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searching adult KI wizards

Dec 26, 2008
Hello fellow wizards! I'm lets say an " older" wizard, and my question is.. How can you tell if the person you are asking or are asked to be friends with? I know there are plenty of adult gamers here like myself and I would like to be friends with them. I'm not downing the kids here most of them are just here to play a fun game. But recently it seems I keep getting the foul mouth, jumping in and out battles, little kids in my friendship boxes. If I were able to tell at the beginning I could decide then to add or not.

May 22, 2008
Wizards in-game who do not have a chat bubble or chat bubble with a red line through it have 18+ chat activated. In general you can assume these players are subscribers over the age of 18.

Jun 23, 2009
But don't count the "kids" out at the higher levels. I have two who play with me and I'm a 62 year old. They are the same level, different schools and understand how to play. I couldn't get through some of the tough places in Marleybone without them.

Aug 19, 2008
You can also go to the Wizard101Central.com site, they have an adult group there...where you can find and connect with other adults to play with.