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Something that REALLY Makes Me Mad!!

Sep 16, 2008
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

Dec 14, 2009
Jun 07, 2009
elroysice wrote:
About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

i'm called weak even as a warlord mgrand master 1v1 player i beaten balance storm life every school and still told i'm weak cause i'm an ice wiz

Jun 16, 2010
I feel for you man. I used to have an ice wizard in beta but deleted him because I was constantly ridiculed by other players.

Jun 10, 2010
Im with ya, im not a ice wizard, im balance, but i respect all schools, their advantages and disadvantages. My freind who i team up with alot is a death wizard, he thinks the only spells worth learning are death, fire and storm. I completely dissagree with him, i think all school are good in their own ways. I will team up with any ice wizard, and time.

Jan 07, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

Well Ian, I TOTALLY agree. Ice Wizards are not the worst school, and they are harshly critisized for their spells. But do not worry, i get teased allot too, even though i am balance. This is because i use judgement much too often, but it is my best spell so i have to.

Just remember Ian, It is not how people think of you, it is how you think of yourself.

Yours Sincerely,
Carlos wildrider Level 37 sorcerer

Apr 02, 2009
Wow, teasing you just cause your Ice? That's sad, they need lives.

Ice is one of the best schools if you have a couple of life spells like satyr and farie. Ice has super high health and resistance, so they can keep a battle going for a LONG time, if they can heal they almost can't be killed, but I have to say, spells are pretty weak. Every school is good in it's own way, but in my opinion, Storm and Death are best when a Storm wizard and Death wizard are in a battle together. Storm dishes out the major damage, while the Death does minor damage and heals itself and Storm wizard (With the spell that does damage to you and gives 700 health to target.).

So I agree, there is no school that is bests by itself, but Storm and Death are best TOGETHER. I had a friend who was Death, and the 2 of us would play 2v2 PvP all the time, and go like 10 matches without losing on average. I think the longest we ever went without losing was 23 matches. But I don't know where that friend went, I haven't seen him in FOREVER! Last time I saw him was when he said he was going on vacation. Wonder if he got kidnapped?

Dylan ShadowTallon Level 46 Diviner

Feb 14, 2010
Ouch. You know something? That's actually pretty harsh. I've never really given the thought that a popular school was superior compared to a rare school. And I've definatley never thought that Ice was stuck in that kind of situation.

Honestly, all schools have their advantages and their disadvantages, but I seriously doubt that there is a worst school and a best school based on stats. For example, I'm a death wizard and I absolutley love death. However, I guess I only like it so much because of only 2 reasons:

1. It was the school I started with.
2. I'm more drawn to its battle tactics and abilities.

But just because I like it the best doesn't make it ''the best'' to anyone else.

I do actually understand what you are trying to say, and I think what people do in your perspective is wrong. Like I said before, no school in Wizard 101 is superior to another school. If I were in a dungeon and I had the help of someone from the ice school, I would be extremely grateful actually be getting help at all. Anyways, what I'm trying to get across is that no school should really be treated that way. Besides, it's only a game. If someone is being mean to you or bullying you based on your school, you have the right to report them or (like you metioned) put them on your ignore list. Otherwise, ice is a pretty good school and it's not less superior to schools like death or storm.

I bid thee fare- well (if I even said that right, :P)

Happy Trails,
~ Rachel Ravenrider, Level 27 Necromancer~

Nov 09, 2009
I probably dont get it as much as you do, but I definatley do get it. I've had level 35 fire wizards try and tell me they could beat me because they were fire and I was Ice...I made short work of them in the arena, and they told me I hacked. I was satisfied ^_^. I dont get many death or storm wizards tell me this though, its mostly the fire ones. When they arent that good to be honest. Go Ice!

Wolf Mistbreath. Level 48 Ice wizard.

Jul 07, 2009
Don't let it bother you. In the hardest battles, a Thaumaturge on point is almost certain victory.

Scarlet Roseblood - GM Pyromancer

Jun 14, 2009
I have several wizards, one of which is an ice wizard, but I have not encounter the same problems as you. Most players are happy to see my ice character.

My best advice, is do as you have been doing and ignore them.

No matter what type of wizard you have, you will hear negative things about them. Life spells are too weak, Balance is too strong, Myth is useless and so on. All schools have their strengths and weaknesses. It's up to the player how they use those to their advantages.

Sep 22, 2009
That is probably true!!! I've been wondering why I can never get three people to go with me to the Sunken City..... even though I've got a pretty powerful wizard for Ice. Other than Ice Spells, I'm training on Life (healing) and Fire (mass destruction).

