OK, just so there's not a completely skewed picture out there:
I, for one, find absolutely nothing whatsoever objectionable to the new updates.
Everything that worked before, still works. Noting was removed. If you paid for a subscription, you're still getting every last bit of what you got before the update.
Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair"? You don't have to get one. It does not make the game play an iota better or easier . It's pretty eye candy that you can now buy IF YOU WANT in addition to everything you got before. That's all. You make as much gold in-game as the next guy - how is it 'unfair' that he's saving his for a mount where you're frittering yours away?
That said: I've been playing this game since August with my son. Less than three months. In that time, I have received hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gold, simply by normal game play. You get gold for every quest. You get gold for every battle. You get gold when you sell the items that you got in battle. You get gold for selling reagents you picked up that are available free all over the place. You get gold for wooden chests. You can even try your hand at crafting and selling crafted items. I have now the three most expensive houses one can buy (the large ones from MB, MS and DS) and was pondering posting to these boards asking why there is a limit of three. I have the finest outfit gold can buy at the bazaar. What on earth are you people frittering your gold away on?
Maybe some people need to learn that you either spend your money now, this moment, on the thing you want this second - or you save it for something bigger, better, later. And for those who aren't quite mature enough to learn this, KI even allows you to cheat by getting things completely undeserved by buying-in from the outside with crowns. How much more could they do?
Maybe next time you hit a multiple-of-five level you shouldn't run immediately to the Bazaar and get that shiny new wand (that'll get thrown out immediately when you get to the next multiple-of-five, of course). Maybe you should just hang on to that coat, even though there's one that gives you one percent more defense strength. Maybe if you actually wanted these large items (houses, mounts) you'd simply save for them. Maybe. There's a lot of gold flowing through your hands. It's up to you where it goes.
You are absolutely correct, no one has to buy one if they feel that they can not afford one, but if no one buys one because the CUSTOMER (you know the people who keep KI in business) believes that the pricing is too high, than it won't help KI's bottom line. If you have ever taken economics, it's called Supply and Demand. If their customers are saying that the pricing is too high and they refused to buy them, than KI doesn't make any money. So you see as you stated "Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair" They are the CUSTOMER and if the many posters and players are saying the pricing is unfair, than KI needs to listen. There are way too many post on here and chats about this for them to continue not. KI has to decide whether to maintain the current pricing or sell their product and make money.
I totally agree with you guys. Dont buy it if you dont want it. It's not ALL KI's fault they need to make money too. Its a game. You dont have to buy anything if you dont want to. I'm one of the low teenage players and I have a mount because I worked for it I'm almost done with DS and sooo close to finishing GH I'm going crazy. I personally say. Buy or shut up. So if you want one buy one if you dont, stop screaming. Its not KI thats ruining this game, it's you guys. Katie Lvl 47 Pyromancer
i guess my main issue with this is that all items should be available for crowns OR gold. Why should crown players get the advantage of going into a battle with boosted stats, or able to get more gold /exp because they can buy elixirs.
Money is not the real issue for me. I COULD buy crowns. I choose not to since I really dont believe you should have to spend ANY extra money over the subscription price.
And for those that say, well KI is improving it all the time. MANY companies do this with no additional cost. Battlefield2 which is an OLD game has just come out with an enormous patch (2.8GB i think) that fixed tons of stuff and added new maps to play. guess how much that cost? ZERO. so, i have been able to play BF2 for 4 years now.. for $30.
Oh also KI please do not get rid of the mounts I love mine so much. I name everything and I named my red wing Vampiro. It looks kinda like a guy dragon (dont know if its supposed to be) BUT I LOVE IT! And wizard101 is my favorite game on the computer if you take mounts away you might as well take away some kid's dreams. Thank you for making this such an awesome game. And please people dont buy it if you cant, your wrecking alot of kid's time. These mounts are not neccisary but they are fun because you can go faster and look better. YOU DON'T NEED THEM THOUGH. As my hippie-like friends would say "dont let the man bring you down" (the man being the people arguing about this whole thing) Now I'm babbling xD sorry people but I hope I made my point. Thank you for your time. Katie Lvl 47 Pyromancer
Wow, I'm truly stunned by what I am reading on this thread. You think KI is teaching our kids greed by making a product and offering it for a certain price? In that case, every luxury car maker in world is guilty of that. I mean, I really want that Ferrari, but it costs so much money. Here's the reality of it. Greed is something kids learn by basically getting everything they want without any regard to needs/wants/cost. It's the parents job to temper that behavior, not KIs.
It's really not KIs responsibility to "care about our kids". That's our responsibility as parents. Why would you put that responsibility on any company out there? KI, like any other business, is in the interest of being profitable while best serving their customer. Giving away features that cost real money to develop doesn't benefit anyone in the long run. KI loses money; goes out of business; this game goes away.
As far as open chat, that's up to you as a parent to control. If you want your child to have open chat, you can enable it on your account. KI disables it by default to protect your child so they can't accidentally give away personal information.
