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Team Kiosk

Aug 06, 2009
I have been helping a lot using the team kiosk lately and come across a few issues that could use improvement.

Firstly, receiving a penalty when the person queuing for help either won't load in or cancels/walks out/afk. I think that if we are the one helping the person in the battle and not on the quest, we shouldn't receive the penalty. Perhaps have it where we don't receive credit for helping in the kiosk if we or the person queuing for help leave but forgo the penalty so we can queue back up to help someone else quickly. This disregarding the penalty for those using team kiosk only, not those queuing up at the sigil (with exception of original person queueing for help).

Secondly, I notice that someone will be queued up for a long time before help is given. I at max level will join and then at last moment, another high or max level will join. In my opinion, this is not necessary for more than one high level to assist and one or more could use that time to help others waiting a long time in queue. I also see where the lower level requesting help for a major dungeon like Xibalba will cancel and then requeue for a higher team number making it where they wait a long time to get help. Obviously, a high or max level can help with no additional help and much time is wasted trying to complete the dungeon for the original person questing. Perhaps add the level of characters that are queued up for the dungeon so everyone will know which person is on the quest and what level is offering assistance to help save some time and free up other dungeons where someone is waiting for help so they don't have to wait so long. I see people waiting at least a good 15-20 minutes if not more since the bar representing how much time they are in queue doesn't list exact minutes.

Aug 20, 2017
Yo I second the show levels Idea. Maybe the level could be shown under are names on the team up. I try to join a team up for 3 or 4 hoping the low level will trust me, but they always cancle. Also I have another suggestion, could we please have a chat room kinda like group chat for players in team up so we can preprep are spells for the fight. After all we are waiting for over a minute why not let us chat are plans in the time while we have to wait. : ]

Apr 05, 2022
CrowmancerTheUnliv... on Feb 23, 2023 wrote:
Yo I second the show levels Idea. Maybe the level could be shown under are names on the team up. I try to join a team up for 3 or 4 hoping the low level will trust me, but they always cancle. Also I have another suggestion, could we please have a chat room kinda like group chat for players in team up so we can preprep are spells for the fight. After all we are waiting for over a minute why not let us chat are plans in the time while we have to wait. : ]
Really like the suggestion as well! I'll talk to the team!!

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Kyle IceWielder on Feb 24, 2023 wrote:
Really like the suggestion as well! I'll talk to the team!!
Please remove the ability for players to select requires (4) players. It effectively locks out the instance when trying to help lower levels.

Jan 10, 2012
Show the level of the team-up player,
so the one who started the team-up can change the number of players?.
If a level 70, sees a level 100+ join his fight, for say Jabberwock fight,
he knows he can proceed with just 2 players instead of 4.