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An Opposite to Balance?

Jun 14, 2009
yah i got you there man but judgement is unfair for lower lvls to have as treasures even when they first get it in the arena only ice and people who waste a training point on un balance can get it any one who knows a person lvl 60 fire named luke deathcatcher thats me peoples :D

Feb 25, 2010
"I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you could create an opposite school for balance and still stay within the magical structure created by KI. You have the three elemental schools, the three spirit schools, and then balance which borrows from each to generate something unique. How would you counter that? You can call the school chaos or disorder so that the name would be opposite, but to have a school that is opposite of a school that takes from each of the other schools of magic, you'd have to create a school that doesn't have any real base of its own but that doesn't draw from the core schools of magic either. I get that many would like to see a counter school for balance, but I just don't see how it would work given the way the other schools are set up."

And what a lot of non-Balance students don't know, is that Life and Death get a boost against Balance.

Aug 13, 2009
Jan 08, 2010
I'm sorry, but I'm not quite sure if I agree. It just doesn't work, if you think about the way they have the schools set up. Balance draws from all of the schools, so the rest of the schools themselves, are imbalanced. Nice try, so keep working on it! I'm sure you'll find a way to make those great spells work ^_^

Nov 14, 2010
mman are you Balance? Because now I understand why some people are agreeing,THEY ARENT BALANCE WIZARDS,you see if disorder or chaos or whatever you redicules idea was,was created it wouldnt draw from any other school because Balance takes from all the schools how do you think judgment looks like an angel from that life angel.So if to even try to improve your bad idea I would suggest adding more spirit looking Balance spells for the worlds to come,Or even in the new world have unbalance as a forgotten school or something

Aug 13, 2009
crystalfiod2 wrote:
mman are you Balance? Because now I understand why some people are agreeing,THEY ARENT BALANCE WIZARDS,you see if disorder or chaos or whatever you redicules idea was,was created it wouldnt draw from any other school because Balance takes from all the schools how do you think judgment looks like an angel from that life angel.So if to even try to improve your bad idea I would suggest adding more spirit looking Balance spells for the worlds to come,Or even in the new world have unbalance as a forgotten school or something

HEY! I am a balance wizard, for your information. I just want the schools to be FAIR for ONCE. Balance wizards get it good. And, WHO CARES about the Judgement looking like seraph? xD! Seriously dude!?

Matthew Spritefriend, Lengendary Theurgist

Matthew Drake, level 43 SORCERER

Jan 24, 2010
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Eh...I'm not thrilled about the idea of adding an opposite school to Balance. The fact that Balance doesn't have a weakness makes Balance unique and superior, in a way, to the other schools (which it's supposed to be).

I mostly agree. Balance is, in my opinion, the most unique of the schools. It's true that not having a weakness makes Balance superior. But is that really fair? Yes, all the schools have one little thing about them that all the other schools dont have i.e. Ice wizards tend to have more health. But every other school has their weakness and I think Balance should too.

Gabrielle DarkHeart Lvl 51 Necromancer

Jan 24, 2010
stanklepoot wrote:
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you could create an opposite school for balance and still stay within the magical structure created by KI. You have the three elemental schools, the three spirit schools, and then balance which borrows from each to generate something unique. How would you counter that? You can call the school chaos or disorder so that the name would be opposite, but to have a school that is opposite of a school that takes from each of the other schools of magic, you'd have to create a school that doesn't have any real base of its own but that doesn't draw from the core schools of magic either. I get that many would like to see a counter school for balance, but I just don't see how it would work given the way the other schools are set up.

I see what you mean. This makes a lot of sense.

Oct 18, 2008
Personally, i tink its a great idea. I do however think that the spells you suggested have way to much power over the other schools. Lower the spells power and it would be an awsome idea! :D

Nov 14, 2010
mman17 wrote:
crystalfiod2 wrote:
mman are you Balance? Because now I understand why some people are agreeing,THEY ARENT BALANCE WIZARDS,you see if disorder or chaos or whatever you redicules idea was,was created it wouldnt draw from any other school because Balance takes from all the schools how do you think judgment looks like an angel from that life angel.So if to even try to improve your bad idea I would suggest adding more spirit looking Balance spells for the worlds to come,Or even in the new world have unbalance as a forgotten school or something

HEY! I am a balance wizard, for your information. I just want the schools to be FAIR for ONCE. Balance wizards get it good. And, WHO CARES about the Judgement looking like seraph? xD! Seriously dude!?

