Well if you can get 10K gold a port to Celestia theres a vendor that sells starfish and the starfish may give you a blizzard spell or may cast Ice blade, Ice trap, or sprite
Could someone please tell me a good low-level ice school pet? Replies would be much appreciated.
- Isaac spellmender level 1 Ice -Ryan Moonshield level 68 death
Get your free Cyclops from Penny (in the Commons) by doing her quests. I've had a lot of luck in training those. Or try buying packs (Raven's hoard is Ice-related) and hoping for a pet.
I've actually wondered that myself, bu to tell the truth I think getting a good ice pet will take work. There aren't really any 1st generation pets that are just spectaculor. So you gotta most likely mix your pets up in the pavillion. I think I'm gonna try to get the Hollow Knight and maybe get an egg with my ice wyvern (When I Get It) and see how that works out. I'm hoping to get MC Sprite, MC Iceblade, Pip'O'Plenty,MC Ice Trap. But obviously that will take more than 2 generations but i'm ok with that.