If your child is becoming a "bad person" because they can't get what they want in this game and you want to know why, I think you need to point that microscope a little closer to home rather than focusing it on the maker of an online game.
KI has offered some new features. Some of they can only be purchased using real life money (like henchman). NONE of these things are necessary to play the game and advance your character. Why do people feel entitled to get everything they want for free? I think that is the definition of greed.
WhimsyMust wrote:
I've been watching for what? six months now and KI isn't realizing our kids shouldn't be introduced to real life at the ages below sixteen with the rise in prices in Greed shouldn't be taught and that is what KI is also teaching. They like for us to think they are for our kids but they don't care about our kids, they care about their kids and their kid's christmas and other holidays. So if kI keeps it up they will see it turn around and then they will see the back side of the green bucks turning away from them cause they refuse to think in better terms toward our kids, even for the adults who don't have much and look to this game for the quiet evenings to enjoy a light hearted game when they game isn't so light hearted with kids upset cause KI is playing the same game as hasbro and matel and so many of the other companies. I wonder if they ever thought of how much of themselves we do not want to see that should be left to the bathroom. I care about these kids and I care about what I pay for as well and I don't see no real heart toward the kids. Kids are miserable cause they can't even have open chat even and it makes it hard for them to have good friends , it is also bad that our kids are taking advantage of others ..oh wait...so is KI. OMG what a very very high and very bad realization. OUR KIDS ARE COPYING KI ON HOW TO BE A BAD PERSON!!!!! Or do they care? you decide cause I wouldn't want our kids who come here to play learn these sick actions and attitudes as it is hard enough with school and grades. GET REAL KI!!!!
OK, just so there's not a completely skewed picture out there:
I, for one, find absolutely nothing whatsoever objectionable to the new updates.
Everything that worked before, still works. Noting was removed. If you paid for a subscription, you're still getting every last bit of what you got before the update.
Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair"? You don't have to get one. It does not make the game play an iota better or easier . It's pretty eye candy that you can now buy IF YOU WANT in addition to everything you got before. That's all. You make as much gold in-game as the next guy - how is it 'unfair' that he's saving his for a mount where you're frittering yours away?
That said: I've been playing this game since August with my son. Less than three months. In that time, I have received hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gold, simply by normal game play. You get gold for every quest. You get gold for every battle. You get gold when you sell the items that you got in battle. You get gold for selling reagents you picked up that are available free all over the place. You get gold for wooden chests. You can even try your hand at crafting and selling crafted items. I have now the three most expensive houses one can buy (the large ones from MB, MS and DS) and was pondering posting to these boards asking why there is a limit of three. I have the finest outfit gold can buy at the bazaar. What on earth are you people frittering your gold away on?
Maybe some people need to learn that you either spend your money now, this moment, on the thing you want this second - or you save it for something bigger, better, later. And for those who aren't quite mature enough to learn this, KI even allows you to cheat by getting things completely undeserved by buying-in from the outside with crowns. How much more could they do?
Maybe next time you hit a multiple-of-five level you shouldn't run immediately to the Bazaar and get that shiny new wand (that'll get thrown out immediately when you get to the next multiple-of-five, of course). Maybe you should just hang on to that coat, even though there's one that gives you one percent more defense strength. Maybe if you actually wanted these large items (houses, mounts) you'd simply save for them. Maybe. There's a lot of gold flowing through your hands. It's up to you where it goes.
I'm very happy for you that you got all this money in a quick amount of time, HOWEVER, it is easily said than done. Yes quests give gold coins but what...190? 200? These mounts cost 56,000+ . It does change your game play. Say a kid couldn't keep up with his friends because they were whisking away on their mounts and he was left running? He begs his parents for money since he can't afford it. If the parent says no it just makes the parent seem mean and the kid is left being the one that fell off the bandwagon. It would make more sense if they were 20,000 not 30,000 more. This is not a house. You ride it. You don't live in it. It just makes you run around 40% faster. That is why it should not be more expensive than a mansion. It beats the MB mansion by a good 6K.
I agree you don't have to have it.. but try to be a 9 year old kid who isn't up to par with the games latest technology.
To follow your logic, it should be way more expensive to get a mount than a house. A house is a glorified bank. There is no value added to having the house other than storing junk that is not value added that didn't exist prior to the house existing. The mounts give a value added so you accidentally argued for the other side.
I'm very happy for you that you got all this money in a quick amount of time, HOWEVER, it is easily said than done. Yes quests give gold coins but what...190? 200? These mounts cost 56,000+ .
It does change your game play. Say a kid couldn't keep up with his friends because they were whisking away on their mounts and he was left running? He begs his parents for money since he can't afford it. If the parent says no it just makes the parent seem mean and the kid is left being the one that fell off the bandwagon. It would make more sense if they were 20,000 not 30,000 more. This is not a house. You ride it. You don't live in it. It just makes you run around 40% faster. That is why it should not be more expensive than a mansion. It beats the MB mansion by a good 6K.
I agree you don't have to have it.. but try to be a 9 year old kid who isn't up to par with the games latest technology.
