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Needed to solve the burden of sorting through tc and recipes

Jul 12, 2009
I am constantly having to sort out my treasure card inventory.

One of the problems is that having so many recipes for crafting there are many tc I need and don't want to get rid of until what I am crafting is finally finished. I have so many treasure cards that I probably no longer need that I could be selling or giving to others who need them for crafting. Having so many recipes and tc it is a lot of work just going through them all to see which tc you still need to horde and which you do not.

It would make things so much simpler and quicker that if when you have treasure cards in your inventory that are required for a crafting recipe that you possess that some kind of indicator would show up in the menu when selling, trading, or giving away treasure cards.

Also you should be able to flag recipes that you still need to craft so when the indicator shows up for treasure card being required in recipes it will be another color like red so you know you need the card. This would help immensely get rid of cards as one could quickly get rid of all tc they don't use and don't have crafting recipe indicator on it and if it does if it isn't in red you know it is in recipe but you don't need it anymore so you can give it to someone who does.

Another thing that would help is if there was a way to put recipes on sleep so they don't show up in in your recipe book. This way if you are done with recipes you don't have to sort through them later to find other recipes you still need to craft. I have a lot of great TC that I am sure some other's really need but it is just so much work to determine which recipes are active and which cards I can keep or unload. Corwin ShadowBane