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The problem with gold management.

May 14, 2015
Jeez, I never thought it would actually be a PROBLEM for one to have too much gold, but the sad truth is: I'm not even halfway through Celestia ( Level 52 ), and I've already had to buy several mounts off the Crowns Shop in order to empty out my gold bag so I can sell stuff! And I'm already dangerously close to hitting the gold cap of 300,000 again!

KingsIsle, please! There HAS to be a better way to go about high wealth players managing their funds! Our accounts can hold a near limitless amount of crowns, so why can't we do something to lessen the strain on those who find themselves at the gold limit and unable to empty their full backpacks?

I've got several ideas here that could fix this problem:

  1. Increase or remove the gold cap.
  2. Add a "Members Only" benefit of having an unlimited gold cap ( If your membership expires, you won't be able to collect anymore gold until you lower your current gold below your usable cap ).
  3. Add a new elixir that increases your gold cap. 100,000 Gold for 1,000 Crowns would do the job.
  4. Allow us to "Deposit" gold into the Shared Bank for our other Wizard's to use. People have been asking for this one for some time, and it would be a great way to ensure our other Wizard's have some pocket change to burn, while ensuring that our rich Wizard's aren't stuck with more money than they can manage.

It's no surprise that since Wizard101's initial launch, people have many ways of making tons of gold now. The problem is: Proper measures were never taken to prevent people going over the cap. And the later in the game you are, the more gold stuff sells for, which means the faster you hit that cap. So I for one believe it's time to start taking measures to lessen the issue.

Besides, this presents another way for you to get people to buy Crowns, such as with the "New elixir" method I mentioned above. And we all know you want people to buy Crowns, right?

Of course, there would need to be some work done to prevent people easily abusing these systems to their benefit, but it can happen. Star Wars: The Old Republic lets you deposit extra currency into your shared storage to prevent you from going over the usable currency caps, so that's never an issue in that game. There's no reason why Wizard101 shouldn't have a similar feature.

Sep 30, 2018
Great Idea! This is an excellent solution to the "Im super rich" problem xD.

May 28, 2012
I like your ideas regarding the gold management issue. I would like to add another thought to the mix.

Give us the option of transferring gold to others on our Family accounts the way we can our crowns.

This would be helping out others by permitting them access to the necessary gold needed for crafting, hatching or training pets.

Nov 22, 2015
I like all of your ideas. In the meanwhile though, I suggest that you get into housing. You won't ever worry about this again if you do, believe me. The crafted houses are especially taxing.

Mar 02, 2019
Buy "Rich Player" title for max gold lol

Aug 03, 2016
Monstrology helped to empty my coffers.