| | | | | Terrific Two's
 It's been two years since we opened the doors to welcome students to Ravenwood School of Magical Arts! Since then we've seen the worlds of Dragonspyre and Grizzleheim appear, and another world is coming soon. We've fully voiced over the game, added Castles and Lands, Mounts, the Crown Shop, the Bazaar, Crafting, and of course, Pets! For more information about all the updates we've made to Wizard101 in the last year, have a look through our Update Notes. There is still a great deal to be discovered in the Spiral, higher levels, new worlds, new spells, new friends and new enemies are all coming with the world of Celestia. I look forward to helping you along in all your adventures in Wizard101.
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| | | | | | |  Welcome to the second installment of the Producer's Letter. Each month, the Wizard101 Producer Leah Ruben will address the players, talk about what's going on behind the scenes and hopefully give our players a sneak peek of what's to come. Many of you have already interacted with her on the Wizard101 Message Boards, for Leah Ruben is also known as Dalia Falmea! In this month's letter, Leah talks about our ongoing community outreach, or continued stabilization of the architecture of the game, and cleaning out some long-standing cobwebs that require our attention. Plus there's a little sneak peek of Celestian pet! Click here to read what Leah has to say, in this month's Producer's Letter. | | | | |
| | | | | Welcome to September's Book of the Month Club! I'm Harold Argleston, your Wizard City Librarian and I would like to encourage you to read! This month we move into the realm of stories that remind us of MooShu. This book has been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.
This month's book is
The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler
In 18th-century Japan, Seiki idolizes the samurai warriors but can never hope to be one. Then, while he and his merchant father are staying at an inn, a valuable jewel is stolen and Seiki must help the great samurai Judge Ooka solve the case. This is the first in the Samurai Mysteries series. Others include The Demon in the Teahouse, A Samurai Never Fears Death, In Darkness, Death, and The Sword that Cut the Burning Grass.
Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, studious young Wizards! | | | | |
| | | | | Wizard101 is honored to be nominated in the First Annual Game Developers Choice Online Awards for The Best Community Relations Award
The Best Community Relations Award honors the currently operating online game that provides the highest quality community feedback and experience, including customer support, forum moderation and leadership, weblog and information updates, real-life events, and other community outreach.
For more information visit The First Annual Game Developers Choice Online Awards | | | | |
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Ravenwood Radio!Ravenwood Radio is a podcast dedicated to Wizard101. Your hosts Leesha and Steve focus on news, tips, stories, info and have lots of fun chatting the game! We love listening to them and think you will too! Tune in to Ravenwood Radio! Haven't had a chance to read bloggers on Wizard101? Check out a growing list of popular blogs on our Fansites & Blogs page as well as a list of up and coming blogs on The Friendly Necromancer's MMO Blogger's Club.
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Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!