everyone do SOMETHING. I've had experience with other wizards that jumped into my battles and just sat there the entire time. Fully loaded pips. No wand attacks, no shields, no health, no nothing. I did all the work, and they got credit for what they needed.

Most of the time I play solo. Not because I want to, but because there isn't anyone else I can hang with to do quests. So, for street mobs, I put together a deck for a solo player:

4 Colossal
2 15% Amplify
2 Ra
2 Power Nova
2 Sandstorm
2 25% Balance blade
1 Availing Hands
1 Reshuffle

This helps me so that the cards I need will some up in the combination I want them. Now, if other people join my battle and DEMAND that I blade/heal/shield them, I don't have extras for that. I'm going to take care of number one, and that is me. Balance (for example), is not obligated to "boost" others. If I were in another circle (besides the first one), I would change my deck accordingly to help others as well as myself.

I'm not going to change my deck when playing solo, just because there might be people that jump in the battle with me, and they feel I need to help them out with their attacks.

It's different when you play/fight as a team, and my deck will reflect that. I will heal whomever needs it. I will shield whomever is getting hit the most. I will blade whomever will be attacking next. It's a courtesy I will provide, but it's not my obligation to do so, just because I'm Balance. This goes for any other school as well. They're not obligated to do what's "expected".

In a sense, each player is out to do what they can for themselves first to accomplish whatever quest or part of the game they need.. It's not selfish, it's a fact. If you have others to play with, you work in cooperation. If you're playing solo, you're going to help yourself. Period.

Jul 09, 2011
AstroStorm wrote:
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

,Luis LegendBlade

I've never heard of any one ordering death to do that in a normal battle, and also cooperating is not the same as ordering. If your gonna work as a team you need to actually want to be in the team. Also fire would also be a remove shield on too partly.

Actually AstroStorm, being an Archmage Necromancer I can say I've been asked many times to drain my health to boost others with Dark Pact, heal with Sacrifice, or debuff with Bad Juju and Virulent Plague. Not to mention shielding others with Death Shield and my Tower Shields and destory shields with Poison and Skeletal Dragon. So I know where all you Sorcerers are coming from, as I like to think Necromancy and Sorcery as a similar school in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Feb 03, 2012
zelda3456147 wrote:
AstroStorm wrote:
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

,Luis LegendBlade

I've never heard of any one ordering death to do that in a normal battle, and also cooperating is not the same as ordering. If your gonna work as a team you need to actually want to be in the team. Also fire would also be a remove shield on too partly.

Actually AstroStorm, being an Archmage Necromancer I can say I've been asked many times to drain my health to boost others with Dark Pact, heal with Sacrifice, or debuff with Bad Juju and Virulent Plague. Not to mention shielding others with Death Shield and my Tower Shields and destory shields with Poison and Skeletal Dragon. So I know where all you Sorcerers are coming from, as I like to think Necromancy and Sorcery as a similar school in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

I meant i've never seen anyone ask death to reduce heal on life, unless if your in pvp that should never happen.

Feb 07, 2011
QueQueg wrote:
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

I was going to post a response to this yesterday, but I'm sure I would have been banned from the forum if I wrote exactly what I was thinking at the moment.

When people are in a battle (mobs or boss), it is expected that everyone do SOMETHING. I've had experience with other wizards that jumped into my battles and just sat there the entire time. Fully loaded pips. No wand attacks, no shields, no health, no nothing. I did all the work, and they got credit for what they needed.

Most of the time I play solo. Not because I want to, but because there isn't anyone else I can hang with to do quests. So, for street mobs, I put together a deck for a solo player:

4 Colossal
2 15% Amplify
2 Ra
2 Power Nova
2 Sandstorm
2 25% Balance blade
1 Availing Hands
1 Reshuffle

This helps me so that the cards I need will some up in the combination I want them. Now, if other people join my battle and DEMAND that I blade/heal/shield them, I don't have extras for that. I'm going to take care of number one, and that is me. Balance (for example), is not obligated to "boost" others. If I were in another circle (besides the first one), I would change my deck accordingly to help others as well as myself.

