My suggestion or ONE thing to see added is a world like maze runner. A huge maze where players have to go through and find the end, but every hour ( time can be your own thought ) the walls change like a labyrinth. While in the maze monsters and bosses as well are walking around, some have to be hard like grizzleheim final bosses when they first came out. I enjoyed that struggle to find a way to beat them. If you so happened to die inside the maze you start from the beginning again, You get your 4 potions and that's it. Go in as a team ( team of 4 at max ) or alone at your own choice, but pvp is permitted in this maze. Add 1 or 2 areas in which you can buy ONE potion of any kind while inside the maze ( resets if you die inside ). if you reach one of these potions areas it counts as a spawn location, But the further out in the maze you go, the harder the bosses and monsters get. During the night time (real day time) the npc monster spawn rate highers. Beat the maze and you get yourself a choice of gear. This gear would be the next step from mali gear which people use. I feel this would be a good reward for a maze as big as a world.
Just my suggestion, I feel this is new and I myself made mazes on wizard101 which I found very fun to do. There was mazes on the house share section as well I saw hundreds of people do. Its a world you have to map out, explore, survive, and pvp is open for a new feel in wizard101.
More color options for dying to match gear that cannot be dyed. Or make all of the gear dye-able.
Yes Please We've already been told that things already created can't be changed to be dye-able if they weren't originally coded to be so.
But please, going forward, make all the new stuff dyeable.
Especially the trims so we can coordinate matching outfits. I hate it when I find something I like but the trim on one piece is silver and the other is gold or tan and neither's trim is dyealble.
More color options for dying to match gear that cannot be dyed. Or make all of the gear dye-able.
OH and please add a new color pallet to the Dye Shop -
the normal one opens if you click on an existing item.
But if you click on future items with new code - a new pallet opens that shows the current Boys & Girls colors all as one pallet and usable by any character.
More apartments like the ones in Mirage, across all the spiral worlds. For a first batch, you could start by putting one on every street in Wizard City.
Might help with my organization issue more spots to sit stuff in the floor temporarily.
I'd like to see your energy refill when you level up in gardening.
And when questing I wish that energy refills and potion refills were attached to quest accomplishment not just level ups. As it is now - if you do all the quests as you go, you max level LONG before you finish the final world. If you got periodic refills every # of quests it would be such an encouragement when things are feeling long or hard.
As usual, you will get many ideas here, because I refuse to limit it to just one.
The complete removal of the critical system
Removing the quest lock from spell crafting Wizard rename option that does NOT cost actual money (just like with pets) GOOD Energy ONLY gear Updating all outstanding packs to max limits BEFORE releasing any new packs
Easier way to train pets Better mob dropped gear. If you can't do that, dont waste time coding non-elite boss gear.
An account shared pet zoo where we can drop ALL of our pets into, giving us a way to sort pets into rooms (like the way the arcanum is set up) by schools. If all pets in the room are the same school, it puts the school's icon above the door making it easy to figure out which room to go into. A way to learn spells we currently dont have access to elite dungeon token system for faster farming boss gear
I like where your going with the idea of pet sorting - but schools only is too limited. The system needs to have more variables or the sorter slots be nameable by the player - school being one option - like naming a deck or outfit.
Love the ALL pets in one spot idea.
All pets. Then gross-sort by school or species Then fine-sort by sought talent or hatchers and non-hatchers
Then the hatchers can be sorted by any number of ideas.
Somewhere I asked for an update that would modify and expand the Pet Tome and Hatcher system for just this purpose.
Joinable Factions/Groups that actually are led by an NPC and have their own set of rewards!
This would be so cool. I want to join Zeke's Posse. He's searching for the very rare white Great Turtle family that are now missing from their home world and no one knows why or how but there is evidence that they are being trafficked by nefarious foes related to the main quest of whatever future world I'm talking about - if successful they'd gain finance their nefarious plans - so we've GOT to stop them - but Zeke's worried about the animals. They belong in their home, and free, and they are also extremely rare. The best hope for our failure is that they'll end up in an exotic zoo - the worst is something Zeke doesn't want to even mention. But he's really sad and scared and we need to help him help them and SAVE THE SPIRAL
I had a couple ideas floating around, so I hope they're at least decent.
The first is maybe some sort of potion that is one time use on each individual pet the wizard character owns. The potion would allow you to change the talents of the pet, limited by what talents their parents had. Maybe the potion could also be limited to use by requiring your pet be raised to max level.
More animated housing items.
Maybe have some of the rarer drops gear and housing items from skeleton key rooms be available to get from other bosses?
It would be nice to see the wizard do magic that isn't dueling. Just something to show that they've learned things other than dueling in Ravenwood. Maybe make some objects temporally float, make themselves levitate, etc. Perhaps more details about what each school teaches students.
These are cool ideas - Especially OF COURSE the pet potion.
I understand it wouldn't work on existing pets - as I have been told by KI - that what a pet WILL manifest is set when it hatches.
