 October 2008
Welcome to the October 2008 Update Notes Page. What are Update Notes you ask? Every time we update Wizard101, we like to let our players know what changes have been made and what new additions have been given to the game. Update Notes explain those changes and updates.
This month we added Pay by Area for our Crowns players, Quest History, a Halloween celebration and Zeke has a new location!
| | | | | | | | Pay by Zone
Hey there Young Wizard! Not a Member? Still want to explore other zones of Wizard City and the worlds beyond? Well now you can!
While Members can access all zones and content of Wizard101, non-Members can now purchase Premium zones with Crowns. Players can purchase individual zones that they’ve earned access to, through advancement and questing, but were previously blocked from because they were not Members. Firecat Alley and Nightside are examples in Wizard City of these zones. Each World on the Spiral will have new zones for you to explore. Simply walk up to any street you previously could not access without a Membership and follow the instructions to Buy Premium with Crowns. Once you purchase an zone, you won’t ever need to purchase it again on that account.
 Don’t have any crowns? You can buy them easily at Wizard101.com. | | | | |
| | | | | Quest History
Your quest log has new arrows in it that manually allow you to cycle through a quest with multiple goals, such as Zeke’s Find the Smiths
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There is also a new icon on the quests you have received that will show you the history of that quest. See more below. 
Click on the yellow quest question mark and a new panel will open.
This panel allows you to see the conversations you’ve had leading up to and during the current quest!
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| | | | | Zeke loves Gold!  Zeke’s Crowns Items can be Purchased with Gold
Zeke here! I’ve gone Spiral Wide!
I’m letting the local shopkeepers in each world sell my goods!
If you have crowns, you can buy items from me, and if you have gold, you can buy the same items at the regular shopkeepers .
Sometimes I get special holiday items in, and those items are not available from the shopkeepers, but you just might find the rare one on a boss creature!
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| | | | | Recall to your Dorm 
You'll find a new button on your map that will take you to your Dorm room. Use this button whenever you find yourself in an area you do not know how to leave. This is also a quick way to drop items in your storage and get back to the dueling! | | | | |
| | | | | Rename your Pet
If you're not happy with your pet's name, you can now choose a new name by going to the Dye Shop. You will see a new icon there that will instruct you on how to rename your pet, for a small gold fee. What - you didn't like Baby Abbey as a pet name? | | | | |
| | | | |  New Tutorial!
Major changes have been made to the tutorial, including hearing Merle’s voice guiding you through your first spells – you may want to create an additional Wizard to see what adventures Merle has in store for his newest students. | | | | |
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Miscellaneous Updates & Changes
- Pixie and Dark Pixie pets should no longer flash pink.
- Marleybone: Chelsea Court – Your friends can now teleport to you while you are in Chelsea Court, in case you need some help!
- The Quest Take it by Storm is now something you’ll have to complete on your own. This is now a gauntlet zone, and no longer has instance sigils outside. Friends can still teleport to you to help out, but you must enter on your own.
- Some people previously on your ignore list, may have to be re-ignored.<
 - There is a new option in the Options Panel to allow you to limit the tutorial tips you see. This should only be used by advanced Wizards!
- Your character panel now has a starry background so you can more easily see your clothing.
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| | | | | Miscellaneous Updates & Changes
- When a ToolTip appears, if you do not want to read it, you can now Right Click the ToolTip to dismiss it. Beware though; your teachers may have something important to tell you!
- Merle Ambrose has decided that the emergency in Unicorn way is more important than meeting your teachers. New players will find that he will send you to Unicorn way before he sends you to meet your Professors.
If you have your "Show Names" view set to "Non-Players" you can still move your cursor over someone to see their name appear above their head! If you have your "Show Names" view set to none, you can still move your cursor over other players, shopkeepers and residents, as well as creatures to see their name and title.
- New spells you earn through training will be automatically added to your spellbook. New spells you receive through quests will still need to be added manually.
- Treasure cards that are unavailable to purchase will have their icons grayed out. If you do not have enough gold to purchase a card, it will be the color grey in the library.
- Purchases made in game with Crowns, either at Zeke or Spooky Bob will now ask you to Confirm your purchase.
- Marleybone's Hat Shopkeeper is now named "Houghe Warner"
- There is no longer a level 30 restriction to get the quest "Welcome to Moo Shu?", but you still have to complete the quest named "Moo Shu" first!
- "Eyus, Conqueror" quest now offers the "Helm of Dependability" as a reward
 - Ahnic Striders no longer use Natural Attacks that are stronger if they spend more pips on them.
- Forgotten Djeserit Souls now count for defeats during 'Restless Souls' quest.
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Miscellaneous Updates & Changes
- Steal spells now describe the "steal" action.
- Accuracy for the Stun and Freeze spells has been increased to 70%
- Quench spell Rank has been reduced to 2
- Melt spell Rank has been reduced to 2
- Dissipate spell Rank has been reduced to 2
- Djeserit Dwellers will turn to dust when they are defeated in a duel.
- Oka looks much more like his portrait.
- Players can no longer interact with the Frozen Forge multiple times.
- Zan'ne may ask you to do the Tome of the Fang quest again.
- Desert Golems give credit for both Elemental and Golem badges.
- Completing the quest "A Fang in Hand" is no longer be required for "Master of the Oasis" Badge.
- Shackled Slaves will no longer have the word 'Shackled Slave' over them.
Moo Shu
- The Myth Wand available in Moo Shu is now available for all schools of Wizards to use.
- Players can no longer use "Teleport To Friend" when another player is inside Fushiko's dojo in Village of Sorrow, since it is now a single-player instance zone. You are meant to complete this on your own as a test of your ability.
- The floating book pedestal in Crimson Fields appears to have been fixed.
- All new pets dropped by bosses will no longer only be named Baby Abbey. They will now have a randomly generated name.
- The floating book pedestal in Crimson Fields appears to have been fixed.
- Choose your friends wisely. The size of the Friends List is no longer unlimited. Each character can have a maximum of 100 friends. If you have 100 or more friends now, you cannot add new friends until you remove enough people from your list to bring the total under 100.
- Cyrus has been busy with his red corrective pen again, this time he's been correcting grammar and spelling.
- Many treasure cards have new cinematics when they are cast.
- At the Wizard Creation screen, buttons have been added to rotate your character during character creation. You can still use the mouse to do this as well.
- The names of all the mini games can now be said in Text Chat.
- Full names are now displayed in the chat window.
 - You will find a new setting in your Options panel under "Show Names".
The selections are now: Everyone, None, Players, Non Players, All Others
This will allow you to only see everyone that is not a player, such as creatures, shopkeepers and items.
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