I'm not going to change my deck when playing solo, just because there might be people that jump in the battle with me, and they feel I need to help them out with their attacks.

It's different when you play/fight as a team, and my deck will reflect that. I will heal whomever needs it. I will shield whomever is getting hit the most. I will blade whomever will be attacking next. It's a courtesy I will provide, but it's not my obligation to do so, just because I'm Balance. This goes for any other school as well. They're not obligated to do what's "expected".

In a sense, each player is out to do what they can for themselves first to accomplish whatever quest or part of the game they need.. It's not selfish, it's a fact. If you have others to play with, you work in cooperation. If you're playing solo, you're going to help yourself. Period.

You are my new best friend.

I'm a solo player- unless the instance calls for something different, I always help myself first. See the airplane analogy above.

I have never asked anyone for buffs, heals, or shields- I refuse to, because I've been on the receiving end of these requests enough times to know that they are rude. It's an unfair assumption to make, that all we sorcerers do is load up on buffs, and it's even more unfair to demand that we just hand them over.

zelda3456147 wrote:
I know where all you Sorcerers are coming from, as I like to think Necromancy and Sorcery as a similar school in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

I agree with this, especially because I have a necro grandmaster who's been in that position. Death is probably the closest school to us, the only notable different being that Balance doesn't have any DoTs (and the fact that we have to waste 4-9 pips to break shields).

Speaking of shields, Val keeps them to himself- his secondary is Myth, so I just slap on a -70% Death shield before he casts Dark Pact, Empower, or Sacrifice to reduce the damage he takes.

See you in the Spiral,
(one of these days!)

El Veeb/Shadowsong/Val(erian)
archmage sorceress/grandmaster necromancer

Feb 19, 2011
Just to clarify an error up the thread - experience (and loot) are not divided among the wizards present. You always get the experience for the spells you cast yourself (and nothing else), and every player there at the end gets all the loot for all the opponents killed. A newplayer joining the fight can actually increase the experience and loot you get.

There are reasons to dislike it when players join without asking but those aren't among them.

Oct 23, 2011
I may not be balance, but i know what you mean, being a lvl 80 life. One time i had about 200 life left, and some other guy joined with like 100 life and he brought on another enemy . Right when he joined, he DEMANDED that i heal him. So just to annoy him, i healed myself and fled.

Feb 29, 2012
TJCAR wrote:
Please don't complain, everyone goes through it everyone is expected to do something in a duel. Life=heal, Balance= boost, Storm= kill the enemy fast, Ice=shield, Death= stop the life from healing, Fire= nothing but attack, Myth=remove shield.

Balance fall's into the same category as death, they can heal, attack, and boost. If you're not using these group helping tactics but instead using it for yourself, then you are just being selfish.

,Luis LegendBlade

Exactly. I totally agree with you on the Storm thing. Sure, I like it when I get Balanceblades and all, but with our bad accuracy I think that they would be best suited for yourself.

Another thing I hate is when players demand that I heal them. I've got both healing spells in the Life school and most people know that. Sure, if someone was knocked out I'll heal them. If I feel like healing you I will. If anyone asks for healing when I need it more than they do I get annoyed. Just a Storm speaking.

- Scarlet Nightdreamer, Level 41 Storm Witch

Jan 14, 2011
Goodness, y'all balance wizards did get the short end of the stick there ...

I am a life wizard, so I get asked to heal people a lot, and you know, I do. Even if they step into my battle uninvited. Truthfully, I need the help most of the time. It is always great when you only have a little bit of health and someone else steps in. Then they can do some attacking while you heal yourself. Not to mention, the creatures you are fighting might attack them instead of you. (This sounds a little selfish, but it is true.) Life wizards got the short end of the stick on sttck strength, so it is always nice for a hard hitter to walk into your battle, even if they drag in another enemy. One thing that annoys me though, when someone gets sucked into my battle with an enemy, then flees. This has happened to me so many times. So irritating!

