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Lemuria ScriptKeeper Quest

Mar 13, 2017
Hey, when Lemuria came out I got curious and did all sidequests (which were amazing and challenging), but I'm pretty disappointed about one thing: the lack of badges and especially for 1 of those quests which is the ScriptKeeper quest.

If you didn't do it yet, or don't plan to do it, this quest is kinda like the catacombs (also has the same design), it's 3 bosses (in their own little dungeons) which all have crazy cheats, I spent maybe 8 hours or more to complete this serie of quests.

And in the end we do not get ANYTHING special, I thought we'd get more spellements, a special housing item, or at least a badge?

So if you could please add a badge for this quest it'd be amazing!

Thanks for reading and take care!

Mar 18, 2009
100% agree.

A scriptkeeper you can place in your house would be awesome, but certainly this area should be at least badge worthy compared to the difficulty of the rest of the world????

May 30, 2010
Yeah I agree. This fact that we do not get a badge for this area is weird. All we get is Let it go (and the ice queen) refence, The Shark song refence, and the giving tree refence. Still wonder what the badges inbetween Accomplished...Something and Lemurian explorer is. I still need to finish Mandrake the Maligician but waiting for his bugs to be fixed. So it is probably a badge for that and a badge for complete all the sides.