But completely new - future - pets could be coded with this potion in mind -
and each time we use the potion it could re-roll the random draw at Egg Creation - to have a chance of getting that talent back from a parent - AND a different potion would re-roll the talents set to manifest at Egg Hatching into the pet. (But NOT the species, unless there was a third species re-roll potion :D )
Hello Professor Falmea! Happy 2019. I hope you're having an amazing New Year's Day so far. I'd like to take part in the first Feedback Friday of the year, so without further ado, I'll post my reply.
My idea is a simple, but effective, change to Pet Training. Wizard101 pets, you know them, you love them, but in the current state, the pet training system isn't even fair or balanced. The way it stands, I could hatch 50 pets and have all 50 pets fail at Mega because RNG didn't give me the talent I wanted. As a result, I have to bite my tongue in rage and look at all the energy and Mega Snacks that I wasted in getting the failed pet to Mega, and all for nothing. I think a better change to the pet training system would be an easy one. Perhaps you guys could add a way for players to pay Crowns (the amount of Crowns is on you guys, maybe make it 50 Crowns and increase it with each buy, like Second Chance Chests, but no more than 400 Crowns at a cap) and re-roll an unwanted talent into a different talent. That way, getting the talent you want is still based on luck and RNG, but you have a bit more control on how your pet turns out in the end. I'm sure if my idea passes, a lot of players would buy more Crowns to have more control over what talents their dream pets get. In general, I'd like to see a revamp of the pet training system to make it less taxing and easier to get the talents you want on your dream pet. Double Pet XP member benefits are nice, but even double pet XP doesn't cut it when one pet after another keeps failing at Mega to the point where we run out of mega snacks and want to throw our laptops out the window. A Pet Derby revamp would be nice as well, since it is impossible to get a Pet Derby match going anymore, but if that's not possible, I really really want a pet training system revamp to make it easier to get the stats you want.
Yep - I'd buy Crowns specifically for this purpose. Again, I know it would only apply to pets which are still in the design phase - but I don't care. Give me something cute or cool and this Crown option and I'll start something over again.
There have actually been several really great ideas about pets in this Feedback Friday.
I agree that the pet part of the game is too hard. And I know it's completely optional - but you know - once we saw it, we wanted it *______* it's just that we want it to be fun too. Instead it's painful. It's so frustrating, my mom quit the game and never came back. I know that's probably a rare case, but we've all felt that way just a little lower on the frustration spectrum.
I wish it was as easy to revamp the pet system as it was the new look for the game. ("easy" being a relative term - I know the graphics makeover took years to plan and work out - I just mean it worked and came out so beautifully.)
I wish the whole system could just be nerfed for us, basically. Just give us massively better odds. Would it be easier than building a whole new system? Just give us say...
OH HEY what if we could:
Pin 3 or 6 talents from either parent at the hatchery. Those 3 or 6 talents would be treated as dominant and definitely pass to the egg and definitely be set to manifest after training. Like gene therapy.
Then to keep the game aspect, the remaining 7 or 4 talents passed are random. but you'd KNOW it was worth training to see the rest. And you could still have fail pets overall.
A variable Crown price could determine if you get to Pin 3 or 6 talents. (I hope I'd get 6 talents from anywhere - but I guess it could be 3 from one parent and 3 from the other.) And you could pin any talent -even unmanifested ones. Say you have two pets and one definitely has Fairy Friend but it didn't manifest or you just want to SEE what something in your pool is that's never manifested before.)
Omg I would love to have a 7th Character Slot so I can make an i wizard. So many possibilities can happen to me and other wizards around the spiral. To go through and replay all the worlds is just complete nostalgia. This would mean so much if you guys would add this Thanks so much Btw Mirage is my favorite world which is one of the reasons I would like to see how a ice would combat those creatures.
Omg I would love to have a 7th Character Slot so I can make an i wizard. So many possibilities can happen to me and other wizards around the spiral. To go through and replay all the worlds is just complete nostalgia. This would mean so much if you guys would add this Thanks so much Btw Mirage is my favorite world which is one of the reasons I would like to see how a ice would combat those creatures.
I put an idea on the Dorms yesterday that kind of touches on this. I asked for elixirs or online cards that would let us roll back a characters age so we could start the game over - either just a character we haven't played in so long we wish we could do all the quests over again. OR the other would let you basically create a new character but not have to do all the trading and shuffling and extra castle elixirs involved with Deleting a character.
Sadly, even though the second option would let you gain an Ice character- you'd still lose the one you put the Glamour potion on. I've read tgat KI literally can't give us a 7th slot. Idk if it's true but it kind of makes sense. Balance came in a long time ago and it seems logical to add a 7th character. I think it would have been in tgat very update if it was reasonable from the mechanics side.