1. It is easy to do. It's called 'farming' bosses and regeants for the extra in game coins instead of just relying on the quests for it. Every item the bosses drop that you don't need, can be sold for quick coin. And every extra piece of regeants you don't need, can be sold for quick coin...Spend an hour or two a day doing just those 2 things? And you could raise a couple of thousand a day extra in your pocket, besides just the quest coins.
2. The only 'game play' being changed is in one's mind. Of course it sucks seeing someone else have something you want right then too...
But do you give your kid something every time they want something their friends have? Or do you tell them 'sorry, but we can't right now' or 'well, you want it, you'll have to save your money to get it'?
If you're giving your child, of any age, everything they're wanting each and every time simply cause their friends have it too at the time they're demanding they 'just got to have it'? Then you're really not teaching your kids about the realities in life. Instead, you're spoiling them and not teaching them that some things have to be waited for or earned.
I'm saying this from my own experience as a parent who raised 2 sons to adulthood, who knew growing up that sometimes you just have to wait to have that 'everyone's got one and I need it too' items. They may not have liked not getting the newest toy right away, but they did appreciate it when I could afford to get it for them later down the road, or they worked to earn getting it for themselves.
It may make you look like a 'meanie' at the time, but in the end they learn the value of working for something and not expecting each and every whim of theirs to be handed to them on a silver platter.
So it's going to take a bit of time to save up...So it means schlepping on foot in the meantime while some of your friends are riding...It's no different then when getting your child their first car. In fact, it's A LOT like that...While their bugging you for a car cause 'all my friends have a car and I don't' are you going to cave in and buy them a car, the first time one of their friends gets a car, just to keep them happy? Or will you explain to them that they need to work a bit harder and save up before getting one? That right now it's not something that you can just run out and get them simply cause they want it right then and there?
Tell you what...If you're having this much trouble coping with your child's not liking getting what he wants right here and now? Let me warn you it only gets harder the older they get. As well as the things they want get bigger and more expensive. And if you're letting them bully and emotionally blackmail you into getting them a pixel pet ride now, how will you cope with the problem of telling them no about the bigger and more expensive stuff they'll be wanting when they're teens? Or adults?
And if you have more then one child? Wait till the younger goes 'but mom! Sibling A got to get this/that' and try dealing with their not liking the answer 'but they were older and saved to get this/that and so do you' reply.
Personally, I'd love to have had the coins to buy a mount the first day they were released. I kept up with the boards, so I was fairly warned about the cost of the mounts before they were made public. As was everyone else who read the board about updates. But I got busy helping others with their quests, as well as decorating my home and buying items with my main character for my new character...So I had nothing the day they were released.
Now I've made time to farm for coins. And in a few days, I'm almost half way there to purchase a dragon mount. But it took effort and putting aside time to do it away from the questing. I figure about another 4 or 5 days of schlepping on foot (while some of my friends ride) before I have the coin cost.
Same with hubby, who it'll take longer since he works 12 hour shifts and can only farm on his days off, but he's already half way there himself...He earned half his coins all in 4 days off of work. He's wanting a dragon mount too.
It may be time consuming and not result in a 'gotta have it here and now'? But it is VERY do-able. People just have to learn patience and that means kids too. And eventually your kid will be 'up to par with the latest technology' given time.
It does change your game play. Say a kid couldn't keep up with his friends because they were whisking away on their mounts and he was left running? He begs his parents for money since he can't afford it. If the parent says no it just makes the parent seem mean and the kid is left being the one that fell off the bandwagon. It would make more sense if they were 20,000 not 30,000 more. This is not a house. You ride it. You don't live in it. It just makes you run around 40% faster.
I may decorate my house and use it for storage so my backpack isn't always full but I didn't know that we could live in our houses.
How many people were complaining about the Boots of the Slipstream or the Comet Shoes (I think that is what they are called)? These were purchased for crowns only from Zeke. I don't remember seeing threads ranting about people being able to run faster or complaining because these items were not available for in-game gold.
If people feel that they are being left behind they could always use the port feature to catch up. I don't own those shoes yet my friend had a hard time running with me because I was a higher level and maybe I had gained a little speed with my experience. It just worked to our advantage. I was able to run ahead and get where we needed to be then she could port to me without worrying about both of us getting pulled into battles.
Seems to me that people would rather complain about things they don't have instead of enjoying what they do. It happens in real life so why not here in the virtual world too? I probably won't be able to afford a mansion in real life but I have several in the game.
Such a shame since I like to use my computer time to get a break from reality every once in while. Yet when I read about people whining on these threads and in the game it sure does jerk me back to reality real fast.
In my opinion, I think people need to check their attitudes, perspective, and priorities. We can't have everything that everyone else has.
