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Something that REALLY Makes Me Mad!!

Feb 22, 2009
WaterGirl101 wrote:
It is obvious the players who say Storm, Fire, and Death are the best schools because they are younger players thinking the highest damage is the best. I draw that conclusion that they are "younger" because they clearly have no understanding that all the schools are equal and are all created for a different purpose. If I were you I wouldn't say anything bad to these players since they are probably under 10.

Magus Sorcerer
I don't believe in signatures.

If you mean by "younger" less mature then I totally agree with you. But if you mean the common definition of "younger" then I disagree. I am only 12 and I know that all schools have advantages and disadvantages. My sympathy to elroysice for the teasing. My storm wizard is sometimes teased because of his low health, but in battles he is really hard to beat, since I got clothes that give attack boosts . Usually people tease you because they think they are better, but seriously, ice is a really good school of focus. I have an ice wizard and he rocks so far (though he's only an apprentice). People will stop teasing if they get no response, so what you're doing right now is probably the best you can do.

Hope to see you in the Spiral,
Alex Dragonbreaker
Level 49

Jacob Stormhunter
Level 39

Cameron Lifespear
Level 26

Aaron Skullspear
Level 10

Flint Firefist
Level 5

Noah Icehammer
Level 5

May 04, 2010
As a GM Ice Wizard (Jack Frost), I have never once been ridiculed or made fun of. Actually it's been the other way around - I'm constantly being bombarded with friend requests and group requests from people I don't know. All I generally hear is compliments and encouragement.

Sometimes - when it seems the whole world is picking on you, you might just have to sit back and see if you may be doing something to deserve it... I'm not pointing fingers, but generally nice people get treated nicely, while combative ones get combat.

Apr 19, 2009
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

i understand i am storm i HATE it! i always die! i have low health i actually love ice i wanted to be ice but then i chose storm

rachel emeraldpetal level 40 storm

Apr 19, 2009
blitsful wrote:
elroysice wrote:
About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

i'm called weak even as a warlord mgrand master 1v1 player i beaten balance storm life every school and still told i'm weak cause i'm an ice wiz

i have a level 15 ice i have the same problem. if they take it to far i report
im not a reporting weirdo i only do it when i need to.
if they even insult i put them on ignore
some even swear at me they find loop-holes\

rachel emeraldpetal level 40 storm

Jan 25, 2010
I think they are just jealous that Ice has most defenses, most health and really awesome spells.

And this is comin from a pyromancer

Jun 25, 2010
And i am sick and tired about being made fun of for the lack of fighting spells.
And i am learing if you heal someone that if you heal someone that is almost dead in PvP thank they will e mad so it works for me.

Jul 02, 2009
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

I'm not Ice, I'm Balance. (Lauren Jadeflower, Level 30, Magus Sorcerer) But why would people torture ice? Ice has the best defenses, the coolest spells, and the coolest house! The death is okay, but the storm house: I respect all ice wizards! Every school has its disadvantages. And I think storm and death has the most. (Although I maybe wrong. Balance might have the most. Noooo!!!!)

Jul 02, 2009
WaterGirl101 wrote:
It is obvious the players who say Storm, Fire, and Death are the best schools because they are younger players thinking the highest damage is the best. I draw that conclusion that they are "younger" because they clearly have no understanding that all the schools are equal and are all created for a different purpose. If I were you I wouldn't say anything bad to these players since they are probably under 10.

Magus Sorcerer
I don't believe in signatures.


You mean under 9.

Dec 09, 2009
Well, let me say myself ice is actually one of the best schools (in my opinion).

Well i am a fire wizard. my ice friend's collosus can actually do MORE damage then my helephant.
HIGH HEALTH. my friend had 3,000 health before he finished Mooshu! if he kept trying to earn health he could have gotten 4,000.
Great resist.In my opinion having high resist can make you undefeateable.

You should make a ice wizard today!

Mar 22, 2010
Racism (or in this case, schoolism) comes inherently with MMORPGs... Even if there are safety features.

Dec 17, 2009
I hate when I have to face a good ice wizard in 1v1. Oh and please don't make me go second to one, it's an absolute nightmare. As a diviner it can be the most difficult battle facing off against a solid thaumaturge - after all, we're complete opposites. One has low health, high damage, the other has high health, low damage. And I have to say that my most memorable battle in PvP was against a particular ice wizard who, after a long arduous battle, ultimately shut me down. I just couldn't get past her defenses to take the win. Granted, I was going second, but when played correctly a thaumaturge is an incredible adversary at any time.

