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Scroll of FortuneWe've introduced the Scroll of Fortune, a new seasonal program for things you likely do already but with nifty rewards included!
Acquiring the scroll provides access to better rewards for playing in various events. The Deckathalons, Beastmoon Hunt (defeating enemies, leveling up forms, capturing rings, or a battle win), and Spiral Showcase are all possible events to access.
The Scroll of Fortune runs seasonally for 90 days at a time. Points gained in the events unlock rewards listed on the Event Page. There are rewards for everyone and also additional rewards for those who have purchased the Scroll, which is available per character. Members also get a discount on the scroll. Your points gained in the current season Scroll of Fortune program will reset once the current season ends.
Each event has a different item where you you can earn points. For example, in the Spiral Showcase you can earn points by completing daily assignments, training pets, helping in the team kiosk, crafting and fishing. Points are earned and retained only during the current event!
Red items with a lock are those exclusive for Scroll holders. When the event is running, you will find it at the top of the new Events page.
Professor Falmea also had this to say about the Scroll of Fortune.
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Spiral ShowcaseDo you like training pets? Fishing? Helping others?
Weeks where we don’t have a Deckathalon or Beastmoon Hunt event, we’ll have events to earn points and rewards, likely for activities you participate in already!
Introducing the Spiral Showcase event where you earn points to fill up your personal progress bar by fishing, training your pets, doing daily quests, crafting items, and helping out others with the Team Up Kiosk!
As you fill up your personal progress bar, you’ll unlock special free rewards, such as:
- Professor's Hoard Pack
- TCs from the Eye of Bartleby Pack
- Reagents from the Mega Reagent Pack
- Jewels from Rockhammer’s Jewel Pack
- Mega Snacks
- And More!
Earning points in the Spiral Showcase will also earn more towards Scroll of Fortune progress for even more rewards.
The latest Spiral Showcase event here.
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