Matthew Spritefriend, Lengendary Theurgist

Matthew Drake, level 43 SORCERER
Dude Balance is fair they all are do you know of a Balance convert hmmmmm?do you know of a +30 for balance that we dont need a pet or amulet to use????Plus look at you spell ideas for just one minute then would the schools be fair because the card damage is way too much.All the schools are equal and KI put only these schools for a reason.

Quinn Mistwhisper lvl 60 Legendary Balance wizard

Mar 05, 2009
Ok this idea is a bit sketchy I like the thought but technical terms it doesnt make sence because balance is each school. I think KI wanted spirit schools in balance to be more for blades and elemental schools for attacking in balance. I mean does anyone really know why balance has weak spells? It's because it has all the blade spells and hex AND balance blade so it's more of a tactical school. I think KI wanted balance to be a school that makes you help your friends in battle to make them stronger. But they heard all of our whining and gave us ra and I love ra it balances balance haha. But I also think they could give balance a mutate spell for hydra to like mutate him into a spirit hydra :)

Mar 02, 2010
I agree. It is tiring having nothing to stop a rank 9 monster when your lv. 38 life. It's easier with the other schools. there should even be cards like these: Unbalancing pips:4 accuracy 80% lv. 33
An elemental shield appears new and improved (I'll explain later on)
with a tower shield and a balance shield on you only.
Elemental thingy shield is all three elements in one with the three signs.
When an element is used it disappears from the sign and makes an effect.
Fire:Giant explosion on you and makes a negative wyldfire. 45% chance

All other elements the same except with ice or lightning.
Michael SoulBright

Jan 24, 2010
mman17 wrote:
People, think about it!!! Balance OPPOSES life death and myth!!!

Finally! I thought i was the only one who noticed. When you cast Life, Myth, and Death spells on a balance monster or whatever it is... it boosts the damage. So the spirit schools are its opposite.

Jun 04, 2010
So, I just have to weigh in on this one. Its very creative thinking, but have you read all the pedestals in each classroom and the back story on balance? Magic in this game is clearly a circle with balance magic sitting at the center of that circle. It is already borrowing from the spirit triangle, which is why there are two minions, healing, and generic traps (myth, life, and death, respectively), among other things. The reason there aren't any balance spells that do spirit damage (and also the reason for heavy focus on the elemental triangle) is because of the back story.

I know that a lot of people want "chaos" to be the opposite of balance, but unfortunately, "chaos" is the opposite of "order". If you got to a thesaurus and look up balance, you will not see order as a synonym. Conversely, you will not see chaos as an antonym either. The best physical analogy I can think of is visible light. White light (balance) is all wavelengths. Every color is present in white light. Its opposite, black, is the absence of light. You can't really have a school of magic that is an absence of magic. You can, however, see the study of that "absence" in every shield, weakness, or other damage reducing spell in every class of magic.

Apr 20, 2009
stanklepoot wrote:
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you could create an opposite school for balance and still stay within the magical structure created by KI. You have the three elemental schools, the three spirit schools, and then balance which borrows from each to generate something unique. How would you counter that? You can call the school chaos or disorder so that the name would be opposite, but to have a school that is opposite of a school that takes from each of the other schools of magic, you'd have to create a school that doesn't have any real base of its own but that doesn't draw from the core schools of magic either. I get that many would like to see a counter school for balance, but I just don't see how it would work given the way the other schools are set up.

well if this was to happen balance and unbalance would balance each other out sorta like ying and yang so it would work if there was only two of them and if they were in the center of the schools :?

Feb 16, 2009
I like that idea! The school could be called something like "chaos". But then again, it would make balance not as special, as it is currently the only school without an opposite. So that's my opinion. :)

Dec 21, 2009
mman17 wrote:
Ok, well here's my idea. I think we should have a school, that 'unbalances Balance'. So, yeah, it would be kind of a possible unbalancer school, but balance is just a little TOO balanced, get where I'm going?

Well, here are some spell ideas. Please, no critizising comments.

Spirit: A ghost comes out of the air and slashes thrice at the enemy, dealing 20-30 damage three times.

Disorder: 130-200 damage, a deck appears and it shuffles all around and strikes the enemy.

Wild Boar: 245-305 damage, a boar is resting in nature until it is awakened by its surroundings and it crushes the enemy, with a large spear.

Diseased Wildclaw: 100+700 health over three rounds.

Spirit Blast: 830 health, 535 damage, or 400 damage, convert half to health.

Chaotic Warrior: A frantic warrior appears, ax in hand, and suddenly, he loses all thought and composure, and strikes the enemy for 50+430 damage.

Blighted Professor: Malistaire appears, watching Sylvia die, and suddenly he goes mad and crushes his enemies for 600 damage, convert half to health.

