Welcome to the Wizard101 Message Boards

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By posting on the Wizard101 Message Boards you agree to the Code of Conduct.

Welcome to the new Community News section!

Dec 09, 2008
The guidelines for this space are simple... only actual news items from fansite outlines, leaders, and anyone who has something worthwhile to publish.

News posts here can include:

- Strategy guides
- Gameplay blogs
- Recorded videos
- Upcoming livestreams (we are being very strict here, but some may be promoted)
- Contests and giveaways
- Events
- Tournaments
- etc...

All entries must be newsworthy, in otherwords, have value beyond just a record of gameplay or a screenshot without information.

Essentially all the things you see in the Community News section of the newsletters, and what we share on our other social media channels.

We review all posts submitted to this space and reserve the right to reject any and all posts for whatever reason. If your post was rejected and you would like to know why, please email community@wizard101.com. Most likely it was due to length, phrasing, or some other arbitrary issue that's easily solved. We make no guarantees a response will be made.

Thanks Wizards!

Mar 04, 2011
Love to have Count Carrot Seeds for 2020!

Dec 16, 2009

Hello Fellow Wizards!

Hello everyone !!! I have some awesome news!!!! All members of the Stream Team Raiders Have been selected !! Skunk and JabbyGuac will be hosting a stream on TWITCH Friday starting at 8:45 Pm eastern to reveal all the members !! Hope you all can tune in !

Lets have a packed House!


aka Flint Nightdreamer

May 29, 2020
Sparck. on Aug 27, 2019 wrote:
The guidelines for this space are simple... only actual news items from fansite outlines, leaders, and anyone who has something worthwhile to publish.

News posts here can include:

- Strategy guides
- Gameplay blogs
- Recorded videos
- Upcoming livestreams (we are being very strict here, but some may be promoted)
- Contests and giveaways
- Events
- Tournaments
- etc...

All entries must be newsworthy, in otherwords, have value beyond just a record of gameplay or a screenshot without information.

Essentially all the things you see in the Community News section of the newsletters, and what we share on our other social media channels.

We review all posts submitted to this space and reserve the right to reject any and all posts for whatever reason. If your post was rejected and you would like to know why, please email community@wizard101.com. Most likely it was due to length, phrasing, or some other arbitrary issue that's easily solved. We make no guarantees a response will be made.

Thanks Wizards!

Jul 13, 2020
hi wizard 101 fans i am new to this part so i am not sure how it works but it looks cool

Nov 14, 2008
Feb 20, 2009
I am posting this only to see the creation date of my account. Pay me no mind. Have a nice day.

Jun 16, 2010
Morgrim S on Sep 3, 2021 wrote:
I am posting this only to see the creation date of my account. Pay me no mind. Have a nice day.

When you log in on the main page, you can click "My Accounts"

Directly below "Account Summary", in a small font, to the left of your crowns balance, it will show your account creation date! Just incase you didn't want to have to post on the forums to look!

Nov 13, 2011
Apr 05, 2022
Fumziie on May 18, 2022 wrote:

Mar 21, 2017
I purchased the sky estate for the fishing ie: blackberry fish. Unfortunately since purchase of the estate the blackberryfish have been removed and replaced by ice fish that are not a viable substitute. I contacted customer services by email and by email told to speak with a developer.However despite numerous requests of customer services for the developers contact details,I have received no response.

We are users of the game. We the players, at great cost, purchase various castles in the game. There is a very high expectation that when we purchase a Castle in the game, it is exactly as stated. Further after purchase we do not expect the Castle too be subject to change of a very relevant item, ie;the 'Blackberry fish' to be removed after monies have chanced hands, solely at the dictate of the developer, no matter what the reasoning is...

I would like and explanation, and if the fish will not be returned ,an offer to return the monies paid for the sky estate.

I look forward to a full response.

Amber Mythryder

Mar 28, 2009
Feb 12, 2015
Halloween Chick on Jun 2, 2022 wrote:

Wizard101 Central is holding Summer Contests


Really? Well, pardon me, I'm gonna hop right in to that Dorm Decorating Contest! Thanks for telling me!

Dec 21, 2008
Raven first time here, I would like to know What can I post. So let's see, I love this Community. And I love to help people, I spend most of my time in UW. I play 24-7 on this game. Thank you.

Dec 21, 2008
Sup all you wizy heads, I would like to say I am a new #wizard101 content creator. In game I am Gorman and you can try to find me in Wu, I been playing from 2008 to know. So if need some help in PvP or PVe come find me in Wu.

I was a Duelist at one time From Duelist101. and Now they change there name Duelist101 is now FinalBastion!

There will be time i will post in the Message Boards.

I am a Master Of Balance

Dec 22, 2011
they just rolled out the fashion comp. could we get a window with like 30 wizards to look at, instead of 1 wizard at a time. also could you make the windows school specific. do the top school fashions for each school and then break it down to the final 7. then a vote off

Dec 14, 2009
Feb 13, 2011
Where do I go to get a heads-up on upcoming benefits? I pretty much missed the entire double pet xp because my garden was full. I wouldn't have planted as much had I known that a pet weekend was coming up. So where or what do I gotta do to find out what's coming up before its here?