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Interactive Items + Castle Magic

Mar 14, 2011

I have an idea to incorporate interactive items with castle magic. What if interactive items had a menu for housing owners that was similar to a magic item and had options? These options would activate magic cards or other magic items after another player interacts with the item.

For instance, what if a door opened once someone interacted with the Doohickey housing item? This already looks like a mechanical item with levers and gears and looks like it would do something once interacted with. The housing owner would have the option to activate a magic reflector once someone interacts with the Doohickey, and that reflector could do a number of things, such as making magic affects appear and opening a hidden door.

Would be super fun for home owners and for visitors!

On a side note, please also allow us the option to "turn off" the ability to interact with items in this same menu. Many decorators use the backs of fire places for walls but the constant prompting to interact kills the vibe.

Thanks and have a great day!

Apr 05, 2022
Storm Dealer on May 12, 2022 wrote:

I have an idea to incorporate interactive items with castle magic. What if interactive items had a menu for housing owners that was similar to a magic item and had options? These options would activate magic cards or other magic items after another player interacts with the item.

For instance, what if a door opened once someone interacted with the Doohickey housing item? This already looks like a mechanical item with levers and gears and looks like it would do something once interacted with. The housing owner would have the option to activate a magic reflector once someone interacts with the Doohickey, and that reflector could do a number of things, such as making magic affects appear and opening a hidden door.

Would be super fun for home owners and for visitors!

On a side note, please also allow us the option to "turn off" the ability to interact with items in this same menu. Many decorators use the backs of fire places for walls but the constant prompting to interact kills the vibe.

Thanks and have a great day!
Hey there! This is an interesting idea! I love it!

Also about the ability to turn off the "press X to..." I'm not sure if this is possible but i'll raise the concern for all the decorators out there!

Aug 23, 2016
Since Storm mentioned the possibility of turning off some interactive things.

Would it be possible to turn off PvP circles at home?

I personally don't care for them and they take up a LOT of area.