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Myth wizard weak and usless

May 31, 2009
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.

Jul 08, 2009

how DARE you critisize(spelling?) the best school.

Obiously you have a lot of time considering you talk about how you made so many grandmasters in the game.What about the people who spent all their time making a grand myth. You just expect people to "Forgive and Forget" the fact that myth would be deleted? It is obvious to me you dont know how to use myth. If you knew how to use it you would be able to kill anything with myth. Also you probably dont know myth has some of the biggest increase in damage with blades and traps So it seems to me you wanna get attention by wanting to start over the whole balance thing except with myth. Death is actually the weakest school. The thing that makes it so strong are the strong traps and blades. It just seems you are comparing the fact that myth is a "late bloomer" school compared to the others which are early powerhouses. You obiously dont know its specalty as you go on about healing in the commons and not being able to kill a boss.


Apr 16, 2010
I do not blame you for not liking myth at all. You seem to be knowing what you are doing and you seem to know strategy very well. I am not trying to prove you wrong and im not saying that myth is or isnt powerful but you have to remember that even though you are a very good player it doesnt always mean you are cut out for every class there is. What im saying is that sometimes you simply dont like something. My brother is Myth and he likes it pretty well, he loves the fact that you can summon minions in battle but if you dont like summoning or you dont like Myth spells or characters then you just dont, simple as that. You said that you had three Life wizards which means that you are good with life wizards. Its the opposite with Myth, you havent had very many and you hated the few you had, so what im trying to say is that sometimes people simply dont like things for thier own reasons.

Aug 19, 2008
I've only just started using Myth for my second wizard, and I agree with you that it's a challenge.

Myth seems to be designed to use Minions as a big part of their power source, and it can be awfully frustrating when your minion doesn't help in a battle.

May 22, 2009
I have four grandmasters. Myth is my latest and I will admit it surprised me on how much I enjoyed playing it. Myth is a challenge and takes a lot of patience. Just because you don't like Myth, doesn't mean it should be deleted. I have made several Death wizards and deleted each one because I think they are weak unless they pile on traps and blades. But that is my opinion, and doesn't meant the entire school should be deleted.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life
Hannah Earthbreaker Level 50 Balance
Hannah Summerglade Level 50 Fire
Hannah Legendstalker Level 50 MYTH

Feb 14, 2009
Solution B. Get a balance or storm friend to help

The minotaur minion has the same purpose as storm's, to distract that is why he's their. Minions arent required to be used. You can buy other school's at the bazaar. It be nice though if the minion blades and shields could be used on other minions besides the ones you summon

Mar 15, 2009
Hahahahaha, you obviously do NOT know your schools.

You say that Myth has low health. Umm buddy, Myth and Fire have the same health. So gather facts before you go bashing.

Also, dont say Myth is weak and usless. Look at some of the Top PVP Players, some are Myth.

Apr 25, 2010
Myth is NOT the weakest nor the strongest. All you have to do is get a good strategy. I am a fire wizard and my strategy is:
1. Shields (use same kind of shield on same kind of enemy)
2. Small attack (Something that doesn't use any pips but does small amount of damage)
3. Grand finale! (Use biggest card in your hand)
4. Repeat until enemy is defeated.

Now this is probably different for myth wizards. May I suggest you summon a minion as quick as possible? First use something that is zero pips and save up your pips to summon a minion. Now you have two people fighting! Then use some more zero pip spells until you have a stronger spell.

But this is from my limited knowledge of myth so I may not be completely valid.

Oh and may I add that you should adjust your deck to what you are fighting. Personally I think myth is one of the best for boss battles!

Feb 27, 2009
Myth is weaK? Really? How come, then, that my friend did around 4,800 damage with Oruthurus (whatever its called, I usually don't pay attention)? You tell me how myth is the weakest school?

Plus, if you spent so much time to reach GM, why delete the character? Just ignores all your progress done in the game.

And like Fred said, you must truely suck at playing a myth character because if you have THAT much trouble, you aren't playing myth right.

