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Unplayable Character

Nov 12, 2009
I wanted to know if anybody else was having an issue with not being able to play a high-level character that they've been playing for a while. Just reinstated my monthly fee and I keep getting an error trying to play my high-level character and it doesn't give me a reason why or anything.

Jun 10, 2014
Mfam4 on Jan 15, 2021 wrote:
I wanted to know if anybody else was having an issue with not being able to play a high-level character that they've been playing for a while. Just reinstated my monthly fee and I keep getting an error trying to play my high-level character and it doesn't give me a reason why or anything.
You should reply with an exact copy of the error message you are getting, along with a link to a screenshot. You'll be more likely to get help if you can give all the details to your problem.