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Myth wizard weak and usless

Feb 14, 2009
I would have to say that I am really offended right now. I am a lvl 42 myth wizard and i have soloed almost of the whole game. My friend and i work together. My friend is a life/balance and i am myth/life/balance. People who keep complaining bout myth do not no how to use myth. I have done over 1000 damage with humongofrog just by using 1 balanceblade, 1 mythtrap, 1 mythblade, and time of legend. But it is a challenge and all. It takes allot of patience. Every school has there pros and cons for example:
Pros: Good at PvP.
Higher Mana
Good at PvE
Cons: Low Health
Bad at PvE (sometimes)
Spells attacks are lower
Pros: Strong spells
Good at PvE
Good at PvP
Cons: Low Health
Bad at PvP (my opinion also sometimes)
Not as many shields (i maybe wrong)
Pros: Great at healing
Higher Health
Higher Mana
Cons: Bad at PvE (maybe?)
Bad at PvP (maybe)
Attacks spells are lower
See those are just some pros and cons. Every single school has pros and cons. Now think of your FAVORITE school then compare to ALL other schools. Then think of some pros and cons.
Anyways, if they did delete myth i would never EVER be on wizard101 again and i would play freerealms. But if you do not like myth just delete your character and forget bout myth.

Apr 28, 2010
I have never tried the Myth school because quite frankly, I never have figured out what schools to group with it. Also, the Bloodbats and Humongofrogs keep spitting up on me, which is gross. :?

Dec 28, 2009
MisaMisa33 wrote:
Hahahahaha, you obviously do NOT know your schools.

You say that Myth has low health. Umm buddy, Myth and Fire have the same health. So gather facts before you go bashing.

Also, dont say Myth is weak and usless. Look at some of the Top PVP Players, some are Myth.

Hey, Myth and Fire are tied as the second lowest health in the game. Second LOWEST. So why don't you get your facts right?

Mar 18, 2009
"I would have to say that I am really offended right now."

No need to get offended over someones opinion. Like I said in my response Myth is my Favorite class. (I love the minions, the spells, and the whole idea behind the class.) Doesn't change the facts though. Excluding PvP, my Necromancer can do Everything Else better and easier than my Myth character.

"I am a lvl 42 myth wizard and i have soloed almost of the whole game. My friend and i work together."

I don't realy get what you are trying to say here. If you SOLO, then you are NOT playing with your friend. Working together with someone is pretty much the opposite of soloing. It makes a big difference as it changes the whole game... from the number of monsters you fight to the types of spells that you use and duelling tactics. For example: I use a completely different deck when I play by myself (soloing) as opposed to when I am helping someone else (playing with others).

"People who keep complaining bout myth do not no how to use myth. I have done over 1000 damage with humongofrog just by using 1 balanceblade, 1 mythtrap, 1 mythblade, and time of legend."

Ok, this is just stacking your traps and blades. Its not "how to use myth" as ALL CLASSES can do this. In fact most classes can do it BETTER. Hence why we are saying myth is weak. There are 2 reasons other classes are better at this "stacking".

- First several classes get EXTRA traps and blades. Death gets curse (and feint for free), Storm gets a spell that traps all enemies. Balance gets a spell that casts an extra blade on all allies. There may be more, but those are the schools I'm most familiar with.

- Second our best Spells to solo with (Minotaur and Orthrus) require us to cast 2 of every trap on each monster before we attack. If we don't, the trap will only apply to the first (small) hit. You'd be suprised how many people don't realise that. That means it takes longer to attack, the enemies stay alive hitting you more, making you waste more pips on healing. This makes each fight drag on.

As far as your pros and cons, they are kinda messed up.

Good or Bad in PvP is only going to benefit those that do so. Not only that but skill (deck construction and strategy) and equipment choices are going to make as much if not more difference in being Good or Bad as the class itself.

High Mana??? Seriously? After level 10 or 15 or so mana isn't an issue. Besides all classes have the same mana before equipment.

The pros of Myth would be being able to ignore shields with our best spells, the cons would be needing to double-trap everything for those same spells. Some people love that we can remove negative wards, but doing the math this -usually- doesn't make as big a difference as casting a weakness on the enemy thats going to hit us. And anyone with 4TP can get weakness. I think it has to do with WHEN weakness is multiplied in, not sure though. The exception of course would be if we used it to remove feint. :-) But since I don't PvP much its a non-issue for me. I can't recall a monster EVER casting feint on me.

Anyway - Going to stick it in again. In my opinion the "fix" for myth is to simply give them a 0-2 pip version of prisms and traps that puts 2 identical ones on the same monster. Storm gets a 1 pip "trap everything" spell, Death gets a 1 pip "weakness everything" spell. Balance has spells to cast "multiple types" of traps/blades on one target. Why can't myth get a spell to cast 2 myth traps/prisms on one monster instead?

May 15, 2009
i really hate wen people bash myth
i have a level 29 myth AND HE IS A COMMANDER
i dont need wild bolts and i dont need shield spamming myself
i have worked my way up SOLELY with my own skill and a CYCLOPS minion
cyclops is perhaps the best minion because minotaur only shields and taunts

May 29, 2009
Listen, you posted THREE of the same topics of the same kind. THREE.