Lastly, do you realize that "deleting" myth would be deleting EVERY SINGLE MYTH THING?? Myth Grandmasters (that spent so much of their time on), myth creatures, myth shields, myth teacher. Deleting anything would mean deleting EVERYTHING that is myth. If you delete myth, you delete Cyrus, meaning you delete you're one-way ticket to DS, meaning KI would have to re-model the WHOLE GAME!

That sound fair to everyone else? If you are having trouble, delete your myth and never play on it again and you never have to look at myth ever again!!!!!!!!!!! Or, just quit the game all together. Because deleting myth is deleting the game.

May 29, 2009

Myth doesn't have the lowest health. Storm does.
Plus minion things are cool. I trained my conjuror on helping minions in Krokotopia, and once, I beat General Firetusk JUST by helping my crowns minions :D
Cyrus Drake is the funniest teacher 8)
My Humungofrog did 1031 damage on Uro Ahnic. Not high for you, but it's only rank 4, plus I only had spirit trap, myth trap and myth blade, and storm boss regular boost. So pretty high for lvl 22's.
Oh yeah, and Lezul... you KIND OF said a swear...
And like Fred said you must truly ____ at playing a Myth character

Jun 14, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.

It sounds like you don't know how to use the wizard's powers. This is not to insult your opinion, because you are entitled to it.

My very first wizard and my favorite is my Myth. With the expection of playing with my daughter or helping friends and those duels that required 3 or more people (ie Malistaire), I solo the game with her.

Maybe you just need to change your stragedy when fighting and figure what your strengths and weakness are. Use your weakness to your advantage.

Feb 14, 2009
neopot39 wrote:

Myth doesn't have the lowest health. Storm does.
Plus minion things are cool. I trained my conjuror on helping minions in Krokotopia, and once, I beat General Firetusk JUST by helping my crowns minions :D
Cyrus Drake is the funniest teacher 8)
My Humungofrog did 1031 damage on Uro Ahnic. Not high for you, but it's only rank 4, plus I only had spirit trap, myth trap and myth blade, and storm boss regular boost. So pretty high for lvl 22's.
Oh yeah, and Lezul... you KIND OF said a swear...
And like Fred said you must truly ____ at playing a Myth character
that isn't a swear lol. And like others have said myth is pretty good, especially in pvp. My grand ice, grand life, and grand myth friends did a 3v3 against warlord ice a storm and a balance I believe. We won thanks to my MYTH friend. Without him we'd lost hands down. And guess what? He had some WARLORD gear, just one but still. HE made US win. Want to know how? Earthquake plain and simple. Without myth they'd have shields to prevent my ice giant, and stun shields. And I have a lvl 22 myth and he is pretty good. PvP and PvE, simply make your deck fit against your enemy, get a few minions, minion buffs. Attacks. Minions are myths best offense besides minotaur. I have no hard time with myth yet. and Probably wont

Feb 27, 2009
neopot39 wrote:

Oh yeah, and Lezul... you KIND OF said a swear...
And like Fred said you must truly ____ at playing a Myth character

No I didn't.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
IamLezul wrote:
neopot39 wrote:

Oh yeah, and Lezul... you KIND OF said a swear...
And like Fred said you must truly ____ at playing a Myth character

No I didn't.

He is correct, it is not a swear, it is slang.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed, 2003).

Suck 4. slang : to be objectional or inadequate

On the other hand, I do agree, we all have inadequacies in our gaming and tend to find those games and types of characters we do find most enjoyable. Nothing wrong with this at all. We are here to have FUN!!!

May 29, 2009
MikeStrath wrote:
IamLezul wrote:

Oh yeah, and Lezul... you KIND OF said a swear...
And like Fred said you must truly ____ at playing a Myth character

He is correct, it is not a swear, it is slang.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed, 2003).

Suck 4. slang : to be objectional or inadequate

I don't use that dictionary

Jun 07, 2009
I have to disagre with you myth is a good school i'm working on getting my second grand which is a myth character but it was a bit challenge at the begin with myth but i eventually got to be really good with my myth spells and minions i learned that myth might be what some people call a late bloomer at the begin but once you get further myth starts to be really good and the health isnt low its about the same as fire but what i'm guessing is that you arent good with myth,or strategies this school is more about strategy then power or defense so if you arent good with myth then just dont make a myth file then its as simple as that.

