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Bryce Crispie is missing!

Oct 07, 2016
I'm loving the new world! It was the kick-in-the-pants I needed to finally beat the Storm Titan. I knew from a friend that after you beat the Empyrea storyline, you got another quest from Bryce Crispie, with a badge and one of those cute flower pets.

I noticed something was off right away, when the signs I helped post were missing - you can run straight through from Bartleby to the Commons again. But Bryce is missing too!

His stand in the Commons is gone, and the little flower's display of boxes in the Arcanum is also gone. I'd really like to get this badge and this pet. Will Bryce be coming back at certain times, like the Professor? Or am I just out of luck for waiting so long?

Dec 09, 2008
Calamity Cat on Nov 19, 2020 wrote:
I'm loving the new world! It was the kick-in-the-pants I needed to finally beat the Storm Titan. I knew from a friend that after you beat the Empyrea storyline, you got another quest from Bryce Crispie, with a badge and one of those cute flower pets.

I noticed something was off right away, when the signs I helped post were missing - you can run straight through from Bartleby to the Commons again. But Bryce is missing too!

His stand in the Commons is gone, and the little flower's display of boxes in the Arcanum is also gone. I'd really like to get this badge and this pet. Will Bryce be coming back at certain times, like the Professor? Or am I just out of luck for waiting so long?
Yes, sadly his post has been decommissioned after Karamelle went live. We'll miss him!

Apr 18, 2013
Wait a second, if KI is going to do something like this, you should really warn the community first! Players like me wait to take new quests sometimes. And this quest gave a badge too and I collect badges. Checking my badges now and I have 'Promotions Associate' but the OP says Bryce gave another badge?
My main char is not even up to Empyrea yet.

Calamity Cat, this is a great question to ask KI Live next week. Is that something you will do?
The question being, " Will Bryce be coming back at certain times, like the Professor? "
Sparck, can you tell the Team to consider this please? To bring back Bryce occasionally so everyone may eventually complete his quest.

Dec 04, 2011
Why can't Bryce be like Penny Dreadful. Bryce would be available until both quests were completed by a wizard than he would disappear for that wizard? Then new players or wizards who haven't done the quests could do them and get the badges.

Mar 12, 2011
I agree! I've been looking for Bryce Crispie for two weeks now, wondering what happened to my quest. Wish I had known that he was only there for a limited time!.