I've went to Harold multiple times during the event, yet I've never gotten the quest once. And I am 100% sure I have not completed the quest yet. The only Quest I have from him right now is "Library Dues". Should I just contact KingsIsle Support?
I've went to Harold multiple times during the event, yet I've never gotten the quest once. And I am 100% sure I have not completed the quest yet. The only Quest I have from him right now is "Library Dues". Should I just contact KingsIsle Support?
Andrew DuneSword - 130
There is a good chance you've picked up the quest at some point and either left it for later or only done part of it.
I made a post HERE that might be helpful to you. It's the 2nd reply in the thread. Remember to also check with Simeon and Arthur Wethersfield in Ravenwood to see if they have anything for you too.
If you're going to try for the bone dragon mount remember to do the highest level your wizard can access since the drop is level locked...eg your 130 wizard will need to farm the Azteca dungeon, but a level 15 wizard would be farming the Wizard City dungeon. Do the highest of the worlds your wizard has reached
I hope this helps and you're on way to through the lost pages soon...and hopefully riding a bone dragon mount as well!