Hunter Nightblade grandmaster diviner
Angel Dragongem master of myth

Jun 16, 2008
I have a Myth Grandmaster and I can understand your frustration. I fought Malistaire with my Storm Grandmaster and just about sailed through ... yet, my Myth wizard was so lame. I was more of a back-up wizard with Myth but with Storm I was the wizard with the heaviest hits (I was so astonished at the difference).

I believe part of the problem with my Myth Wizard is my choice of secondary school (life and death up to feint and then the balance blades). One day I will sell my training points to Mr. Lincoln for new training points. Now, my Myth wizard is only doing desk duty ... no battles.

Myth requires patience: It isn't until level 22 that you get your first really powerful spell (Humongofrog) and then you have to wait until level 33 for Minotaur and then level 42 for Earthquake and level 48 for Orthrus. Minotaur and Orthrus are fantastic but for powerful damage you have to plan on doubling up on the enhancements because they perform double hit spells. Time of Legend helps.

On a positive note, all wizards are envious of the Pierce and Cleanse Ward spells that Myth have. These spells are often overlooked when talking about Myth's power but those 2 spells have saved many wizards.

Because of the strategizing and patience needed, I think that Sun-tsu, the ancient Chinese warrior who wrote the most influential military handbook , of all time,"The Art of War" would have picked Myth as his school.

May 31, 2009
today Myth suffered three deaths once with the help of a Henchman, the opponents was a 6000 health fire and a helper of about 1300.
After being killed here he went on to be killed in the safe house in Dragonspyre. I know the dog is a two way hit and that Menataur { spelling} is a two way hit. Placing enough traps fients and blades to kill and do damage is too time consuming and in process you get Hammered. The frog is too weak for Dragonspyre on a lot of opponents. Earthquake makes many madd when you remove everything and the dog is a single opponent killer if you can live long enough to use it.
With out Henchmen and Helpers Myth is no good in fights. Tell me again how weak death is? I farm with death something you cant do with myth. I found Death to be more self sustaining than any wizard as he heals himself and mana is his short fall. Life has a hard time fighting and killing but he uses the right amount of pips to heal unlike out of school healing. Something all wizards need is healing, then why is it out of school? Because healing is given to all wizards then it should not be an out of school spell. Another myth short fall healing consumes a lot of his pips needed for those weak spells.
Storm I will take anywhere in the game, Death I will take anywhere, I am not afraid to take any of the wizards anywhere in this game except Myth, Because it lacks killing power. I have tried every possible method, I have used balance blades Myth blades Fients, and sheilds, but nothing will improve myth except making changes to his spells.
I have won many, many fights in my time even defeating Joten in Grizz several times with my wizards., Myth is not making it. I am not slandering any players here, Wizards are our tools, Myth is a weak tool, if you cant see this then you need to try to Defeat a 6000 health fire opponent and a 1300 fire helper and see. All my other wizards can defeat them, but myth cant.

Feb 27, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
today Myth suffered three deaths once with the help of a Henchman, the opponents was a 6000 health fire and a helper of about 1300.
After being killed here he went on to be killed in the safe house in Dragonspyre. I know the dog is a two way hit and that Menataur { spelling} is a two way hit. Placing enough traps fients and blades to kill and do damage is too time consuming and in process you get Hammered. The frog is too weak for Dragonspyre on a lot of opponents. Earthquake makes many madd when you remove everything and the dog is a single opponent killer if you can live long enough to use it.
With out Henchmen and Helpers Myth is no good in fights. Tell me again how weak death is? I farm with death something you cant do with myth. I found Death to be more self sustaining than any wizard as he heals himself and mana is his short fall. Life has a hard time fighting and killing but he uses the right amount of pips to heal unlike out of school healing. Something all wizards need is healing, then why is it out of school? Because healing is given to all wizards then it should not be an out of school spell. Another myth short fall healing consumes a lot of his pips needed for those weak spells.
Storm I will take anywhere in the game, Death I will take anywhere, I am not afraid to take any of the wizards anywhere in this game except Myth, Because it lacks killing power. I have tried every possible method, I have used balance blades Myth blades Fients, and sheilds, but nothing will improve myth except making changes to his spells.
I have won many, many fights in my time even defeating Joten in Grizz several times with my wizards., Myth is not making it. I am not slandering any players here, Wizards are our tools, Myth is a weak tool, if you cant see this then you need to try to Defeat a 6000 health fire opponent and a 1300 fire helper and see. All my other wizards can defeat them, but myth cant.