I KNOW SERIOUSLY! If everyone thinks about it, they're all earning at LEAST 10000 gold from battles and quests! The reason why they can't get the stuff they want is because they spend the money on stuff they see the second they see it! You guys should thank KI for all their upgrades to the game. They made it even better! :D I know it's hard to save money. I had that problem, too, when i started playing, but now I learned that if you spend your money fast, you cant get what you REALLY want. Right now, i literally have like 100,000 gold! 8) What everyone is really doing is making your familly broke! I know how that feels. So quit begging your parents to pay like $60 just so you can get a Mount you want. Everyone calm down and REALLY think of what your doing. Trust me.
Ryan Mistcaster Grandmaster Pyromancer AKA Pyromaniac
What I would do is just take away the upgrade and give the people back their crowns and then there won't be anything to worry about anymore!!!!!!!
Ah, the equality by lowering everyone strategy. Just because some people can't afford to buy crowns or are incapable of showing some semblance of self control and saving some gold everyone should lose access to the new updates?
So this may be the disconnect. The actual gold coins that you get from quests is not really where the majority of your gold comes from. I agree, that's a paltry sum for the time and effort required to finish a quest. The real gold comes from the gear that collect from each battle that you can sell at the bazaar. The quest itself may only give you 200 coins, but selling gear drops can easily net you a few thousand coins depending on which world you're questing in.
dazzlemejamie wrote:
I'm very happy for you that you got all this money in a quick amount of time, HOWEVER, it is easily said than done. Yes quests give gold coins but what...190? 200? These mounts cost 56,000+ .
Don't say that there are too many people that like the mounts! I love mine! So do ALL MY FRIENDS! My MOM plays and she LOVES HERS! So dont you DARE! Say that you want KI to take them away!
Most of you responding about "farming" bosses etc are veteran MMORPG players and are ignorant as to what a 9 year old is capable of handling or wanting to handle. The houses will eventually become a much bigger deal for those of you who are remotely social. Once the physics of the game improves and you can DO more in the houses/stages, etc...then they will cease to be glorified banks...the game is evolving.
I still argue the prices should be relative....horses/brooms/dragons, should not be more than a house...and I think that an average kid shouldn't take more than 3 hours of game play to earn ANYTHING in a virtual world. It's ridiculous...and they don't have the strategy knowledge from years of sitting at a PC with no life, learning how to "farm" bosses in WOW or Guild Wars...
Most of you responding about "farming" bosses etc are veteran MMORPG players and are ignorant as to what a 9 year old is capable of handling or wanting to handle. The houses will eventually become a much bigger deal for those of you who are remotely social. Once the physics of the game improves and you can DO more in the houses/stages, etc...then they will cease to be glorified banks...the game is evolving.
I still argue the prices should be relative....horses/brooms/dragons, should not be more than a house...and I think that an average kid shouldn't take more than 3 hours of game play to earn ANYTHING in a virtual world. It's ridiculous...and they don't have the strategy knowledge from years of sitting at a PC with no life, learning how to "farm" bosses in WOW or Guild Wars...
ROTFLMAOL! I'm far from being a 'veteran MMORPG player'. I learned about farming the very first day of joining the game. From this board, the fan boards, and interaction with other players. It isn't rocket science. It's simply collecting and selling, like you already do in the game with items you don't want/need. Anyone joining the game, although they may not now the game term for it, KNOWS about collecting and selling excess items. Otherwise they'd be overflowing with unwanted gear and regeants.
I also know a lot about 9 year olds, from raising my own children as well as numerous nieces and nephews at those ages...And from what I've gathered reading this board, most of the people telling you it isn't that hard, also are parents themselves. So lose the whole 'your ignorant about 9 year olds' argument. It's unwarrented to say the least to presume that those giving you sage advice aren't 'speaking from experience', when they most deffinately are.
If YOUR 9 year old isn't 'capable of handling or wanting to handle', then why don't YOU log into his account and do the farming for him if it's just so hard for him to do or be interested in doing.
Farming isn't difficult. There's much younger children playing this game, who aren't having a problem farming to get their mounts. Who farm on a regular basis to get the in-game things they want, who are better set off then many here when it comes to in-game goodies. Heck, I learned the best regeant hunting spots from a 7 year old. LOL! Seems they're more equiped then your son is, if they can do it but he finds it such a task.
And again, the prices ARE relevant...To remind you once again, the mounts were ment as prestige items. Not 'common' items (of which homes are 'common') that anyone and everyone would own. They were ment to be earned, not treated like a fastfood product and handed out quickly or obtained easily. Because if everyone has them? Then they're really not that special. Right now, they are special because of their rarity.
Honestly...It simply amazes me to no end how some people treat this game like a fastfood meal. They want the games watered down to make them easier, and want the game perks made common through that waterdown and easily accessable mentality. Don't people actually challenge themselves anymore? Or set goals to work towards so they can treasure the achievement more? Don't parents teach their children those values anymore? Or do they expect everything in their lives to be handed to them on a platter and expect the virtual world to follow suit? And then pass that down to their children instead?
I've got to say...I'm glad my children were raised to not only be independant, but to value doing things for themselves as well as earn their way in real life as well as their entertainment.
