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Something that REALLY Makes Me Mad!!

Feb 05, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

That is the same thing happening to me. About two days ago a storm grandmaster on the streets of ds stopped and asked me "Is Ice boring?" Then I said "Not at all you just need to know how to use Ice" then he said that Ice is totally boring and then he said "storm is better then ice so admit it ice is soooo weak" Ugh these type of people make me want to delete my ice person and get on a different school. But of course I will never give in to these people who always taunt Ice.
Lucas Drakebloom
Level 45
Ice wizard
Sword saint

Apr 24, 2009
I have a Grandmaster Ice myself and storm for my secondary. I have all of my grand gear for my ice. I tend to find myself soloing more with my ice than any other school. My ice can outlast any storm in battle even if he is at full GM gear. Ice doesnt fizzle as much as Storm either even with the GM gear.

Jun 13, 2009
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~
I got a bunch of grands, but i made a myth wizard
anyway, my friend is ice, and i tell you, we're JOURNEYMEN and we can take down most mb and some ms bosses together, we're both level 16 [btw he has grands to] at first i thought ice was weak, but then i learned is was INCREDIBLY wrong, we triple our rank 3 spells, he has 1400 health [rounding] i have 900 LOL [once again rounding] we've lost a couple battles, but that was a couple levels ago, we had a master death helping us one time, and he lost ROFL did we lose? nope, anyway, no hard feelings, but here are the best types in my opinion, greatest to worst, myth, balance, ice, death, storm, life, fire, anyway, cya in the spiral! [once again NO HARD FEELINGS]

Mar 01, 2009
Don't be mad. People who say that obviously have no idea what they talk about. Each school has its strengths and weaknesses. Death deals low damage, but it makes up with drains. Storm has insane power, but lacks health. Ice, albeit dealing a little less damage than other schools, has the greatest defense by FAR. I mean, look at a guy named Angel Dragongem. He's ice, and he beat the creator. Ice can take down anything, and vice versa. All you need to learn is how to exploit the strength and weakness of every school.

Jun 06, 2009
oh man absolutely! i'm balance primarily, and NO ONE should have to go thru school based bigotry.

boy oh boy, either balance is too strong or balance is too weak or all balance people are jerks or all balance people don't want to work for power and want it handed to them....


and ice, from what i gather, almost gets as bad. ice is too weak or ice has too many shields or ice has too much health or ice is for chickens afraid of losing...

these whiners can just leave wizard101, then we'll all be happier.

ice's purpose is to shield, every school has a purpose.

yeah, ALL wizards shouldn't be insulted due to their school.

Jul 05, 2010
viradis wrote:
I'm an ice wizard and even though I'm only a magus, I've won my share of battles. Of course, I've also lost my share as well, but I've found that a good way to put big heads in their place is deck construction. Spells like balefrost and ice trap have saved my dignity several times when fighting against other schools. While it's true that ice isn't the strongest school, if we put all our awesome shields and traps and boosts together, we ice wizards can make ourselves a name. Also, it helps if you're really good friends with a skilled life wizard. Then you're practically unstoppable.

I agree with some things. I am a wicked good conjurer. I guess its because I use 0 pip boost spells (they help a lot) for my school, then use the strongest spell I have for myth (which is cyclops, SO FAR.) EVERYONE laughs at me because I am really strong for my level (which is 18.) I am almost done with krokotopia. I definitely agree with deck construction. At my level, I have already defeated 7 level 24 people (no help from friends).
I cant tell anyone which ice spells to use. I agree that ice isnt the strongest school. It definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. I dont think any school is best. Life is great at healing. Storm has strongest attacks. Ice has a lot of health. Death can take the targets health and heal the caster. Myth has the most minions. Balance brings all of them together. Fire can make one turn of damage last multiple turns after that. Even though its not the only school who can do that. I took an hour to write this.
Look over it super carefully.

May 11, 2010
Ya know I am a fire and i dont get teased cause people think i am good And i am still a Magus well i am to levels from Master :D but i think people treat you
like you are a wizard that does the damage of life but dont let it put you down . Sometimes when i lose in the arena some mean people call me weak a baby totally putting me down Anyways dont let it put you down people always have fights about who is the weakest and who is the strongest but remember all schools have weaknesses and advantages so if we work togeture we all make WIZARD101

Jan 27, 2009
Every school has their advantages and disadvantages. Like for instance:

Balance= Good: Blading, trapping, health, damage. Bad: Needs a little accuracy.
Storm= Good: Damage. Bad: Health, accuracy.
Ice= Good: Shielding, health. Bad: Low damage.
Fire= Good: Damage over time. Bad: Low health, low accuracy.
Death= Good: Stealing health, trapping. Bad: Little to low damage.
Myth= Good: Summoning minions. Bad: Lower health, needs a little accuracy.
Life= Good: Healing, health. Bad: Little damage.

