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Good pet for low-level ice wizard

Jul 17, 2010
Could someone please tell me a good low-level ice school pet? Replies would be much appreciated.

- Isaac spellmender level 1 Ice
-Ryan Moonshield level 68 death

Jul 22, 2009
Well if you can get 10K gold a port to Celestia theres a vendor that sells starfish and the starfish may give you a blizzard spell or may cast Ice blade, Ice trap, or sprite

Oct 24, 2010
FDrybob on Mar 29, 2013 wrote:
Could someone please tell me a good low-level ice school pet? Replies would be much appreciated.

- Isaac spellmender level 1 Ice
-Ryan Moonshield level 68 death
Get your free Cyclops from Penny (in the Commons) by doing her quests. I've had a lot of luck in training those. Or try buying packs (Raven's hoard is Ice-related) and hoping for a pet.

Aug 19, 2011
FDrybob on Mar 29, 2013 wrote:
Could someone please tell me a good low-level ice school pet? Replies would be much appreciated.

- Isaac spellmender level 1 Ice
-Ryan Moonshield level 68 death
How about a Starfish? If you train it up allot maybe it will learn Sprite

Dec 01, 2011
FDrybob on Mar 29, 2013 wrote:
Could someone please tell me a good low-level ice school pet? Replies would be much appreciated.

- Isaac spellmender level 1 Ice
-Ryan Moonshield level 68 death
I found the Snowball very appealing as it gave me some Blizzards. If not possible, get the Starfish pet.

Feb 19, 2010
well you could start training a pet with resist so when you get a higher level you will be closer to max resist.

but i would say train fairy on any pet you can because it is one of the most helpful talents you can have.

Mar 06, 2011
well purreus plentiful pet provisions pack (well that's a tongue twister) gives the frosty fish witch gives frostbite

Aug 30, 2012
I've actually wondered that myself, bu to tell the truth I think getting a good ice pet will take work. There aren't really any 1st generation pets that are just spectaculor. So you gotta most likely mix your pets up in the pavillion. I think I'm gonna try to get the Hollow Knight and maybe get an egg with my ice wyvern (When I Get It) and see how that works out. I'm hoping to get MC Sprite, MC Iceblade, Pip'O'Plenty,MC Ice Trap. But obviously that will take more than 2 generations but i'm ok with that.