This is all to say, anyone who thinks that thaumaturges are weak doesn't really know what they're talking about. It's just fine to assume that they aren't really knowledgeable enough to make a valid statement - it's not about the school, it's about the player. And I assure you that there are just as many people out there who will accept your frost powers as there are that won't - in fact there are probably more. If I ever meet you in-game, you're always a welcome addition to my group.

- Talon Skyweaver, GM Diviner, Prince of the Skies
"Sword of Thunder, Shield of Ice"

Jun 03, 2009
Pyrsik wrote:
Why even post this? :?
i agree why post this? :? the makers of wizard 101 cant do any thing about this except make ice wizards more powerful but that would tip the balance of the elements toward ice. Plus you cant make 10,000,000 people playing the game change there mind. What i would do is just challenge whoever insults you to a pvp and beat them, that will prove your needed.

Jan 11, 2010
You can always start a new Wizard of your choice.
I have three wizards.
Plus, as a Grand, it will give you something to do if you start a new one, until the new world opens.
And by the way, Ice is strong. I have gotten pounded many, many times in the arena by Ice Giant :(

Kimberly NightShade-GrandMaster Death

Jul 08, 2009
i feel for ya man i'm a grandmaster of ice too and i've been insulted just because i'm ice but all that changed because i have an awesome bunch of friends and i know a lot of battle tactics so even though i'm ice i could probably still be one of the best fighters out there because i rarely get defeated by upper level bosses. yea i lose a lot of health in the process but as long as they die or get defeated whether its in the arena or not i still kill it. but on the other hand ice is probably one of the best schools because of the defense and the armor and shield that it has. PLUS to add i see a lot of wizards relying on tower shield, yes which IS ice, and the ppl using it arent ice. so think about that and see what they say to ya then :-) :D 8)

Daniel Stormglade: Grnadmaster Thaumaturge
Daniel Lotussmith: Master lvl 44 Diviner (yes he uses tower shield too)

Apr 10, 2009
thell that is cause storm IS better , ok ok i was kidding. coming from a storm wiz, one of my best friends that I met over the game was an ice wizard, and generally, I lost every pvp dual against him . Personally I could NOT be ice. I am a very quick get this fight over with already kind of player and don't have the patients nessesary for ice. But I do have a lot of respect for the ice school.

Jan 04, 2009
All schools are the same! life can heal but does poor attack.
Storm can do a good attack but low health.
myth does low attack but high health
fire does high attack but low health
ice does low attack but high health
balance gets low attacks but extras
death does low attack but heal half as much as life but more attack than life

its all the same
second schools no but
its all the same
Scarlet D.B 50 fire

Jul 13, 2009
Feonix210 wrote:
Im with ya, im not a ice wizard, im balance, but i respect all schools, their advantages and disadvantages. My freind who i team up with alot is a death wizard, he thinks the only spells worth learning are death, fire and storm. I completely dissagree with him, i think all school are good in their own ways. I will team up with any ice wizard, and time.
I agree excactly. Are you sure you didn't hear that from me? I am a balance wizard too. Well all balance wizards are told that from Professer Weathersfield.

May 13, 2010
Well, I'm fire school and I absolutly HATE when people are hating on others! Seriously, can you report these people? I would. Well, best to you all and trust me, I know how you feel except I'm made fun of in real life... sad for me. :( but I think ice and balence are both awesme and that storm is... well not the best.

Emily Goldentheif lvl 27 pyromancer

Feb 23, 2009
Correct, no school is best. All schools are great, and bad at the same time. I hate to post this, but I'd like to point out the schools advantages and disadvantages. (:

Good: High health, can take high damage
Bad: Weaker attacks, so-so accuracy

Good: Fair damage
Bad: Not-so-great health, low accuracy

Good: Does damage and heals
Bad: So-so attacks

Good: High damage
Bad: Low accuracy and low health

Good: Many blades/traps/shields, fair accuracy

Good: Minions
Bad: So-so attacks

Good: Healing
Bad: Not-so-great attacks

See? We all have good and bad. C: Ice shouldn't be bullied like that, especially ones who don't know anything about it. They should feel awfully ashamed.