Ok it is not "Myth", its you.

Jul 08, 2009
IamLezul wrote:
Darkblood1 wrote:
today Myth suffered three deaths once with the help of a Henchman, the opponents was a 6000 health fire and a helper of about 1300.
After being killed here he went on to be killed in the safe house in Dragonspyre. I know the dog is a two way hit and that Menataur { spelling} is a two way hit. Placing enough traps fients and blades to kill and do damage is too time consuming and in process you get Hammered. The frog is too weak for Dragonspyre on a lot of opponents. Earthquake makes many madd when you remove everything and the dog is a single opponent killer if you can live long enough to use it.
With out Henchmen and Helpers Myth is no good in fights. Tell me again how weak death is? I farm with death something you cant do with myth. I found Death to be more self sustaining than any wizard as he heals himself and mana is his short fall. Life has a hard time fighting and killing but he uses the right amount of pips to heal unlike out of school healing. Something all wizards need is healing, then why is it out of school? Because healing is given to all wizards then it should not be an out of school spell. Another myth short fall healing consumes a lot of his pips needed for those weak spells.
Storm I will take anywhere in the game, Death I will take anywhere, I am not afraid to take any of the wizards anywhere in this game except Myth, Because it lacks killing power. I have tried every possible method, I have used balance blades Myth blades Fients, and sheilds, but nothing will improve myth except making changes to his spells.
I have won many, many fights in my time even defeating Joten in Grizz several times with my wizards., Myth is not making it. I am not slandering any players here, Wizards are our tools, Myth is a weak tool, if you cant see this then you need to try to Defeat a 6000 health fire opponent and a 1300 fire helper and see. All my other wizards can defeat them, but myth cant.

Ok it is not "Myth", its you.
True but i am guessing your nuts. I mean really why in the world are you tring to solo jouton and the safe house? Who do you think you are in wizard101? Your not a God in Wizard101. If it werent for your +40 blades and +40 and +70 traps you'd be complaining 'bout death. So delete your myths, stop bashing myth and go play the wizards you actually have a stragety with.

Dec 17, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.
:x Dude that just stupid i got a grand master storm and it sucks in pvp but my myth is good it rocks in pvp i got all the way to commander. Now i am working on my storm wizard in pvp but i dieced to team up with a myth wizard and we did great we only lost two battles so far, So u should'nt say nothing about myth wizard. Maybe u suck on using a myth wizard. plus u can use too good spells earthquake and orthrus which is a good combo in finishing your opponents. So i say MYTH WIZARDS ROCK! P.S It better to trian a myth wizard cause the new coming world celestia. :)

Nov 24, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.
you are kinda of right i have a myth guy and my spells are xstrong and cool looking but they heave bad health i died fighting a sprite because my spells could not kill them myth is nothing compared to storm :( :) im not saying myth is bad im saying myth dies so quickley!!

Jul 08, 2009
bobbyfly123 wrote:
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.
you are kinda of right i have a myth guy and my spells are xstrong and cool looking but they heave bad health i died fighting a sprite because my spells could not kill them myth is nothing compared to storm :( :) im not saying myth is bad im saying myth dies so quickley!!
Let me guess the "Sprites" that killed you were the 3 death pixies from a school quest.

Mar 18, 2009
I have one GM and its Myth. Myth is my FAVORITE class. That said, I agree with you - sort of. First off I'm talking pve not pvp. (Last time i bothered with pvp I won 18 of my first 20 fights, got bored, and haven't tried it since. - Its been so long my ranking reset or something, still have my tickets from thos few fights though. lol)

In My Opinion - Double Hitting Cards (orthrus and minotaur) Are Myth's greatest Strength and also its Greatest Weakness. Before we get those Myth is played just like any other class.

Yes, we can pretty much IGNRORE enemy shields. This makes us overpowered against Storm monsters. The occaisional shield won't help them their only hope is to cast 2 shields before our spells hit them.