Spiritual Trick: 600 Damage all enemies, stun all, and -50% damage to all enemies.

The professor would be rumored to have helped Malistaire. You would, in one of the School Quests, clear his name of the fraud charge.

More coming soon!

Has anybody noticed how chaotic some of the Balance school spells already are? That is the beauty of it. Balance is it's own opposite, it doesn't have another. I GUESS some people may like the idea, and I'm not tring to be a forum troll, but I can't change the fact that i hate it :(

Taryn Dragonsong
Legendary Sorcerer

Nov 06, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Eh...I'm not thrilled about the idea of adding an opposite school to Balance. The fact that Balance doesn't have a weakness makes Balance unique and superior, in a way, to the other schools (which it's supposed to be).

I definitely agree with you. Not having an opponent is Balance's strength. It is what separates it from every other school.

Amber Dawnbreeze

Jul 14, 2010
ok i just wanna say this. no offense but some of these spells are kinda unusual but i like the idea of an opposite to balance.

Anthony Ghostward Adept Pyromancer

Nov 14, 2010
googlybear97 wrote:
mman17 wrote:
People, think about it!!! Balance OPPOSES life death and myth!!!

Finally! I thought i was the only one who noticed. When you cast Life, Myth, and Death spells on a balance monster or whatever it is... it boosts the damage. So the spirit schools are its opposite.
hey go and read the Balance book in krock and see we ake from all schools. The Balance monsters are not smart enough to have a good understanding of balane so thats why they boosts to the spirit schools.I can tell you what Balance has gotten from the other schools,How do you think Balance has the ability to creat up something,From myht,the judgment angel looks like the life angel and balance has one healing spell,from death ehh.......well you got me there

Apr 20, 2009
with this there needs to be an unbalance WORLD like krokotopia is all about balance and has areas of storm fire and ice the world of unbalance would be about life myth and death and would have to be about something too and have three sections. krokotopia is balance and is based on egypt so someone probably has to come up with a world and place for unbalance

Dec 21, 2009
crystalfiod2 wrote:
googlybear97 wrote:
mman17 wrote:
People, think about it!!! Balance OPPOSES life death and myth!!!

Finally! I thought i was the only one who noticed. When you cast Life, Myth, and Death spells on a balance monster or whatever it is... it boosts the damage. So the spirit schools are its opposite.
hey go and read the Balance book in krock and see we ake from all schools. The Balance monsters are not smart enough to have a good understanding of balane so thats why they boosts to the spirit schools.I can tell you what Balance has gotten from the other schools,How do you think Balance has the ability to creat up something,From myht,the judgment angel looks like the life angel and balance has one healing spell,from death ehh.......well you got me there

Balance was meant to contain something from all of the schools. Try to remember that the Manders invented it, and the Kroks damaged it in some ways when they took over. They didn't really learn the entire school of Balance, just the elemental side. I'm not trying to say either of you is wrong, just think about it though. We DO get the elemental blades and traps, and a healing spell. We just can't deal damage from the spirit schools. Take a look at the cover of the spell books in the game. There are two triangles with balance in the center. The spirit triangle may be further away from balance, but it's definitely still there.


Dec 06, 2009
IvoryJade wrote:
"I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you could create an opposite school for balance and still stay within the magical structure created by KI. You have the three elemental schools, the three spirit schools, and then balance which borrows from each to generate something unique. How would you counter that? You can call the school chaos or disorder so that the name would be opposite, but to have a school that is opposite of a school that takes from each of the other schools of magic, you'd have to create a school that doesn't have any real base of its own but that doesn't draw from the core schools of magic either. I get that many would like to see a counter school for balance, but I just don't see how it would work given the way the other schools are set up."

And what a lot of non-Balance students don't know, is that Life and Death get a boost against Balance.

I totally agree with you. There really isn't a technical opposite to the School of Balance, unless the school name would be the school of nothing or something like that.

Dec 06, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Eh...I'm not thrilled about the idea of adding an opposite school to Balance. The fact that Balance doesn't have a weakness makes Balance unique and superior, in a way, to the other schools (which it's supposed to be).

I agree. I don't even see how these will unbalance the Balance spells. It would just be another simple school of magic. And besides, there is no technical opposite to Balance.

Dec 06, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Eh...I'm not thrilled about the idea of adding an opposite school to Balance. The fact that Balance doesn't have a weakness makes Balance unique and superior, in a way, to the other schools (which it's supposed to be).

Also If you guys haven't noticed, AkihiroHattori5 does have a real point. The only weakness to Balance is technically themselves because they can't block their own spells.