It's better off if the Seven Schools work together, instead of fight.
Let's make it happen!


Elizabeth MistLeaf (Level 43 Master Thaumaturge)

To create a future, you must predict it.

Jul 17, 2009
even though i dont have an ice wizard that must be really upsetting something happened to me simalair to that

Jul 13, 2009
That new tower in Marley Bone is way too hard! Hi, I'm Lauren Witerthorn,level 50,I tryed to do this tower three times. Heal heal heal! Its so hard it's not even fun. My friends (SaffronSky,Mariah Greenwever) go in and out after they die at the top with NO mobs but it won't let me back in:x! Looks like I'm not going to Celestia any time soon!

Feb 26, 2009
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

You arent being insulted, no school is the best, KI has carefully set up a balanced school systim so that everything is even, and honestly, death wizards get picked on a lot more than ice wizards do. EXAMPLE:

One day I was just hanging out in ravenwood, and then two random girls went up to me and said "Hi" So I said hello back, and we started hanging out and having a lot of fun, but then about a half an hour later, one of them shouted. "OMG! SHE IS A DEATH WIZARD! EW!" Then she ported away, I asked the other what that was about, and she said. "Oh, Death wizards are dumb, stupid and evil, so we dont want you hanging out with us anymore you idiot" Then she ported away. These girls where really nice and it really hurt when they said that stuff.

You really should pay more attention and realise the world doesnt revolve around you before you go off about how much YOU are getting picked on.

Dec 02, 2009
I am so sorry you feel that way, please don`t be mad but I am a death wizard. But I like the ways of all wizards they each have different abilities and they are all unipue. Ice wizards have a lot of health just to tell something fortinate to you Ian. Whats so good about dealth any way it does less damage because it barley heals you. And storm, storm fizzles to much it really can`t even attack.

Hope it makes you feel better.

With best wishes

Blaze Storm Whisper

P.S Im so sorry but my second school is storm.

Bye!!! :P :D 8) 8)

May 24, 2009
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~
My little sis is ice and I think if you use your cards right you can crush any other school...you fizzle less, have 40% blade and isn't your trap and Balefrost stronger than normally also? ,It really helps to have Elemental Blade and Trap too, Ice is just as strong as Fire (what I am) and all the other schools

Aug 14, 2008
camowiz wrote:
elroysice wrote:
On Wizard 101, I'm a Grandmaster Ice Wizard. And I have a nice bunch of people on my Ignored list. That isn't because I have a small temper--It's simply because I'm an Ice Wizard.

About 50% of Wizards that aren't Ice type think that we are the worst and that Death/Storm are the best. Now let me tell you--I have a death character, and, while he's good, he isn't the best. And my brother was a Storm Wizard until he deleted his character. Storm wizards aren't the best too.

I wish someone could do something about us Ice Wizards being insulted. Sometimes it makes me feel unneeded, as sometimes I'm not allowed to help my friend with an instance just because their friend won't allow us to join them.

If you're an Ice Wizard and you feel this, please tell me.

~Ian Emeraldshard, Grandmaster Thamauturge~

You arent being insulted, no school is the best, KI has carefully set up a balanced school systim so that everything is even, and honestly, death wizards get picked on a lot more than ice wizards do. EXAMPLE:

One day I was just hanging out in ravenwood, and then two random girls went up to me and said "Hi" So I said hello back, and we started hanging out and having a lot of fun, but then about a half an hour later, one of them shouted. "OMG! SHE IS A DEATH WIZARD! EW!" Then she ported away, I asked the other what that was about, and she said. "Oh, Death wizards are dumb, stupid and evil, so we dont want you hanging out with us anymore you idiot" Then she ported away. These girls where really nice and it really hurt when they said that stuff.

You really should pay more attention and realise the world doesnt revolve around you before you go off about how much YOU are getting picked on.

I'm pretty sure the OP knows everyone else can get picked on... They were just saying how they thought Ice was picked on more than other schools.

And I disagree. Every school can be vulnerable to attacks since they all have advantages and disadvantages.

Anyway, I have both Ice and Death wizards, and while I've never been picked on completely, some people I've met or hung out with tend to hint their dislike for my school.