On the other hand fighting Myth monsters is a nightmare. Fighting 2 at once I'm going to need at LEAST 4 prisms. (Even MORE prisms will be needed if my minion takes them down.) The bests decks I've seen only let you have 7 copies of each card. That means that Deck Management is a nightmare. I have to trim down everything esle in my deck to make sure prisms will pop up in a timely manner. This also requires me to keep storm cards in my Sideboard for emergencies. ALSO, using our single hit spells just isn't an option. Earthquake and Humongofrog do LESS than half the damage (to 1 target) of an Orthrus spell. So you would still need the same amount (x2) of prisms.

Now consider Bosses. I'll use the Labyrhinth (in Dragonspyre) as an example. None of the bosses are Myth (thank goodness) though a few have myth helpers. Most (maybe all?) of the bosses have over 4k health.

Without double traping, my best spell - Orthrus - with Damage Gear, Time of Legend, Myth Blade, and Spirit Blade only does 1969 damage. Thats 1477 with weakness (and last time I had it cast on me at least once EVERY fight their.) That means I'm gonna have to hit it at LEAST 3 or more good hits. Not even counting defeating their helper. Now consider what it would be like if the boss was Myth and I had to use at leas 2 prisms before every attack. Very anoying.

This is do-able though, I do it every day. But I know that my Necromancer (not even GM yet) has a much easier time. Something thows up weaknes, add another trap. Don't have to worry about spending pips on heals. Never worry about not having enough prisms, etc...

The FIX... Simplly adding a new spell or two could fix this. Find a way to double trap/prism with one spell. Either a 1-2 pip spell that adds 2 identical traps/prisms at once, or maybe a 0 pip spell that makes the next trap/prism used add twice.

Mar 19, 2010
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have my account full of Grandmasters, I know what it takes to make a Grand master, I have made several Life and deleted them, I have a death, Fire, Balance, and a Ice until i deleted it to make a myth.
I have found the myth wizard weak and useless in the game, You can tell me all day why you feel it is a good wizard, but it does not compare to the other wizards. My Grandmaster Storm and fire and death can kill circles around Myth. With all my other wizards i never was killed in fights several in a row but Myth stays in commons healing and fighting over and over the fights he has to win. While other wizards advance in the game he sits still.
The Game would do well to remove myth from its game playing, It only discourages players that are new to the game, and hate to delete myth after putting in hard playing behind it. I deleted my first myth at level 48, and a friend and I decided to give Myth another try, it seems worse second time around. Tonight after i was killed twice in two fights right after each other i could see myth is usless in the game.
Now I know there are those out there that will tell me I am wrong, But no matter what you say, Myth has weak spells, and can be killed easily. I would even put an Ice up against a Myth and Ice is also weak. But Ice is stronger than myth. Everything is stronger than Myth. This is why it needs changing or just being done away with. I will struggel on with my Myth, and suffer the weakness and his being killed, but after all is said and done i look at only one responsible party here, and they have the power to change Myth or do away with it.
Making fire Grandmaster and Ice Grandmaster and Storm Grandmaster, Balance Grandmaster, Death Grandmaster, I have played wizard 101 for a year now. I know these wizards and how they work. I have made about three Life Grandmasters in my time in the game, But after all this I feel nobody can tell me Myth is not weak and useless, I have walked the road over and over and Myth can not walk, it needs a walker and help to make it through the game. I do not know when those in charge will see this, all they have to do is compare the Myth wizards being made and deleted to the other wizards being made and deleted. When i reach Grandmaster with my myth i will delete him, Why? because he can not kill, simple as that. My other wizards kill and kill very well.

This is ridiculous, myth ar ranked second behind balance in the most amount of warlords in pvp (balance is a judgement spamming school so they would abviously win). I partially agree that myth is bad at the beginning but it gets drastically better as you go on. In the PvE section of the game it is about average and can at least kill faster than life and ice. In the PvP section however it is amazing how they work their way around shields and play to their advantages of minions, shield breakers (and maybe stuns ).

Nathan MythRider Level 42 Myth Private (Havent started arena on yet)
Nathan StormRider Level 50 Storm Warlord