The complete opposite of balence is chaos, sooo the opposite school would be the chaos school
LOL!!!!!!!! I do enjoy the comments of ppl...
some ppl would confer with certain statements such as Choas is Opposite balance but if you anylsis balance you would actually find yourself wrong as I did myself.....Chaos doesnt fit.....the concept first off wouldnt really fit a kids game....the idea of what i would consider an evil wizard standing alone against the other 7 schools would be no no....
I am actually done with Part2 of not sure how many parts of the correction of some misconceptions.....I personally took the time to think of New wizards and Chaos didnt fit.....I did try though.....Now Spiral Wizard ever ever one was made Chaos i could possibly see being the opposite of but .....I think Chaos would only ever be a Evil Master of Our Nightmares as a NPC.
And doesnt seem you doing anything with this one anymore?.....hmm.....maybe ill search around XD
I myself think it's a horable idea balance does have resist from life and death and even myth so it has more weaknesses than advantages plus any school can use balance blade or storm blade or spirt blade and elemental blade when balance can't even use spirt blade and elemental blade!
HI everybody its me Jack Goldflame lvl 60 balance. I've been reading over all the responses and i have some difficulties with it sry :P. Balance doesn't exclude any schools thats why it has spirit blade and spirit trap. It has spell that give pip which go with death. it has helping hands that go with life and it has mander which is minion so it go with myth. Not trying to hate on any ideas but yea once again it doesn't exclude any schools. i understand balance may be a little difficult to beat :P but evry school has its ups and downs and balances has its to.
People, think about it!!! Balance OPPOSES life death and myth!!!
No, Balance does not oppose Life, Death, and Myth. Balance was created from the combining of all Six Schools of Magic. Once formed together, a new magic was created, one that was meant to restore Balance between The Spiritual Schools and the Elemental Schools
Life, Myth, and Death boost on balance.
Um just because it boost on balance doesn't mean they opposite if you look at my other message you could see why. Maybe instead of trying to hate on the elementals in balance you could ask KI to add some spirit attack spells to blance cause it really doesn't discriminate anything :P
I myself think it's a horable idea balance does have resist from life and death and even myth so it has more weaknesses than advantages plus any school can use balance blade or storm blade or spirt blade and elemental blade when balance can't even use spirt blade and elemental blade!
Yes it can :P but the idea that everyone seems to have balance blade is true. That and they could have went to KT and got it :(
ok i really like the idea, but i think it may mess up the storyline for balance. in balance quests it explains why. If it were possible i would love it. btw some spells may need a little tweeking. other than that i think it would be cool
I think that balance does not need an opposite. Balance already incorporates all the schools. Availing and helping hands are from Life. The spell Hex come from Death. Spectral Minion is from Myth. Then the attacks Spectral Blast and Hydra are from the elemental schools. Elemental Shield and Elemental Blade and Elemental Trap are also from the elemental schools. Spirit Shield and Spirit Blade and Spirit Trap are from the Spirit schools.
I Agree because I think it's strange how balance people can cast hydra as fire, ice and storm but there are no myth, death and life... a new school is a great idea and in the meantime I say you should have life myth and death mutate cards
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you could create an opposite school for balance and still stay within the magical structure created by KI. You have the three elemental schools, the three spirit schools, and then balance which borrows from each to generate something unique. How would you counter that? You can call the school chaos or disorder so that the name would be opposite, but to have a school that is opposite of a school that takes from each of the other schools of magic, you'd have to create a school that doesn't have any real base of its own but that doesn't draw from the core schools of magic either. I get that many would like to see a counter school for balance, but I just don't see how it would work given the way the other schools are set up.
well, what if the unbalanced school (maybe a good name would be destruction, since chaos was taken by the myth school in pigswick) was derived from the cold destruction of nothingness, and it's power came from the stray wisps from evil people misusing magic...or something like that
Eh...I'm not thrilled about the idea of adding an opposite school to Balance. The fact that Balance doesn't have a weakness makes Balance unique and superior, in a way, to the other schools (which it's supposed to be).
while i do admit that there is not much enthusiasm on life myth and death i agree with AkihiroHattori5
Actually, Chaos wouldn't be a bad name, as it would fit in with the Egyptian theme. In Ancient Egypt they believed that Balance, or Ma'at, and Chaos, which I can't remember their name for, were opposing forces, like Good and Evil. There should be spells called Apophis and Set(h?). The reason for this being that Apophis was a giant snake, the "embodiment of Chaos", and Set or Seth or whatever you want to call him was almost as bad.