Anyways, I've got another 30,000 coin to collect myself for my mount. While your son and you are going on about how 'hard it is to earn the coins', I'll be earning more towards my own mount. Your son could be doing the same thing and like me, be looking forward to the weekend and riding a new mount he worked to buy from the Crown Store...
And not to mention, a pretty non-veteran MMORP player at that.
So, because my children and i understand self restraint, goal setting, and the basic economics of this game we are no lifes that sit in front of our computer and play WOW? That too bad, many of us made compelling arguments for why things should stay the way they are and you resorted to what is basically name calling. Maybe your kid can learn from this game. Not everything is easy. Nothing in life should just handed to you. Hard work (if a game can be considered hard work) has its rewards. Earning something from setting goals, working toward them and achieving them is more satisfying than freebies.
Most of you responding about "farming" bosses etc are veteran MMORPG players and are ignorant as to what a 9 year old is capable of handling or wanting to handle. The houses will eventually become a much bigger deal for those of you who are remotely social. Once the physics of the game improves and you can DO more in the houses/stages, etc...then they will cease to be glorified banks...the game is evolving.
I still argue the prices should be relative....horses/brooms/dragons, should not be more than a house...and I think that an average kid shouldn't take more than 3 hours of game play to earn ANYTHING in a virtual world. It's ridiculous...and they don't have the strategy knowledge from years of sitting at a PC with no life, learning how to "farm" bosses in WOW or Guild Wars...
This is getting to be really ridiculous. Not all of us sit in front of computers because we have nothing better to do. We just manage our game time a little better. I will stop my current quests to farm a boss for gold, items to sell, or a specific item I want. When I have it then I continue the game. Right now I have stopped my quests to fight the towers to get the wraith statue before they disappear because I don't want to have to do Sunken City over and over again. I sell the stuff I can't use so I can buy the mounts that are ON SALE for gold. I have an agenda and a goal and I stick with it. Does your son have a house in the game? You can't buy them for crowns so he must have learned to save his money to get one. If he does have one I am sure that he did not get one the first day they came out. Did he run crying to his room then?
I know there a lot of kids playing the game who are more interested in playing PvP or getting to level 50 by porting to higher friend wizards than they are actually PLAYING and ENJOYING the game.
I didn't know about what MMORPG is other than role playing game, so I doubt that makes me a veteran. I have never played WoW or Guild Wars (never heard of that one). This is the second game I have purchased online where I can play and chat with other people. The first is Pogo but that is not a role playing game that I know of. I know what things are because I do research. I read the threads, newsletters, fansites, and guides and walkthroughs. If that makes me a veteran then so be it.
To call someone ignorant on a thread when you don't know anything about them shows your own naivete. Most kids today are teaching adults how to work their computers. They have them in schools you know. They have been playing video games since birth practically. Kids are addicted to video games and can get around any system. How can I say this? Because I have two boys myself. In fact, my youngest son helped me set up my Myspace page. My oldest son was hit by a car when he was 6 and his right side was disabled but that did not stop him from playing games. He learned to adapt. He uses his money and subscribes to Gamefly so he can play an assortment of video games at his convenience.
Mounts are more expensive because they are being used more often than houses. I ride my mount the whole time I play my game but may go to my house to drop stuff off before I log out. It must be nice to have inside information and know what KI plans to do next especially since there are so many good ideas floating around. I really would not mind if my houses were interactive. But you are right, the game is evolving. Whatever will you do when KI introduces new things and your son wants them right away? If you played the test realm and read the announcements then you were aware of the new changes that were coming. That should have given you some heads up.
You say a child should not have to spend three hours in a virtual world earning gold to get what they want, but how much time would they spend in the real world earning the money to buy the crowns they want because they don't want to take the time to farm for gol?
Hope this gives you some insight to some of us "veteran MMORPG no life computer players that have no idea what a 9 year goes through"
Most of you responding about "farming" bosses etc are veteran MMORPG players and are ignorant as to what a 9 year old is capable of handling or wanting to handle. The houses will eventually become a much bigger deal for those of you who are remotely social. Once the physics of the game improves and you can DO more in the houses/stages, etc...then they will cease to be glorified banks...the game is evolving.
I still argue the prices should be relative....horses/brooms/dragons, should not be more than a house...and I think that an average kid shouldn't take more than 3 hours of game play to earn ANYTHING in a virtual world. It's ridiculous...and they don't have the strategy knowledge from years of sitting at a PC with no life, learning how to "farm" bosses in WOW or Guild Wars...
I play this game with my children ages 15, 9, and 7 and even the 7 year old is farming because i taught them all how. So its up to you to teach your child as i have mine so they can get what they want with out pestering you for crowns.
Age of the child has nothing to do with it. Its what you teach them as ther parent!
And again, the prices ARE relevant...To remind you once again, the mounts were ment as prestige items. Not 'common' items (of which homes are 'common') that anyone and everyone would own. They were ment to be earned, not treated like a fastfood product and handed out quickly or obtained easily. Because if everyone has them? Then they're really not that special. Right now, they are special because of their rarity.