Jun 11, 2009
Pyrsik wrote:
Why even post this? :?
one might ask you the same question pyrsik.

and the only reason you get so ridicluled elroysic(hope i typed that right) is because of how they get beaten by you thaumaturges. it makes them mad, so theyll usually be rude to you. i have a diviner that got beaten quite often by ice types. your type is a good one.

unfortunately. there is know way that every single person, down to the last necromancer, could suddenly stop mud slinging at poor thaumatuges. rudeness and picking on a crowd has been around as long as we can remember, and there really isnt any way we can stop it.

Feb 15, 2010
Yesterday i got picked on by four storm grandmasters They said i was just worthless.The original poster is right,even on forums ice gets picked on.Its just sad and cruel,in my opinion at the least.

Jan 01, 2009
huh thats weird i'll make an ice wiz right now and see if i get insaulted

Jun 07, 2010
What makes me mad is, if I am a certain school I want to have as much resistance of spells that match my school as the NPC's do. It just ticks me off to no end that regardless of defence shields I have up to block a percentage of damage from an NPC spell that matches my school, that although it says resist above my Wizards head, with a shield up I still take almost full amount of damage the card says.

But when the tables are turned the NPC's damage you give them from a spell of there particular school, they take less then half damage regardless of damage out put boost shields you cast on them. I mean What the $%#@ this needs fixing.

Any Wizard that gets hit by a spell of there particular school should have, way, way more resistance.

Dec 16, 2009
I'm an ice wizard and even though I'm only a magus, I've won my share of battles. Of course, I've also lost my share as well, but I've found that a good way to put big heads in their place is deck construction. Spells like balefrost and ice trap have saved my dignity several times when fighting against other schools. While it's true that ice isn't the strongest school, if we put all our awesome shields and traps and boosts together, we ice wizards can make ourselves a name. Also, it helps if you're really good friends with a skilled life wizard. Then you're practically unstoppable.

Apr 15, 2009
I understand fully what you mean about people insulting you or making fun of you because you're a certain school. All I can say is that all schools have their weak points and their strong points. If people are insulting you about being ice then just prove them wrong and show them that you are strong. You can't stop people from insulting you or making fun of you because people are just like that.

- Devin Master 49 Diviner / Samantha Master 45 Life

Jun 16, 2010
I wonder. if people are mean to any ice wizard or just certain people. Any way it has been a while since I played ice. SO I will kill 2 birds with one stone. See you ingame

Mycin Icepyre

May 10, 2010
The people that tease you are probably just jealous. To me, all schools are best at something. Storm is best at attacking but bad at accuracy. Ice is best at defence. Fire is best at doing damage one bit at a time, but does high damage in the end. Death is best at dealing damage and taking life back. Myth is best at summoning minions in battle. Life is best at healing. And Balance is best at helping out in battles and attacking. All the schools have good traits and bad traits, but there isn't a best school.

Ryan Mistcaster~ Magus Diviner
Ryan Mistcaster~ Grandmaster Pyromancer
Tristan Deathstrider~ Grandmaster Necromancer

Nov 12, 2009
I tried Death and Storm.... but didn't get far in Dragonspyre! That is why I switched my secondary to be Ice! Yeah, that school usually isn't noticed, but it is one of the BEST.
It also depends on how you build your deck. I finally realized that one after I beat the game.

Nov 26, 2008
Nov 26, 2008
It is obvious the players who say Storm, Fire, and Death are the best schools because they are younger players thinking the highest damage is the best. I draw that conclusion that they are "younger" because they clearly have no understanding that all the schools are equal and are all created for a different purpose. If I were you I wouldn't say anything bad to these players since they are probably under 10.

Magus Sorcerer
I don't believe in signatures.

Jan 04, 2009
Hi. I had a level 10 storm and a level 50 fire. While im raising my storm wizard. he gets worse and worse. Now its level 50. and compared to my fire wizard, HE STINKED. I had a ice wizard, but picked bad second schools.
In my opinion fire and life and pretty good, cause its not hard picking a second school.
Ice and Balance though, are better for first schools, but stink for second.
Storm and Death have a good first school and a not so good second. Storm and Death should be by them selves.
Myth though, is in the middle of Fire and Life with Ice and balance, it has a ok first school and a ok second.

I deleted my storm character, Scarlet D.B level 50

Jan 20, 2010
Even though I'm Ice, I have never been insulted. That's probably just luck I guess. I've met tons of nice and awesome wizards and, I repeat, I've never been insulted. But I still feel for you. I respect all schools, but if it wasn't for Ice, I would still be stuck in MB (and getting killed every battle) and right now, I'm working on DS. XD

I think that the wizards that insult Ice, are just...I can't think of a strong enough but nice enough word...But, like someone already said, they're probably only ten, but the ones that aren't...well...THAT IS JUST PLAIN RUDE!

I'm just stating my opinion.

Olivia Lotusflower
Level 47 Master Thaumaturge