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Something that REALLY Makes Me Mad!!

Dec 15, 2008
milo10000 wrote:
WaterGirl101 wrote:
It is obvious the players who say Storm, Fire, and Death are the best schools because they are younger players thinking the highest damage is the best. I draw that conclusion that they are "younger" because they clearly have no understanding that all the schools are equal and are all created for a different purpose. If I were you I wouldn't say anything bad to these players since they are probably under 10.

Magus Sorcerer
I don't believe in signatures.

If you mean by "younger" less mature then I totally agree with you. But if you mean the common definition of "younger" then I disagree. I am only 12 and I know that all schools have advantages and disadvantages. My sympathy to elroysice for the teasing. My storm wizard is sometimes teased because of his low health, but in battles he is really hard to beat, since I got clothes that give attack boosts . Usually people tease you because they think they are better, but seriously, ice is a really good school of focus. I have an ice wizard and he rocks so far (though he's only an apprentice). People will stop teasing if they get no response, so what you're doing right now is probably the best you can do.

Hope to see you in the Spiral,
Alex Dragonbreaker
Level 49

Jacob Stormhunter
Level 39

Cameron Lifespear
Level 26

Aaron Skullspear
Level 10

Flint Firefist
Level 5

Noah Icehammer
Level 5


Dec 15, 2008
IvoryJade wrote:
No pun intended, but I think Ice is cool!

Actually ice is cold lol

May 22, 2009
I am a life wizard and I think that ice wizards are pretty cool. SOme spells that are ice spells can do a lot of damage. Just don't listen to those mean people. Remember:

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will NEVER hurt me

Mar 15, 2009
If they make fun of any body it just shows they are only as strong as the computer they are on. so gaff them off and dont listen to them, just keep on playing and have your fun,OK and good luck to you. :-)

m.redblood death school

Aug 01, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~
just ignore people and keep on doing whatever there is to do and if someone calls you weak just do some pvp

Jun 04, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

That's wrong ofthem. And you are certainly right. Ice is NOT the worst school. I have a death friend and he is nopt stuck up about death but death spells are NOT the best. And i have many storm friends but their spells may be powerful but storm wizards fizz the most. Do not worry about thoses people. I will help any ice wizard well actually I will help anyone. I do not care what school a wizard is. Only their attitude.

~ Abigail Hawkflame lvl 27 balance/fire

Mar 29, 2009
I've never actually been insulted for having an ice wizard or anything, but some of my other wizards have been called weak, like my myth or life. And getting insulted isnt fun.
But if people want to think that certain schools are the best, i say then let them think that. And one day when their in pvp, and they get defeated by the school they thought was so weak, then they will have to accept that they are wrong!
All the schools are good in my opinion

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

Jun 30, 2009
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

I see your point, and I wish there was something someone could do. Right now, I am afraid all you can do is report them. But I actually think ice is one of the better* (* I would of said cooler, because thats the word I was thinking of, but I dislike making puns) schools. I mean, the ice absorb spell, AWESOME! Wyvern is one of my favorite spells in the game, and Frost Giants are Beast! And also, look at all the people who agree with you. I think Ice is an awesome school.

Wolf Moonstrider
Level 40 Life, Storm , Ice.

Jan 10, 2010
dont worry ice is one of the best schools sometimes people say you suck cause your ice and then i beat them in pvp.... plus ice can have good attacks cause of our VERY effective iceblade and icetrap also balefrost so dont worry ice is a good school :D

-Jack Ice shard
Level 39
Ice wizard

Jun 23, 2009
I totally feel for you! I have a level 48 Ice wizard (angel iceshard) and fire people are always like "wow, you know, ice is like the worst school rite?" or "ice sucks, fire can totally pwn ice."

I totally feel for you.

I cant walk around in the COMMONS without getting insulted by fire people!! And, i forget who said it, but they are right, the people who think fire storm and death are best are probably 90% of the time little kids that think the most powerful is the best, but all schools have their goods and bads.

Sep 10, 2009
All wizards have weak spots, like Ice, Life, and kinda Myth are weak at attack cards....