But it occurs to me just now- if the details in my post are actually doable- it would mean there could be something separate- just like the Balance school and Arcanum. I keep thinking of the Nintendo puck that let the Amiibos work w the old console. Dongal?
Anyway- I wonder if in future there could be a scenario and dynamic created that gives us a second scool room. Shared banks connected - same login - screen but a toggle switch for classroom 1 or classroom 2.
This is the thread about Youthening & Glamouring potions
So -- I too, have a problem with getting more seeds than I can handle with the Double Garden Rewards. I'd never ask that that be deleted, because it's amazing when new seeds come out and you want to get a new garden started.
But - I have a lot of mega snack gardens - and a lot of unsorted stuff in my backpacks and banks, too.
Can you add a toggle switch in our books (like the Quest Helper on or off) that in one position everything is just as it is now. But the other position causes all your garden rewards to go FIRST into the Quick Sell system and when you close your garden menu, Quick Sell automatically opens and only has what you JUST GOT in it -- you sell what you don't want EVEN CROWN ITEMS & No Sell Items -- then what you didn't sell drops into your pack or bank?
It would be amazing if there was Another such switch that you could use when battling or loot rolls or quest rewards. So that it didn't mix with whats in your pack while you play, you didn't have to quit playing to go to the Bazaar/Quick sell in a dungeon etc. AND you could sell Crown Drops if you want to.
But regarding the Quick Sell - I wish it got an update where hover or click on an item showed it's properties like in your backpack. Just to double check you are selling /not selling the right thing. And had the comparison view with what you have equipped like in the book. As is you have to close Quick Sell and check and then remember what it was called.
I like where your going with the idea of pet sorting - but schools only is too limited. The system needs to have more variables or the sorter slots be nameable by the player - school being one option - like naming a deck or outfit.
Love the ALL pets in one spot idea.
All pets. Then gross-sort by school or species Then fine-sort by sought talent or hatchers and non-hatchers
Then the hatchers can be sorted by any number of ideas.
Somewhere I asked for an update that would modify and expand the Pet Tome and Hatcher system for just this purpose.
agreed, but I'd rather have SOME of it than none of it. That's why I put the limitation in there. Let's get the idea going and implemented, and then expand to include many ways of sorting. This option is LONG overdo :)
Q.O.L. request 1: There's Akuji in Tree of Life and Yakedo in Crimson Fields, the only 2 secret bosses in MooShu that don't have badges upon defeating them. I got a bit disappointed that they don't hand out badges when we defeat them. I've done that several times. I really wish to see these secret bosses have badges by defeating them.
Q.O.L. request 2: Yakedo doesn't have a Second Chance Chest when he's defeated. He needs it because he gives out unique loot not farmed anywhere else. Please give him one.
Q.O.L. request 3: While tending to each plant in our castles while planted, we have to wait a couple seconds until they're done when we use our gardening spells. That applies to each and every one of our planted land plots. It really slows us down in trying to keep them growing and removing many pests that hinder them. This really needs to be streamlined so we could do numerous spells without the waiting time to finish the spells we cast. Please do so.
Q.O.L. request 4: Implement a quest chain in DragonSpyre's Great Spyre. It is very difficult to try to find our way to Malistaire and defeat him and defeat the bosses that stand in our way. A lot of Wizards still keep having trouble making their way to the Crown of Fire without proper guidance to help them to this day. There's also one NPC that has no involvement, too. He needs to have some inclusion in that dungeon. Please do that.
Q.O.L. request 5: Add in new Elixirs that will allow us to increase the storage space across all our vaults, even new vaults. I'm sure we may need them sooner or later. Please add that in.
Q.O.L. request 6: We may need some more Potion Flasks later on. It was nice to have 4, but we may need more someday. Hope we get to see more quests that reward more Flasks.
Hope these get added in sometime soon, Professor Falmea. Thanks!
Couple of small but simple and very helpful ideas...
Since we only have one hatching timer, put that at the front of the timers list. After that, have the crafting timers sorted from Available/soonest-available to longest-wait. That way, when I go to the list, I can see instantly if I can hatch and/or if I have any crafting spots available (or when the next spot will open) without having to look through the entire list.
I would like to see a miniature dungeon for every tenth level. and then level 30, 60, 70, 90 and 100 would be big. miniature dungeons like Kembaalung. Level 10 has no dungeon Level 20 has no dungeon (Level 25 is kembaalung, but no one will use the gear since its 5 levels to Mount Olympus) Level 30 Mount Olympus Level 40 Barkingham Palace (Not enough gear in it) Level 50 has no dungeon Level 60 Waterworks, Upper and Lower Zigzag Level 70 Atlantea Level 80 has no dungeon Level 90 Tartarus Level 100 Darkmoor Level 110 has no dungeon Level 120 has no dungeon Level 130 has no dungeon
Daniel Visionary Necromancer lvl 130 Divine Paradox
this was already hinted at coming back in november 2018 its more than likely gonna happen since theres no new world coming this year to start off arc 4