Honestly...It simply amazes me to no end how some people treat this game like a fastfood meal. They want the games watered down to make them easier, and want the game perks made common through that waterdown and easily accessable mentality. Don't people actually challenge themselves anymore? Or set goals to work towards so they can treasure the achievement more? Don't parents teach their children those values anymore? Or do they expect everything in their lives to be handed to them on a platter and expect the virtual world to follow suit? And then pass that down to their children instead?
I think you are missing the point. Yes i do agree with you that mounts should be "earned" and not treated like some "fast-food item". That is what everyone is arguing about! KI is treating them like some "fast-food" item by making them accessible by purchasing crowns at any convenience store! The fact that just about ANYONE can go buy some crowns to get these mounts cheapens the whole concept. So what we are seeing are many low level crown players with mounts while the higher level subscription players are working their butts off farming to "earn" them. IMO mounts should be gotten ONLY with in world money (coins) that you have earned.
Autumn Mistbreeze Grandmaster Life Ashley Deathblossom Master Death
OK, just so there's not a completely skewed picture out there:
I, for one, find absolutely nothing whatsoever objectionable to the new updates.
Everything that worked before, still works. Noting was removed. If you paid for a subscription, you're still getting every last bit of what you got before the update.
Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair"? You don't have to get one. It does not make the game play an iota better or easier . It's pretty eye candy that you can now buy IF YOU WANT in addition to everything you got before. That's all. You make as much gold in-game as the next guy - how is it 'unfair' that he's saving his for a mount where you're frittering yours away?
That said: I've been playing this game since August with my son. Less than three months. In that time, I have received hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gold, simply by normal game play. You get gold for every quest. You get gold for every battle. You get gold when you sell the items that you got in battle. You get gold for selling reagents you picked up that are available free all over the place. You get gold for wooden chests. You can even try your hand at crafting and selling crafted items. I have now the three most expensive houses one can buy (the large ones from MB, MS and DS) and was pondering posting to these boards asking why there is a limit of three. I have the finest outfit gold can buy at the bazaar. What on earth are you people frittering your gold away on?
Maybe some people need to learn that you either spend your money now, this moment, on the thing you want this second - or you save it for something bigger, better, later. And for those who aren't quite mature enough to learn this, KI even allows you to cheat by getting things completely undeserved by buying-in from the outside with crowns. How much more could they do?
Maybe next time you hit a multiple-of-five level you shouldn't run immediately to the Bazaar and get that shiny new wand (that'll get thrown out immediately when you get to the next multiple-of-five, of course). Maybe you should just hang on to that coat, even though there's one that gives you one percent more defense strength. Maybe if you actually wanted these large items (houses, mounts) you'd simply save for them. Maybe. There's a lot of gold flowing through your hands. It's up to you where it goes.
Exaclty. I wish every crown item could have a gold price.
I think you are missing the point. Yes i do agree with you that mounts should be "earned" and not treated like some "fast-food item". That is what everyone is arguing about! KI is treating them like some "fast-food" item by making them accessible by purchasing crowns at any convenience store! The fact that just about ANYONE can go buy some crowns to get these mounts cheapens the whole concept. So what we are seeing are many low level crown players with mounts while the higher level subscription players are working their butts off farming to "earn" them. IMO mounts should be gotten ONLY with in world money (coins) that you have earned.
Autumn Mistbreeze Grandmaster Life Ashley Deathblossom Master Death
And you know just how someone bought their mount? Whether they used coin or crowns? Not to mention, even at the crown prices, the mounts aren't exactly cheap..
And what if that person has been actually earning their crowns? We just got done before the release, with a round of contests in KI that guess what the prize was...Crowns. So how do you know that that character's mount wasn't bought with crowns they won? Or crowns that they used their hard earned dollars to pay for from a paycheck or saved allowance? Or that they've been saving up their crowns a bit at at time, and when the mounts were released, they had the unspent crowns to purchase it with? Or that someone didn't gift them said mount with either earned coins or their own crowns?
How do you know that it's a newbie that purchased their mount with crowns period? Considering that the mounts are switchable between characters, that low level character on a mount very well could have been purchased with coins from a higher level character. Or that it wasn't bought as a gift, for a special celebration, by crowns or coins by another player? As that's part of the game too, to be able to gift friends and family with mounts?
Heck, my hubby just bought his mount last night with his higher level character (which he had that character save the coins for purchase)...And guess what he's doing right at this moment? Running around Wizard City with his new character, which is lower leveled, who's using that same mount...So if you think that little level 20 character running around purchased their mount with crowns? You better be doing some more evaluating. And considering he's starting another character this weekend, who will be riding that mount from the get-go? Again....You'll be seriously in error if you're assuming that crowns were used to purchase the mount and the owner of that character didn't 'earn' their right to own it.
Buying the mount with crowns is anything but 'fast food' purchasing. As it takes a great deal of real money on the purchaser's end to begin with, to pay for those crowns to be used in the first place. Not to mention, you have absolutely no clue in how the mount owners purchased their mounts to begin with. All you have is what you 'assume' they used, as well as to whether or not they're a 'newbie/lower level' player or an established player playing one of their new characters....
