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My son is crying and so is my pocket book

May 29, 2009
Hear, Hear! AlicornsPrayer

I agree with you whole heartedly.

I have two accounts each with six wizards. Some of my wizards don't have houses because I used their gold to buy a mount that could be SHARED by the other five wizards on that account.

For those that are saying they are Grandmasters and have a hard time getting gold because they don't have any quests to do: Start a new wizard on that account. You are a pro and should be able to breeze through the quests in no time. You are wiser than you were when you first started playing. Now you know that you DON'T HAVE to run and buy clothes or wands or dye your clothes because you can get better from drops. So use the new character to save up money to buy a mount, even if it is just a broom. Cause guess what? Now your Grandmaster can use it as well.

That is one of the reasons why I have a second account. On my first account, I didn't realize until my wizards were Adepts that I probably picked the wrong schools for them. I didn't have the crowns to buy back their training points and I was particularly fond of them so I didn't want to delete them. They are Masters and Maguses now.

Also I was so new to the game that I wanted their outfits to match and for them to have wands of all schools and not just their own, that I was "frittering" (LOL) my gold on their appearances and items for their houses.

On my second account, my wizards are adepts and finishing Krokotopia or beginning Marleybone. But they have gold. My richest wizard bought a broom for all of them to share and now they are each saving up for their own mount.

Alura HexCaster Master Sorceress
Destiny ShadowWraith Magus Necromancer
Tatiana FairyGlade Magus Theurgist
Sabrina FrostShard Magus Thaumaturge
Brianna MoonCloud Magus Diviner
Cori WillowHaven Magus Conjurer
Fiona StarBright Adept Sorceress
Jordan DuskFlame Adept Pyromancer
Vanessa StormCaller Adept Diviner
Tasha SpellWraith Adept Necromancer
Kaitlyn SpiritSong Adept Theurgist
Bailey IceCaster Adept Thaumaturge

Nov 03, 2009
I think it's instructive to remember that KI is a business.

Like any business, they have to balance their expenses against their income. Their expenses are related to running the game... they have to pay for electricity, and bandwidth, and the hardware the game (and this website) are running on. They have to pay their people a competitive wage, and they have to... well, they have to do a lot of things that are expensive.

And then? They have to turn a profit. Because that's what a business does.

Now. Do any of the "crowns only" items truly impact game play that much? Not really. The areas of W101 are relatively small, and don't require a frustrating amount of time to run through on foot. A wand that puts an extra five points of damage on a zero-pip spell is useful, but not game-changing. And no one needs a house in the game... your dorm room is more than sufficient.

I understand that the bling is aimed at kids' eyes, and is very much "mommy I want that!" stuff. But just like the candy bars that supermarkets place at eye level, it's not necessary. Things which are not necessary are called luxuries, and luxuries? They cost.

Dec 07, 2009
O K. So I read through all of the previous posts and it seems as though you are all worked up over the steep pricing of mounts, which is a fair argument. Although you can make roughly 60-70k on average in a full playthrough of the game from level 1-50 you do spend around half of that in expenses and possibly a fairly nice house that you can use your furnishings on. So that leaves you with enough to get an average mount by the time you are max level and can zoom past all the maps that you want at the same speed as everyone else with less flair but equal speed.

So if you look at it from a logical standpoint you are paying for a cosmetic upgrade such as what the costumes in the crown shop offers and they do not affect gameplay in such a manner that is life or death or even bothersome at all. I do agree that a dragon looks much nicer than a Mare and if you have the money sitting around there is nothing wrong with upgrading but it's not a must have. In all honesty you guys need to stop nit-pickingso much and give KingsIsle a break, they have done a wonderful job on Wizard101 and this is one of the most enjoyable games I have played in a while so let's just look at the brighter side of things for a while you know?

Mar 08, 2009
Me, personally, don't really care for a mount that much, all it does is make you go faster. I'm saving up for (with gold) for a house. I do understand that when a broom or horse is more expensive than some houses in the game, it's kidn of weird. Maybe KI should swtich the prices of the mounts with the houses, considering that they are worth more than a broom that makes you gain thirty extra seconds while walking across an area. I wont complain because I'd rather have a house, and i wont say no to (some of their) low prices. Still, i wouldn't say no if someone gifted me a lion, but still...

Oct 12, 2009
sgeier wrote:
OK, just so there's not a completely skewed picture out there:

I, for one, find absolutely nothing whatsoever objectionable to the new updates.

Everything that worked before, still works. Noting was removed. If you paid for a subscription, you're still getting every last bit of what you got before the update.


Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair"? You don't have to get one. It does not make the game play an iota better or easier . It's pretty eye candy that you can now buy IF YOU WANT in addition to everything you got before. That's all. You make as much gold in-game as the next guy - how is it 'unfair' that he's saving his for a mount where you're frittering yours away?

