bug: "Play as pet" in castle tours disables rate button
an odd bug(?) i discovered on accident: if you enter "play as pet" mode while touring a house with rating available, the rate button becomes disabled. the message when hovering over it says "You must be level 10 or greater to rate a house." this persists for the entire area even if you cancel play as pet.
after testing this bug while touring standard houses with two areas ("outside" and "inside"):
changing areas in the house (going from outside to inside or vice-versa) re-enables the rate button. this includes both 1) changing areas while still in play as pet, then cancelling play as pet afterwards AND 2) cancelling play as pet BEFORE changing areas. for 1), changing areas while still in play as pet will keep you in play as pet and keep the rate button disabled with the same hover message, but cancelling play as pet re-enables the rate button. for 2), cancelling play as pet before changing areas will re-enable the button as soon as you load in to the area.
using the teleport to start button re-enables the rate button ONLY IF teleporting to start takes you to a new area, meaning you teleported from inside to outside. if it doesnt (eg. you teleport to start while still outside), the button will stay disabled until you move to a new area (eg. go inside). the same variables stated above apply.
after testing this bug while touring dorms specifically, which only have one area ("inside"):
nothing re-enables the rate button manually. HOWEVER, if you try to leave the house (either by exiting through a door/teleporter or clicking the myrella button to rate another dorm), you DO get the prompt to "rate the home before leaving," which lets you rate. but if you select "rate later" instead, the rate button stays disabled AND you don't get a second prompt to rate; you just leave the dorm without rating.
hope this info is all clear and helpful for understanding this bug.