But all this depends on the way you play, like if you want a lot of damge to your spells, then you buy clothing that gives more damage. If you want more health as a player, you get the clothes with the most health. If you like to never run out of mana, then get equipment with lots of mana. It just depends on the way you play.

(P.S. The chart I made above does not include clothing, just the regular spell cards that come with your school.)

I have an ice wizard, she is Lvl 49 and I put lots of damage clothing on her, and she's beaten a lot of storm and balance wizards in battle.

May 11, 2010
camowiz wrote:
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

You arent being insulted, no school is the best, KI has carefully set up a balanced school systim so that everything is even, and honestly, death wizards get picked on a lot more than ice wizards do. EXAMPLE:

One day I was just hanging out in ravenwood, and then two random girls went up to me and said "Hi" So I said hello back, and we started hanging out and having a lot of fun, but then about a half an hour later, one of them shouted. "OMG! SHE IS A DEATH WIZARD! EW!" Then she ported away, I asked the other what that was about, and she said. "Oh, Death wizards are dumb, stupid and evil, so we dont want you hanging out with us anymore you idiot" Then she ported away. These girls where really nice and it really hurt when they said that stuff.

You really should pay more attention and realise the world doesnt revolve around you before you go off about how much YOU are getting picked on.

Wow :-o I feel bad for you but at least you dont get cursed at and get called a horrible weakling like at the arena but now i am to levels from master so they should be ashamed of themselfs I also CAUSED HALF damage to one and they didnt care ya know most of my friends are masters but some wizards can be really big mean show offs so really we know we got to work togeture and if the strong wizards are going to show off to the little wizards they will put their chopes down of becoming strong and when that happenes less people will be in Celestia which means the grandmasters (soon to be at levels 60) will accualy struggle.

Mar 13, 2010
I was surprised to read that post!

When I am joined by someone for battle, I rarely know their school beforehand. This has just never made a difference in this game.

All the schools seem well-balanced and it only matters if the player really knows how to play his school well.

I appreciate players who play as a team in hard battles -- not the one who yells, "I got the boss."

I also appreciate the players who stay during a battle and don't disappear for several rounds. :?

Dec 20, 2009
WaterGirl101 wrote:
It is obvious the players who say Storm, Fire, and Death are the best schools because they are younger players thinking the highest damage is the best. I draw that conclusion that they are "younger" because they clearly have no understanding that all the schools are equal and are all created for a different purpose. If I were you I wouldn't say anything bad to these players since they are probably under 10.

Magus Sorcerer
I don't believe in signatures.

Yes what I have noticed in my Generation most kids are so violent and think eliminating the enemy first is the best choice in Battle and call them-selves battle experts[They play advancned warfare games ].So in their opinion being a tank is useless since all they do is stay their waiting for a huge attack.They dont realize that Strategy and Surviving while battling is the same as Attacking.

Feb 22, 2009
Paleospy5 wrote:
WaterGirl101 wrote:
It is obvious the players who say Storm, Fire, and Death are the best schools because they are younger players thinking the highest damage is the best. I draw that conclusion that they are "younger" because they clearly have no understanding that all the schools are equal and are all created for a different purpose. If I were you I wouldn't say anything bad to these players since they are probably under 10.

Magus Sorcerer
I don't believe in signatures.

Yes what I have noticed in my Generation most kids are so violent and think eliminating the enemy first is the best choice in Battle and call them-selves battle experts[They play advancned warfare games ].So in their opinion being a tank is useless since all they do is stay their waiting for a huge attack.They dont realize that Strategy and Surviving while battling is the same as Attacking.

I am one of what you call the "younger" players and I know that every school has its advantages and disadvantages. Ice has AMAZING health, even though its damage could be better. I am storm and I have been beat in the arena by Ice wizards because the first thing they do is put on a bunch of tower shields. People who taunt them just need to face them to see how powerful they can be.

Alex Dragonbreaker
Level 49

Jun 10, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

I'm not an ice wizard i'm a fire wizard but i still agree. Ice wizards have a solid defense but people dont take any notice in there attacks because if it tells you your an ice wizard it says they have a strong defense but are lacking in attacks. There should be new more powerful ice spells or atleast make the ones they have stronger. and increase the accuracy on storm and fire magic, its so annoying when you need to cast a spell and it could turn the fight around or even save you in a fight and it fizzles. That just makes me so angry and i know it has to make others angry.

Wolf DarkBlade,

Master Pyromancer

Feb 21, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

OMG i have the same exact problem!
people always think that ice is the weakest school when it it isnt.
i always have to remind people that ice wizards have the most health out of all the schools and that with a few blades and traps, ice can be just as strong.
I get so annoyed by people hatin on ice.

Amy Lightshade lvl 48
Master Of Ice

May 23, 2009

I no man, its just not fair.

