Sometimes, when I play beastmoon, the game will seem to stop recognizing my action of picking a card. If I choose to either use a card or pass, the round countdown timer will still count down without starting the turn, as if it's waiting for someone to pick a card. When this happens, regardless of whether I actually chose a card, I will just end up passing. This happens randomly, and I don't know what causes it. It's like the game just stops recognizing any actions that I take, even though I can still see what other people are doing. When this happens, I can't do anything other than flee. The other team stops seeing all my chats, and then the game won't let me step through the portal to exit the base, nor interact with any of the beast statues. This essentially ruins the game for me, and this bug ends up causing the rest of the team to be at a huge disadvantage, and I have to wait 15 minutes before I am allowed to join another match if I quit despite not having any control over it.