That said: I've been playing this game since August with my son. Less than three months. In that time, I have received hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gold, simply by normal game play. You get gold for every quest. You get gold for every battle. You get gold when you sell the items that you got in battle. You get gold for selling reagents you picked up that are available free all over the place. You get gold for wooden chests. You can even try your hand at crafting and selling crafted items. I have now the three most expensive houses one can buy (the large ones from MB, MS and DS) and was pondering posting to these boards asking why there is a limit of three. I have the finest outfit gold can buy at the bazaar. What on earth are you people frittering your gold away on?

Maybe some people need to learn that you either spend your money now, this moment, on the thing you want this second - or you save it for something bigger, better, later. And for those who aren't quite mature enough to learn this, KI even allows you to cheat by getting things completely undeserved by buying-in from the outside with crowns. How much more could they do?

Maybe next time you hit a multiple-of-five level you shouldn't run immediately to the Bazaar and get that shiny new wand (that'll get thrown out immediately when you get to the next multiple-of-five, of course). Maybe you should just hang on to that coat, even though there's one that gives you one percent more defense strength. Maybe if you actually wanted these large items (houses, mounts) you'd simply save for them. Maybe. There's a lot of gold flowing through your hands. It's up to you where it goes.

ARE YOU ****ING CRAZY?! YOU ONLY GET ABOUT 15 GOLD FROM EACH QUEST AND THE SAME AMOUNT AT A CHEST! it will take someone YEARS to get that much gold by relying on quests and chests. when you go to sell your items most you only get maybe 20-40 gold for. once again it will take years to get the amount of gold it takes to buy a mount.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
purdueman71 wrote:
ARE YOU ****ING CRAZY?! YOU ONLY GET ABOUT 15 GOLD FROM EACH QUEST AND THE SAME AMOUNT AT A CHEST! it will take someone YEARS to get that much gold by relying on quests and chests. when you go to sell your items most you only get maybe 20-40 gold for. once again it will take years to get the amount of gold it takes to buy a mount.

You must still be in the first few quests of the game. As your wizard gains more knowledge and skill, you will move on to greater challenges with increased reward. I cashed in on one quest yesterday (Tree of Life in Moo Shu) and got over five thousand coins in reward coins, items that I sold, chests and reagents. This took about an hour. That works out to twenty in game play hours to reach 100,000 coins.

May 26, 2009
STOP COMPLAINING!?! i'm tired of all of you thinking the prices are too high. they are easily reachable (btw talking about gold prices for the mounts) I myself bought two permanent lions by means of gold in about a weeks time. How did i do it? IT'S CALLED COVEN! it's unbelievably easy to get 90,000 coins when doing coven just be patient and smart and you will do fine.

Now, as for crowns clothes, every crowns clothing/equipment item (besides mounts) are dropped by bosses in the game, yes it may take some time but it beats spending the money on crowns, trust me. there are even forums created that show what boss drops which crowns items

so in the future dont complain, nothing will change, just figure a way to life with it, KI is the immovable object, not its customers

Oct 26, 2009
I wholeheartedly agree. It is insane the way they make money in this game.

But the fact is these are all EXTRA items and are not needed for regular game play. I refuse to buy crowns for myself or my sons. There is nothing in this game you can buy with crowns that gives any real advantage. THOUSANDS of players have "beaten the game" by simply doing the work that is needed to complete all the available worlds, craft the needed gear, or receive Arena Tickets.

While your children are in their rooms crying for something as ridiculous as a cartoon horse, maybe you should re-evaluate the values you have taught them. Why is this not real thing so important to them?

Both my very young boys. saddened yes but not any where near on the brink of tears, understand why they will not posses these ridiculous items and continue to have fun playing with their friends everyday...regardless.

It baffles me when I PVP to see how much money is wasted on these children for things as silly as gear and treasure cards because they are spoiled or where allowed to throw a fit and get their way.

Why are parents throwing away their money like this?


Complaining in a thread is not going to change anything.

Being angry when you eventually buy your children these items isn't going to change anything.

Make no mistakes this IS a corporation and this is a cash cow because you will eventually break down and purchase their ridiculous item(s).

They only way to change how they operate is to make them ask why no one is purchasing their non-existent items. When parents stop buying these items or crowns, then they will take notice.

ESPECIALLY in a recession. Wake up people.

May 09, 2009
yes i think the prices are a little high for cartoon mounts but they are still worth the extra speed. even then you dont need a mount. and as for the exclusive items for the hat and shoes at dragonspire you could get a far better one for your school only from a drop from malistair. the robe malistair drops for differnt schools (and there is one for every school i checked but i'm not sure about fire school because the robe you buy with crowns is for fire school but is usable for everyone) is usally your sixth rank school spell. i cant remember what myth is i want to say its rank seven, orthus, or minatour either way its still better than buying crowns for the fire robe.