Your fellow Ice mate
Hunter SpiritGem

elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

Jun 06, 2009
Paleospy5 wrote:

Yes what I have noticed in my Generation most kids are so violent and think eliminating the enemy first is the best choice in Battle - and call them-selves battle experts (They play advanced warfare games ) ! So, in their opinion, being a tank is useless since all they do is stay; they're waiting for a huge attack.They don't realize that Strategy and Surviving while battling is the same as Attacking.

ha ha ha ha ha that's a funny example. and you're right!!!! shielders build up for attacks, but no one notices that. and death has to build up for über attacks too!!! my strategy, being balance/death/ice, is to gradually charge up for massive judgement or vampire. so patience really pays off.

and the funny thing is, the original poster said that they don't have a short temper but their ignore list is full. well i do have a short temper and mine is empty, so they have it rough.

by the way, i recently created a female thaumaturge to test the claims of male wizards mistreating girls; she happens to be ice, so i can test this too! yay tests!

Jul 12, 2010
Ice is one of the best! With appropriate gear and etc. They could have really high health, and even higher defences. If you check the item lists, Ice always gets the best boosts from there items. Sure they don't have the best attacks, But they can pick up a nice attacking secondary class like storm, Or just have life to be unstoppable. My one friend, Which remade from her level 30 character to make a fire character. Because she said that they didn't have as powerful attacks. So what, You guys still have the best health and defences. Don't let the other people insults to ice bother you.

The people that say storm is better, Are wrong! Maybe it makes storm a litle more enjoyable to use with good health gear. But, they may have high attacks. They also have Such low accuracy so that it's not even worth attacking. Look at wild bolt, Does a thousand damage but it never works. My friends picked me as there fourth spot in a battle, instead of the higher leveled guy. And the ice guy was 14 more levels than me.

Hope this helped and made you feel better about ice.

Ronan FireHeart Storm (Regrettably) Level 36
Paul SpriteWhisperer Myth Level 5

Jul 08, 2009
Plus ice also has the best BOOSTS for traps and blades and, dont forget balefrost. And with the right cards and boosts, ice can be a real pain in someones rear end. And if your in the arena, a little tip for ice guys, it might be good to carry a few ice armors in your deck (now there's an idea..........) 8)

Daniel Stormglade: Grandmaster Thaumaturge
Daniel Lotussmith:Master lvl 44 Diviner

Dec 21, 2008
None of the schools are better then the other cause they all level out. All are equally powerful if you have the right idea. I have plently of ice friends who i pvp against and i dont get mad if i loose cause well, sometimes ice can be powerful enough to kill a storm or sometimes the storm can be powerful enough to kill the ice. All i'm saying is that the schools balance out and no one school is better then the other.
~Samantha Crowvault death lvl 50
~Mackenzie Jadeheart storm lvl 46
~Cheryl Icebreeze ice lvl 15
~ :-)

Feb 25, 2010
No pun intended, but I think Ice is cool! It's actually my second school, and I find that the spells tend to be stronger than my Death spells. I don't know why any school would be considered weaker than another. Each one has its strong points and its weaknesses. Some folks think Storm is the strongest, but consider this: Storm also has the most fizzles in a battle-- which in my book makes it the weaker school. (The fizzle issue is why I dropped Storm and picked up Ice, btw). But that's just my humble opinion.

Jan 27, 2009
I have 5 different students of 5 different schools. Each one has it's own advantages and disadvantages. I've never had anyone make fun of me because of my school.

Jun 26, 2010
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~
i used to have an ice person before but somebody changed the password. i dont know why ice spells are weak they should make an ice quest which gives you some crazy awesome spell! 8)

Apr 24, 2010
Pyrsik wrote:
Why even post this? :?
i think its a good reson to post. ice wizards are cool. i once had a ice wizard, but i deleted her because she was really low level and i got bored with her. i want to make a wizard from every school if possible.

Aug 30, 2008
Okay lets not start a war anyone lol.. not saying that your or anything..... Anyways i have heard allot of people call ice weak... :( No this is not true what ice doesnt have in attack power it makes up in defense and health. As i say most of the time when people insult my ice Defense can be the best offense. The longer you last in battle the longer you are going to have to attack and win. SO TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK IS WEAK ITS NOT! It makes it up in defense.
Sestiva Frostblood Grandmaster Life
Cassandra Lotusriver Grandmaster storm
Christina Day lvl 37 ice

Jun 23, 2009
I think this is completly rediculous! I'm a fire wizard and I see this happening all the time to people and no matter what school I have to say something to the person harrasing the other.. I sadly see a lot of fire and storm saying that ice is lame when this isnt true at all.... It makes me sad that I see people from my own school saying another school is weaker just because where oppsites... It makes us all look bad so everyone just needs to stop with this craziness or stop playing!!!!

Amanda FireEyes Level 50 Pyromancer :P