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Mana Burn Dispel

Feb 27, 2011
Currently, mana burn works as follows:
Cost: 5 pips
Damage: 80 per pip (Target), target losses 3 pips, starting with standard pips

Example Scenario ( starting):
Has 4 power pips, and 1 pip; plans on casting Colossus (6 pips)
Has 5 pips; casts mana burn, dealing 720 base damage, removing 2 power pips and a pip (leaving two power pips)

Here is where I find this interesting: Colossus will still be cast even though no longer has enough pips to cast it.
So, in question, why doesn't (or rather, why shouldn't or why should) mana burn "dispel" spells that use higher pips amounts then what a PC or NPC has after the spell is used

Scot MoonShade Archmage, level 84

Jul 02, 2009
Having played a Balance wizard and used Mana Burn. I have noticed that the opponent's spell fires if they had enough pips before the burn. The target loses up to six pips because it counts the gold pips as whole pips. I have used mana burn and had the spell go after the opponent and waste the spell and pips for zero benefit. It is roll the dice spell and makes Balance a unique school. I hope that my understanding of the spell is correct.