Sep 21, 2008

They only way to change how they operate is to make them ask why no one is purchasing their non-existent items. When parents stop buying these items or crowns, then they will take notice.

ESPECIALLY in a recession. Wake up people.

Haha! Agreed 100% The only way Kings Isle will notice us not being satisfied is when they get that huge check saying "Your under 500 thousand" we throw away our money for this? Really I wouldn't mind wasting my money on these crowns if they just kept the old system! good ole royal mantle sets! Now they arent sold anywhere ingame! What a nice treat kings Isle! Right before christmas!

Mar 29, 2009
I agree with you 100% just $20 of real money buys you a cartoon house then you have a $10 fee monthly.Come on lower the price or atleast give us some crowns for free.I mean would it hurt a buissness as big as kingsilse with 5 million players just to pass over a few thousand crowns.It hard enough as it is to buy in game items such as a hat without paying just a little as 2000 gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 22, 2009
OK THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! Mounts are not something that you have to have to complete the game! You need to be PATIENT! I HAVE A STORM WIZ WHO JUST BEAT THE GAME AND NEVER ONCE HAD A MOUNT!
They are just things that make you go faster! So what if it takes you a little longer to get places!? Sometimes you might want to save your gold for a mount! YOU DO NOT NEED TO SPEND REAL MONEY! Mounts ONLY increase your speed! That is not a reason to cry because you can't buy one as soon as they come out! I am one of the younger players and this is an easy decision! Don't waste money on things that are useless in the long run! Buy handy clothes that give you a powerful resistance or health or damage! If you are too impatient to beat the game without a mount then that's fine with me, but I am NOT wasting my gold on something that in the long run does nothing!
Alex DragonBreaker Level 48 Master Diviner

Feb 15, 2009
I started reading this thread and after 2 pages i just skipped here to the end so I apologize if this idea has already been suggested. Can KI have the bosses maybe drop a combination of gold AND crowns? Just cut back on the amount of gold dropped and put a few crowns in. Perhaps they could even do this with the quests as well?
It seems like a feasable option and might smooth over the ruffled feathers of some players and parents without causing to much of a loss in income to KI itself.
It would give players more reason to keep questing and farming for the items they want.
That's just my 2 cents worth of input!

Thanks, and keep up the good work KI, my kids and myself love your game!

Mar 19, 2009
I agree my mom gets me 10$ worth of crowns whenever I do good in my swim team meets... but she is always complaining that I need to lay off the crowns. It is not my fault I buy stuff with crowns end up not liking the item and not being able to get my crowns back :(. Please KI let us sell our crown items back to get our crowns back... I am going to go BROKE!!!

Aug 29, 2009
Like a poster above me, I just read two pages and skipped on to back here. Be grateful you can buy any mounts or housing for gold! Gold holds no real world value unless you are one of those players that buys crowns and exchanges for gold. That said, I understand you cannot buy the new mounts(wings) for gold at all. I didn't agree with that but then I finished reading what KI posted and noticed that high level bosses DROP them! There is no need to buy crowns, cry like toddlers or come here and complain. Simply start farming a high level boss. Easy to do with friends and can actually be fun and earn you a lot of gold! The same goes for the holiday items. Jade Oni just dropped the recent crowns pet just the other day for me.

Nov 25, 2009
nope i don't buy online stuff. the onyl thing i bought on it was subscribtion.

Aug 19, 2008
We really should be able to sell Crown items back for crowns, with at least a 25% refund of the original cost.

I assume that the purchase date is tracked in the game database?

If so, vary the sell back price for mounts to be equivalent as if the user rented the mounts for however long they've kept the mount so far.

And vary all other items to have a 90% sell back price in the first few hours after the purchase, so that if the player really hates what they just bought, they can get most of their crowns back.

Jun 26, 2009
Well I am on your side and I'm not. It's not worth crying over because you don't have to get crowns. or if you really want them Just do jobs around the house to earn cash. I raised $40 in one day ! But I do agree that they are pretty expensive. And somebody said this before I think but its hard to keep up with your friends ( i know how you guys feel, I gave my noob character my mount) :(

Luke Griffenspear Fire GM
Austin Stormbringer Storm noob XD

Jul 19, 2009
hobodavid wrote:
I agree they are way over priced. Every time me and my friend got on the test realm we said that the mounts are super over priced. I think that kingsisle is being very rude. One way i found to over look this is to get really nice friends with mounts and ask them to go to the place you need to its very helpful. That is what I let my friend do because he doesn't have a mount and i do.

