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Fast Combat for Wiz

Nov 02, 2010
i feel that wizard is pretty speedy as it is, but i personally think that they should add a tab in wizard like they have in pirate for fast combat, just to save some time. I especially feel a lot of time is wasted on blading 3-4 times in higher worlds as if you have fast combat it halfs the time or makes it even less. Please hear me out KI!!!

Jun 14, 2009
I think Wiz is particularly slow, actually combat-wise, especially at higher worlds as the spells get longer and the fights get longer.

I definitely agree that there should be a fast-combat option for Wizard101, similar to Pirate101. This idea has been suggested quite a lot, but the community generally can't agree. Some players enjoy the animations and like watching them. Other players are tired of seeing them for the thousandth time.

I like the approach KI is taking with speeding up all AOE (spells that hit all enemies), as this saves a lot of time. I think additional improvements can be made to speed up casting animations, cut idle/hanging time, and maybe also just apply a multiplier to the animation speed (like Pirate does).

In PvP, they added truncated spells (spell animations cut to be much faster) and it was largely unpopular and scrapped. It's a complicated issue.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I wonder if providing for more variety is an option? I personally love the battles that involve more than just alpha-striking and there are a lot of other players that are against having alpha-strike as the only strategy. However, there is a decent amount that don't want to do anything but alpha strike so it's hard to find a proper balance as Orzee says. I also agree that having hanging effects and AOE's do things all at once would be a happy medium for the moment. (Glad they sped up Storm Lord and Frost Giant for example, but the Stun still is the old animation of one at a time, plus adding stun blocks-I would much prefer hit all at once, stun all at once, shield all at once done.)