Let you in on a secret...A bunch of people made new character to use in the test realm...And they used their established, more advanced characters to farm for coins, as well as saved their crowns, so that when the mounts were released they could purchase one right off...And many of them are currently using those mounts for ALL their characters. They PLANNED how they'd purchase their mounts and put a lot of effort and time into earning their mounts via the available means to have one. Crowns or coins. And neither way is cheap by any stretch of the imagination, in today's economy.
Your assumption is just as insulting in it's implications, as the OP that started this thread with calling people 'ignorant, no lifes who sit in front of a computer all day'. Because your own perspective is nothing more but assumption, innuendo, and wishful thinking about what you'd like to think is the situation behind those with the mounts...
This 'Keeping up with the Joneses' and assuming about how others have gotten their in-game perks is going way overboard. Seems there's a few people worried all about what someone else has instead of doing something so they can have it for themselves too.
Wanted to add for those that have the inclination to assume that people useing crowns aren't 'earning' their mounts...
My husband and I could have had our mounts the first day they were released...My husband risks his life 12 hours a day, 4 days a week to bring money into our home. I work myself to the bone taking care of an ailing parent, as well as run the household and critters to ensure my husband has a relaxing and enjoyable place to come to after he works so hard...
We easily could have purchased our mounts with crowns. And anyone thinking that neither of us put in the effort and time into the money used to purchase those crowns? Really have no clue. And since it's our money, it's our right to spend it as we wish and on what we wish. I opted to farm for the challenge of it, hubby followed my lead. BUT even if we'd used crowns, we deffinately earned them and have a right to spend our money in that manner...
My nephew, who lives in Canada, helps my MIL with things around her house every morning and evening inbetween his school and job...They both play KI. And guess what? She pays him for helping her, by purchasing him crowns weekly...And he used those coins to purchase a mount the very day they were released. If you think he didn't earn those crowns? You're sadly mistaken.
There's parents and grandparents here, that purchase crowns for their children/grandchildren for doing chores, getting good grades, birthday gifts, rewards for good deeds, and many other reasons...You want to tell them that their achievements off-line, that are payed to them in crowns by others, is 'fast-food'? That if they used those crowns they earned off-line, that they didn't 'earn' it your preferred way in-game?
How about the adults here who purchase crowns for themselves or their family members from money earned from their paychecks? You want to tell them that they didn't earn their mount, or that the gift of the mount to one of their children wasn't 'earned' through their own real life doings?
Who is anyone here, to tell another player what they can or can't spend their hard earned real money on? And demean and belittle their real life achievements that resulted in them being able to purchase a mount through the rewards of their real life achievements and doings?
A lot of people I think have been missing the point in the past few posts.. The bottom line here is that most of us pay a subscription. We already pay.. I honestly think that the whole "crowns" concept is pure greed. We should not be asked to pay real money for ingame items.. PERIOD. Whether those items are necessary or luxury is irrelevant. Just make those items available for gold only.. Someone in an earlier post mentioned "Guild Wars". I'm going to mention it again here as I'd like to point out a couple of things:
1) In Guildwars there is no subscription. 2) In GuildWars all in game items can be purchased with gold.
Now GuildWars has been running since 2005 I believe and is still running now. This shows that it CAN be done. I've got four characters, each has three pets and I've got 28,000 in the bank and I didn't have to "farm" to get any of it. I just played and enjoyed the game, the money came to me :) oh and to further put things in perspective, you can buy the first episode of GuildWars for the price of a mount ;)
Finally, to the person who thought that it cost $200,000 to implement the mounts.. As a software developer myself, I can safely say, "umm no".. The mounts were probably done pretty quick.. import a few animations and 3D models then just cut, paste & modify the pet code.. come on.. a few weekends at the most :D Now if KI do pay $200,000 for a few weekends.. where do I sign up? :P
I think you are missing the point. Yes i do agree with you that mounts should be "earned" and not treated like some "fast-food item". That is what everyone is arguing about! KI is treating them like some "fast-food" item by making them accessible by purchasing crowns at any convenience store! The fact that just about ANYONE can go buy some crowns to get these mounts cheapens the whole concept. So what we are seeing are many low level crown players with mounts while the higher level subscription players are working their butts off farming to "earn" them. IMO mounts should be gotten ONLY with in world money (coins) that you have earned.
Autumn Mistbreeze Grandmaster Life Ashley Deathblossom Master Death
And you know just how someone bought their mount? Whether they used coin or crowns? Not to mention, even at the crown prices, the mounts aren't exactly cheap..
And what if that person has been actually earning their crowns? We just got done before the release, with a round of contests in KI that guess what the prize was...Crowns. So how do you know that that character's mount wasn't bought with crowns they won? Or crowns that they used their hard earned dollars to pay for from a paycheck or saved allowance? Or that they've been saving up their crowns a bit at at time, and when the mounts were released, they had the unspent crowns to purchase it with? Or that someone didn't gift them said mount with either earned coins or their own crowns?