You know what, what if your first wizard was Myth? You tried to do the whole game first with THAT particular wizard, you had to completely rely on him/her. In fact I completey rely on my Myth. She is my first wizard and favourite. What you could also do is have life for secondary (I did!). And in Dragonspyre, never get in a fight without other people (I know that makes me look helpless, but it's fine to do). Krokotopia took me 7 days. MB took me 6. Mooshu took a week. I'm still on DS though
But really, put yourself in those shoes for a moment. Get a new account in fact. Try doing what I said before.
And stop making these posts. People are just going to make you feel bad.

Mar 18, 2009
To neopot39 - reading just your last post I can't even tell which side of the debate you are on. :( It sounds like you are saying myth is terrible.

"And in Dragonspyre, never get in a fight without other people (I know that makes me look helpless, but it's fine to do)."

1. Ok two things about that. Myth looking (or being) helpless is exactly what people are complaining about in this post. If you think you "look helpless" why even argue with the original poster?

2. Why oh Why... Even if you are right, and the answer is to just ALWAYS rely on a group. Why not change this? Myth is the minion class, if they intend for us to need a 'group' let us bring our own to the fight. With more, different, and better minions.

Going to point out again though that (in my opinion) it is our inefficient "stacking" ability that hurts us. Myth is fine in the early levels. I never had a problem before my character started NEEDING to use Minotaur (and later Orthrus). Adding a double trap spell, double prism spells, some sort of prism-like blade, or just another blade to use would help. Not asking for all of them, just something.

I'm done. No more from me on this topic. Laters :)

Mar 25, 2010
I think all schools are made equal. It only depends on the strategy and the gears you put into them that makes your character super cool and strong.

I myself is a Myth, I am now level 49 and a warlord since level 30, FIONA STRONGBREATH is my character name and grand masters know me if not fear me.

If you do the quest in order and not jump around. Do all the side quest too, and you wont have any trouble as you level up. I am still working on Dragon spyre and I'm almost GM .

I'd probably reach Grand Master before reaching Malister. And a lot of other schools ask for my help all the time.

I can't wait to try other schools.

May 29, 2009
Runebane wrote:

2. Why oh Why... Even if you are right, and the answer is to just ALWAYS rely on a group. Why not change this? Myth is the minion class, if they intend for us to need a 'group' let us bring our own to the fight. With more, different, and better minions

Minions just dont work for me

Mar 08, 2009
Well YEAH, myth isn't exactly the best school... in my and your opinion. It isn't in the guy who has 6 myth grands opinion.

I mean, i have a level 50 storm wizard-Charles Stormrider. And i decided to give myth a try after that. I got to KT, and I hate myth. I think its pathetic, and I believe it is the worst school (yeah you heard me, cyrus) So i switched to fire and i really like it... but storm is still best.

Basically, 99.9999999(repeating)% of people hate myth but to that .00001% who like it, go for it. :D

Dec 14, 2009
everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but you cant just say that myth is a waste of time just because it wasnt your cup of tea. Or maybe you dont have enough patience to use myth. So you go with storm which is nothing but bashing, nothing with defence(storm is really bad!) But that is just my opinion talking, i dont like storm, you dont like myth, two different people, two different opinions

Matt M.

Jan 12, 2010
FlipFredFredBurger wrote:

how DARE you critisize(spelling?) the best school.

Obiously you have a lot of time considering you talk about how you made so many grandmasters in the game.What about the people who spent all their time making a grand myth. You just expect people to "Forgive and Forget" the fact that myth would be deleted? It is obvious to me you dont know how to use myth. If you knew how to use it you would be able to kill anything with myth. Also you probably dont know myth has some of the biggest increase in damage with blades and traps So it seems to me you wanna get attention by wanting to start over the whole balance thing except with myth. Death is actually the weakest school. The thing that makes it so strong are the strong traps and blades. It just seems you are comparing the fact that myth is a "late bloomer" school compared to the others which are early powerhouses. You obiously dont know its specalty as you go on about healing in the commons and not being able to kill a boss.

AGREE! i am a fire grand master. i am WAY to lazy to make another character xD, but i WISH i chose myth. orthrus has to be the best card there is! (SO CUTE)
i really want an orthrus pet. but orthrus and helephant mixed is only ONE HEAD! :/
i like two heads! XD

Level 50 Fire

Aug 21, 2009
I'm still favoring giving all myth characters a 20% non-adjustable chance of doing double damage on their attacks, and perhaps another 5% chance of doing triple damage. Earthquake should be fixed to not remove stun shields (they basically act as shock absorbers and shock absorbers are able to ride out hurricanes quite well in real life).

Myth does well in pvp as earthquake removes stun shields allowing for chain stunning if not in full then in part. Chain stunning was not intentionally placed into the game and has even been tried to be dealt with, as such stun shields should not be removed by earthquake (how many times in the pve game have you seen your opposition try to use chainstunning... my count is zero as the game was never intended to play like that).

