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how do you get a dragon????

Aug 15, 2008
how do you get or find a dragon in dragon spire i'm a life student almost level 50, how or where do i find a dragon,( i've heard that only certain schools can get them like fire school, or storm school,if that's true it's not fair).

If you're referring to the Fire Dragon spell, that is a Fire School only spell.

If you're referring to a pet, there are small Dragons for sale in the Wizard City pet shop!

May 03, 2009
wasabi wrote:
how do you get or find a dragon in dragon spire i'm a life student almost level 50, how or where do i find a dragon,( i've heard that only certain schools can get them like fire school, or storm school,if that's true it's not fair).

there are certain dragons you can get with member ship cards and they give specail abilities or you buy them in the pet shop or some pets like summer dragons you get off defeating bosses hope this helps

Jun 17, 2009
hey if your talking about a pet dragon for fire school you can't get one. but there are certain codes that unlock certain things! keep your eyes out