How do you know that it's a newbie that purchased their mount with crowns period? Considering that the mounts are switchable between characters, that low level character on a mount very well could have been purchased with coins from a higher level character. Or that it wasn't bought as a gift, for a special celebration, by crowns or coins by another player? As that's part of the game too, to be able to gift friends and family with mounts?
Heck, my hubby just bought his mount last night with his higher level character (which he had that character save the coins for purchase)...And guess what he's doing right at this moment? Running around Wizard City with his new character, which is lower leveled, who's using that same mount...So if you think that little level 20 character running around purchased their mount with crowns? You better be doing some more evaluating. And considering he's starting another character this weekend, who will be riding that mount from the get-go? Again....You'll be seriously in error if you're assuming that crowns were used to purchase the mount and the owner of that character didn't 'earn' their right to own it.
Buying the mount with crowns is anything but 'fast food' purchasing. As it takes a great deal of real money on the purchaser's end to begin with, to pay for those crowns to be used in the first place. Not to mention, you have absolutely no clue in how the mount owners purchased their mounts to begin with. All you have is what you 'assume' they used, as well as to whether or not they're a 'newbie/lower level' player or an established player playing one of their new characters....
Let you in on a secret...A bunch of people made new character to use in the test realm...And they used their established, more advanced characters to farm for coins, as well as saved their crowns, so that when the mounts were released they could purchase one right off...And many of them are currently using those mounts for ALL their characters. They PLANNED how they'd purchase their mounts and put a lot of effort and time into earning their mounts via the available means to have one. Crowns or coins. And neither way is cheap by any stretch of the imagination, in today's economy.
Your assumption is just as insulting in it's implications, as the OP that started this thread with calling people 'ignorant, no lifes who sit in front of a computer all day'. Because your own perspective is nothing more but assumption, innuendo, and wishful thinking about what you'd like to think is the situation behind those with the mounts...
This 'Keeping up with the Joneses' and assuming about how others have gotten their in-game perks is going way overboard. Seems there's a few people worried all about what someone else has instead of doing something so they can have it for themselves too.
My, are you combative! I was merely agreeing with you when you said in your previous post "They were ment to be earned, not treated like a fastfood product and handed out quickly or obtained easily." Now before I have a thought I guess I have to imagine every scenario possible. LOL And yes I have spoken to many who had their mounts the very first day and almost all of them bought them with crowns that they had purchased for the sole purpose of getting a mount.
Here here to this poster! I agree with everthing you said and can give another good example to getting gold. I needed 11000 gold to change the color of a robe and got it simply buy grinding away at one boss.
As an added bonus I also recieved the master gear boots I have been waiting for.
If money, or crowns, is a problem then time for the other " parents" to ask themselves this: doesit make any difference in gameplay at all?
The answer is: other than looks and a few spells that can be gotten by leveling up, NO
My daughter and I play this and have no issue at all with anything that KINGSISLE has put out.
The current attitude of whiners complaining about how they dont have something that someone else has is pathetic. Just play the game and enjoy that someone actually cares about their product in the first place.
Stop complaining about wanting free handouts!!!
sgeier wrote:
OK, just so there's not a completely skewed picture out there:
I, for one, find absolutely nothing whatsoever objectionable to the new updates.
Everything that worked before, still works. Noting was removed. If you paid for a subscription, you're still getting every last bit of what you got before the update.
Who are these people telling us how the mount prices are "unfair"? You don't have to get one. It does not make the game play an iota better or easier . It's pretty eye candy that you can now buy IF YOU WANT in addition to everything you got before. That's all. You make as much gold in-game as the next guy - how is it 'unfair' that he's saving his for a mount where you're frittering yours away?
That said: I've been playing this game since August with my son. Less than three months. In that time, I have received hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gold, simply by normal game play. You get gold for every quest. You get gold for every battle. You get gold when you sell the items that you got in battle. You get gold for selling reagents you picked up that are available free all over the place. You get gold for wooden chests. You can even try your hand at crafting and selling crafted items. I have now the three most expensive houses one can buy (the large ones from MB, MS and DS) and was pondering posting to these boards asking why there is a limit of three. I have the finest outfit gold can buy at the bazaar. What on earth are you people frittering your gold away on?
Maybe some people need to learn that you either spend your money now, this moment, on the thing you want this second - or you save it for something bigger, better, later. And for those who aren't quite mature enough to learn this, KI even allows you to cheat by getting things completely undeserved by buying-in from the outside with crowns. How much more could they do?
Maybe next time you hit a multiple-of-five level you shouldn't run immediately to the Bazaar and get that shiny new wand (that'll get thrown out immediately when you get to the next multiple-of-five, of course). Maybe you should just hang on to that coat, even though there's one that gives you one percent more defense strength. Maybe if you actually wanted these large items (houses, mounts) you'd simply save for them. Maybe. There's a lot of gold flowing through your hands. It's up to you where it goes.