Hailey Fairygarden
Level 30 Life Wizard

Oct 22, 2011
I do feel for Life Wizards. Like Balance, Life wizard attacks are not overly powerful. Fortunately, you do have better blades than we do, which helps a lot. I can sympathize when everyone asks to "heal me" during any type of play, whether it's a mob or boss.

I appreciate any Life wizard that I play with healing me without me asking. I never ask or demand. I always say "thank you", and believe it or not, many times I'll get healed more than other players, because I don't demand, and I verbalize my appreciation.

I love my Balance wiz. She's the first one I created, and the first to finish Avalon.

Oct 29, 2011
guys in the first place i agree with TCJEE or what his username is(lol i forgot)
every wizard is normally demanded to do something

life-heal,ok for this if you are in a team you need strategy and when a life heals it means it is a good strategy and that can be called awesome teamwork

fire-i am normally demanded to kill fast and i just blade up and others blade me and i totally destroy the enemy or enemies with rain of fire andi am also asked to smoke screen bosses so they fizzle and the person who asks doesnt die and again i do it cause that increases he chance of us winning cause that will give me and the other time to attack

ice-mostly shield me tower me and i think it is a good thing cause ice attacks like life arent that good and legion shield is very useful

myth-here destroy shields and that is myth's main strength so i would obviously have done it

death-use feint stop heal from life,and that is good too,cause death is not good like fire and storm in damage but traps can really help if you have a fire or storm in your team

storm-sometimes to use disarm remove blade or to kill fast and just hit no matter what,and again that is storms power and if you have a healer in your team then that is the perfect thing to demand for the situation

and finally, balance-balance have good blades that blade others and you they are not that big as a blade but combined with other school blades they are good and also traps and queque and vonawesome i agree when others join in a battle without asking but i also say that you look at this table down here

rain of fire does 1375-with colossal and with balance's blades it will be devastating and can do a one hit finish


chimera does just 1310 and you need too many blades and traps to make it effective and it hits just one enemy

which one do you preffer to blade
which one do you think will give you a good advantage in the battle think about it
and then reply

by anthony mistblade level80 archmage pyromancer and here of avalon

where there is amazing strategy there is also amazing success

Oct 29, 2011
QueQueg wrote:
I do feel for Life Wizards. Like Balance, Life wizard attacks are not overly powerful. Fortunately, you do have better blades than we do, which helps a lot. I can sympathize when everyone asks to "heal me" during any type of play, whether it's a mob or boss.

I appreciate any Life wizard that I play with healing me without me asking. I never ask or demand. I always say "thank you", and believe it or not, many times I'll get healed more than other players, because I don't demand, and I verbalize my appreciation.

I love my Balance wiz. She's the first one I created, and the first to finish Avalon.

ok listen for a second if there is a hard hitter on your team,and he asks you to blade it is a good thing firstly because he can hit while you can heal yourself and also it means that you both are starting up a strategy

i know a few people who i think are the greatest in teamwork,
me ,then rowan lifegiver,in waterworks we did the boss without anyone else because she said that she will heal and i should hit i agreed and tons of rain of fire and bye bye sylster and our health was always high because of her focus on healing

then scarlet skyrider same thing in waterworks, we were real good and then she always listens and if you make a strategy with her i doubt a lot it wont work

and finally richard ,
in mirror lake first boss i asked him politely to blade me and told him that if i get good blades my wizard goes crazy!

and it worked i criticaled and the boss didnt block and first hit in rain of fire went about 17,000 damage and boss gone and then in spectral guardians,
he blade me and it worked with all boss

and trust me teamwork is the best thing in all ways

Apr 10, 2010
When any of my wizards are asked POLITELY, then yes, I'll be more than happy to give them blades/traps. Its the demands that turn me off; especially if they jump into my battle. I get downright mulish when someone starts bossing and demanding things in battle. Sometimes, those who act like they know everything are the most ignorant about human nature.

Mar 13, 2011
yeah it is annoying when people demand stuff, mostly ice, life, and balance get these i am a life and i know how it feels... terrible. people need to give more respect to these people if they wanna get healed, buffed, shielded, ETC...