The 20 to 25% chance of extra damage (20% chance double damage, 5% chance triple damage) seems very myth like to me and the damage of all bladed and trapped up attacks by myth still seem incredibly weak when pitted against all bladed up and trapped up attacks by non-myths, but if myth has a chance of doing extra damage then it seems balanced out. The only reason I'd want to play with myth on my side in pvp is to be able to chain people with stun and that is exxactly how I see myth being used in pvp and chain stunning should be stopped as it is unfair and simply was never intended to be in the game like that.

May 22, 2009
Dec 17, 2008
Jul 12, 2010
I agree, Myth minions can't even have the title for the best minion. Death and balance does! Death has animate, with seven pips could beat all of the myth minions conbined. And with fourteen pips the power of the death minion is even better. Death, has the best minion and they heal while they attack. each class has it's secret advantage and the advantage everyone knows. '

Death: Secret advantage: Best minion, Know advantage: heals while they attack

Myth: Secret advantage: attacking too times, with a weak attack to get rid of shields and another one to do damage. Known advantage: NONE, Notice how I said none? Myth doesn't even have a known advantage some people think that myth has the best minions but they don't.

Life: Secret advantage: None Known advantage: healing.

Balance: Secret advantage: Having at least one spell that deals with other classes, Helping hands, mander minion, the spectral spell series. known advantage: Being balanced

Storm: Secret advantage: Non storm only spells cost one less pip than the other spells learned at the same level, higher mana Known advantage: Most powerful attacks

Ice: Secret advantage: Not known Known advantage: Highest health, and best defense.

Dec 19, 2008
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.

Maybe myth is just not for you. Maybe it is just not a good school for you. but do you have to get rid of the school,just because you dont like it does not mean that other people dont like it. what if we did get rid of the school then a whole bunch of people will quit. But myth is not useless. it is the best at attacking with no hold backs ( in other words it makes attacks that do damage at full power ).

Aug 10, 2009
My first toon here was a myth. I have always loved the pet type classes in other games so I thought I would try one here. <this was before I knew all classes got minions> I love my myth girl. She is the main toon I play with. Need cash? I play her.. Need pets? I play her... I have soloed most of the game, <except for briskbreeze and the warehouse and malistar>, with little or no help. You just need to know what minion will help the best.

ellie <grand myth>

Jul 29, 2009
I agree with the second post. STOP BASHING MYTH. You're not meant to solo the game if that's what you mean. Myth relies on summoning minions to help kill your enemies. If you say you can't, then you have people and DON'T NEED TO BE SAYING MYTH IS WEAK AND USELESS! Myth can pierce shields, which are most helpful with ice armor and spirit armor. It can stun. It has many other helpful spells. Thank you.

Sean Dunedreamer- Grandmaster Conjurer

"Myth is ancestry. Value your elders."

Dec 14, 2009
I don't see the weakness in the class. I recently started a myth,and he performs exceedingly well. I have soloed him to level 20,and he seems to excel in all areas. I think the problem, as several others have eluded to, is you are just not playing the class properly.

Jul 08, 2009
I have played Myth as well as every other school all the way through to the end, and will say it is the most boring of all the schools. I personally didn't like the way the school operated in terms of the spells and how you had to operate to make it an effective school in PVE. PVP however is a different story, I did like to pvp in Myth until they changed the pvp system.

Myth is certainly not the easiest school to use. I can see how people don't like it and think its weak. For me I did learn how to use it well and just came to the realization that for me, it was boring. Relying on minions in any way was something that went against the way I like to play. Again IMO Myth isn't a bad school, it was just incredibly boring for me.

Mar 08, 2009
My myth wizard solo mostly every dungeon including Katzenstiens lab and crimson fields so i think myth is not weak.

Jan 03, 2009
You are wrong, myth is actually the third strongest school, after fire. Plus minions have saved my neck on MANY occasions and people also say that orthrus is the worst lvl 48 spell but it actually has some of the most damage because it only attacks one enemy. Then you have attack all enemies spells, myth has TWO that ANYONE can learn, I have a life person that will NEVER be able to hit all enemies (his second school is storm). Those two hit spells like orthrus and minotaur, make tower shields look like a joke, I rarely need to worry about shields if I'm powering up to cast an orhtrus and we're good against storm people who cast powerful spells. Lastly myth is unique, storm, fire, and death grandmasters are a dime a dozen (they're all great schools but they're pretty common). So when myth is used right it is very powerful.

Mar 29, 2009
I have a myth wizard and maybe their not the easiest to fight with, but they do have some cool spells for shield breaking that really help when fighting, like earthquake or peirce etc.
I know people that are myth and love being it. I all depends on your opinion.

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

May 24, 2009
apollo0103 wrote:
Well YEAH, myth isn't exactly the best school... in my and your opinion. It isn't in the guy who has 6 myth grands opinion.

I mean, i have a level 50 storm wizard-Charles Stormrider. And i decided to give myth a try after that. I got to KT, and I hate myth. I think its pathetic, and I believe it is the worst school (yeah you heard me, cyrus) So i switched to fire and i really like it... but storm is still best.

Basically, 99.9999999(repeating)% of people hate myth but to that .00001% who like it, go for it. :D
did you take time to caculate that or just throw out a number