That's a great idea. I got wings, and yea! IT TOOK A LOT OF MONEY FOR ONE PAIR OF WINGS! KI really should lower their prices on crown items, and add the buying with gold option to the henchman. W101 is the best mmo i've ever played. When i play other mmo games, such as Cross Fire (an mmo fps game) the best item in the game costs about $8.99. That's what i've been playing a lot. And it's the best mmo fps game of the year. so if you ever get bored of W101 go look up other mmo games.

Paul legend weaver Lv 50

p.s. I hate Free realms

Jun 12, 2009
legodork wrote:
I agree that kids can't get the mounts and stuff and I am going to seriously consider stopping my three subscriptions becasue of this!

With economy that is ridiculous to pay ten dollars for crowns to buy things that have no concrete worth.


What has concrete worth? How can you hold pleasure? Do you remember Beanie Babies? Even concrete things can take on a value out of proportion to reality. Why are shiny rocks such as diamonds or gold worth so much when they don't even do anything? Why is water cost so little when it is the most precious substance on earth and critical for life?

Shorter: being tangible has little to do with something's worth. Kingsisle has figured out a way to turn a game into a franchise, and getting people to pay for stuff they usually insist on getting for free. It's hard to put out a game and maintain it with well paid staff. Maintain some perspective.

We're all leaving the earth with nothing in our hands. Why insist that all value be tangible?

Mar 15, 2009
Umm for everyone who complains about the price of crown items and everything, saying KingsIsle is being greedy and everything....you are aware that crown gear is OPTIONAL! So, stop all this stressing out about it because nobody is telling you to buy this stuff. Tell me one time you have HAD to use a crown item to go farther into the game??

Apr 17, 2009
i am a kid so i have my mom pay for a subscription. i buy gift cards for crowns. i think i have spent at least $90 on these things. FOR VIRTUAL STUFF. i think i could have bout myself a used nintendo ds with that. so i am off the buying of crowns only my subscription stays. and really subscribers just get to go further into the game no special things are given no free crowns for the holidays NOTHING. plz fix that ki

Jun 30, 2009

It's just a game. you don't have to get mad, because in realality, IT DOESN'T MATTER!

Jun 30, 2009
sgeier wrote:
OK, just so there's not a completely skewed picture out there:

I, for one, find absolutely nothing whatsoever objectionable to the new updates.

Everything that worked before, still works. Noting was removed. If you paid for a subscription, you're still getting every last bit of what you got before the update.


Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair"? You don't have to get one. It does not make the game play an iota better or easier . It's pretty eye candy that you can now buy IF YOU WANT in addition to everything you got before. That's all. You make as much gold in-game as the next guy - how is it 'unfair' that he's saving his for a mount where you're frittering yours away?

That said: I've been playing this game since August with my son. Less than three months. In that time, I have received hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gold, simply by normal game play. You get gold for every quest. You get gold for every battle. You get gold when you sell the items that you got in battle. You get gold for selling reagents you picked up that are available free all over the place. You get gold for wooden chests. You can even try your hand at crafting and selling crafted items. I have now the three most expensive houses one can buy (the large ones from MB, MS and DS) and was pondering posting to these boards asking why there is a limit of three. I have the finest outfit gold can buy at the bazaar. What on earth are you people frittering your gold away on?

Maybe some people need to learn that you either spend your money now, this moment, on the thing you want this second - or you save it for something bigger, better, later. And for those who aren't quite mature enough to learn this, KI even allows you to cheat by getting things completely undeserved by buying-in from the outside with crowns. How much more could they do?

Maybe next time you hit a multiple-of-five level you shouldn't run immediately to the Bazaar and get that shiny new wand (that'll get thrown out immediately when you get to the next multiple-of-five, of course). Maybe you should just hang on to that coat, even though there's one that gives you one percent more defense strength. Maybe if you actually wanted these large items (houses, mounts) you'd simply save for them. Maybe. There's a lot of gold flowing through your hands. It's up to you where it goes.

AGREED!!!!!!!!! You don' have to get one if you don't want one, or can't get one. It's not such a big deal!

Jun 16, 2008
I simply don't understand why people who give their opinion are called whiners. I also don't understand not trying to look at the problems stated above through a child's mind.

Didn't the people who gave opinions make changes in the game during Beta? Even now, every time there is a new patch, at least one thing has been changed because of gamer opinion. Were these people whiners?

What is a forum if it is not about people giving their opinions?

I truly believe that KingsIsle would rather hear a blend of what is right with the game and what is wrong with the game than everyone saying "oh all is well".

I also truly believe that KingsIsle needs to address the hostility in the forum ... discounting someone's feelings and opinions by calling them whiners is hostile behavior. You are throwing a virtual brick at people who obviously love the game or they would just reach over and hit "delete". We share the love of the game ... so please let us communicate with each other.