Storm, kinda Fire and Myth are weak at fizzling..(they fizzle A LOT!)

I dont know much about Death......

And Balance has a little bit of everything.

So this is to all wizards who tease Ice wizards: KNOCK IT OFF!!!

Mar 28, 2010
Jan 30, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

Dude, I feel for ya. This does happen a lot. And when half of the people say Balance sucks, the other half think its too POWERFUL!! (sry i just feel rly strong about balance) Plus, there is no actual SUPERIOR school! Every school is superior in its own way. Although i have never made an ice wizard i've seen people teased, insulted, or even cursed at. Everyone acts like thamauturgy is a living Hell. Just ask them if they even tried out ice before. If they haven't, tell them to make their next wizard ice. See how they feel. And if they won't, try lying about cool stuff you do to lure them in. Btw death and storm are great schools, but they aren't the best of the best. If their was a superior school, you would see everybody playing it. And if reading this is someone that was teasing Ian, I got something to say. GET A LIFE AND IN THAT LIFE, DEAL WITH IT!!!!! Also,ice DOES have ice armor, and at the bazaar when they have one ice armor treasure card, it cost 4500 gold! ( oh and KingsIsle, i AM agnostic so Hell is the place, nadda for cussing)

May 09, 2010
i don't think ice is weak. my sister is ice. she's level seven and all she uses is freeze.(she loves that spell) every school is good in it's own way.

Feb 18, 2010
for those of you who have been insulted, dont listen to those NOOBS who gave the insults! its up to you to decide whether your good in ice or not. i think ice is awesome even if i havent played that character in awhile. and other people are right, it has the best defenses and health and mana. i dont get why people make fun of that.

for all those ice wizards out there, dont delete your ice person just because one person says its bad!

p.s. this isnt related to this topic but i still dont get how XD looks like a laughing face. it looks nothing like one to me.

Feb 18, 2010
camowiz wrote:
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

You arent being insulted, no school is the best, KI has carefully set up a balanced school systim so that everything is even, and honestly, death wizards get picked on a lot more than ice wizards do. EXAMPLE:

One day I was just hanging out in ravenwood, and then two random girls went up to me and said "Hi" So I said hello back, and we started hanging out and having a lot of fun, but then about a half an hour later, one of them shouted. "OMG! SHE IS A DEATH WIZARD! EW!" Then she ported away, I asked the other what that was about, and she said. "Oh, Death wizards are dumb, stupid and evil, so we dont want you hanging out with us anymore you idiot" Then she ported away. These girls where really nice and it really hurt when they said that stuff. You really should pay more attention and realise the world doesnt revolve around you before you go off about how much YOU are getting picked on.

( i think they said that cause the death teach is malistaire and they might have thought that all death students were going to end up like him) ( o this is my first time quoting a message so i hope this turns out right)( just to make sure there's no confusion i didnt wright the initial message)

Mar 11, 2009
This really has nothing to do with what school is better or what school is worse. Its all about being rude. Kids need to remember that we are all human and we all have feelings. All the schools have their pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. I have a grand from every school and yes, I have my favorite school but I would never tell a wizard from one of my less favorite schools that they were not worthy or call them names...thats just pain rudeness. So please be more tolerant and accepting of all our wizards and this game will be an even greater place.

Jun 29, 2010
LadyGaGaFan33 wrote:
I totally feel for you! I have a level 48 Ice wizard (angel iceshard) and fire people are always like "wow, you know, ice is like the worst school rite?" or "ice sucks, fire can totally pwn ice."

I totally feel for you.

I cant walk around in the COMMONS without getting insulted by fire people!! And, i forget who said it, but they are right, the people who think fire storm and death are best are probably 90% of the time little kids that think the most powerful is the best, but all schools have their goods and bads.

I Agree 100% Even though i'm death. Ice is a GREAT School no matter what people say. I Have quite a few Ice friends and they've saved me alot of times. Also I Do think Death is best but only for the drains, because to me it's not really that strong without blades, and traps. ~Level 28 Death, Dylan Drake.