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Insane Bolt and Other Storm Spells

Mar 11, 2016
My hope is that someone in charge of game mechanics at KI sees this so I am posting it here.

Alright.. So I have been away from the game for a little while. I came back to find that insane bolt had been changed yet again, to something that is basically almost not even worth using. 145 base damage is too weak. I feel that they should make the insane bolt a stronger version of immolate and keep things simple. Just make it deal 250 to the caster and 1000 to the target at 60% accuracy.

Storm already has low health, I find myself harming myself more than my enemies with the way the new bolt is. I know it says 20% but I often get hit twice in a row, effectively damaging myself more than whatever I am casting the spell at. It is great as a shield breaking spell if it does not hit you. But, something about the spell just doesn't quite hit the mark.

The Healing Current spell is a bit better. But still, 325 for what is essentially 4 pips is kind of abysmal. If it were at 2 pip spell it would be acceptable, since it would just be a slightly stronger copy of life's fairy spell without the great accuracy which would make more sense.

Same thing goes for Wild Bolt. I suggested about a year ago that it be changed to 250, 500 or 1,000 at around 50% accuracy and that made a lot more sense than what is in the game now. These changes are much needed for the Storm school.

First we get our 1,000 damage 2 pip spell back, only that 1/5 times we cast it, it kills us on the spot. Then, we get a much needed healing spell but it has the same odds as Wild Bolt making it entirely unreliable in combat and now we just get slightly better versions of these spells.

Jul 23, 2009
I honestly think Wild Bolt should be a damage overtime