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what would you like to see added to monstrology?

Oct 14, 2014
With the ability to now create summon minions and house guests, what else would you like implemented into monstrology? I think personally think being able to extract enemies spells would be a good one. No one really trains for other schools besides life for heals, ice for tower shield, and death for feint, as crafted gear in early worlds is the only time other schools damage is given. That said, why not be able to extract those spells for role playing options or make farming easier? Spells extracted this way would be banned from pvp, and it allows players respective schools to gain spells without using a mutate card, like frozen kraken or ash bats. This also enables schools such as life and death, who lack an aoe early level, to gain one. One other thing would be to create a polymorph spell of these enemies, so that way overcoming an enemy who is the same school as you is easier than simply using a convert. Of course if the enemy who you made into a polymorph spell uses any enhanced versions of the spell, it will be adjusted to be the normal value. Personally I wouldn’t want these create spells and polymorph to be ridiculous to craft like loremaster spells, as you are already collecting animus by fighting against enemies, and in some cases that can be difficult. I personally think this would add more variety to a players spell deck and new possible badge options. However to balance this, lower levels wouldn’t be able to craft certain spells before their level allows it, such as a level 10 storm wanting to learn fire dragon before they learn storm lord. I just think that with this, players wouldn’t need worry as much about getting training points for certain spells, and make things more interesting.

Apr 04, 2013
i would like too see you guys add some monstrology creature or put into effect one that are able to use Shadow pips or boss that are able to have pets in monstrology domes

Jan 11, 2012
I stated on a thread I created a while ago that I want to see Monstrology Auras so we can use sun enchants. There should be 1 for each type of animus, and then 1 with a high level requirement that extracts animus from ALL monsters in the fight, regardless of what type of monster it is. So, if you have an undead monster, and let's say a parrot monster, one aura would work for both types. I find that even with 5 blades and decent gear, unless I critical, there is still more to the boss Im fighting. If I could use Epic, I bet I'd kill it in one shot

Jan 11, 2012
I think a neat Animus collecting spell would be for Pox monsters. I would LOVE to be able to use the Font of Life. There are no healing Monstrology monsters that I am aware of (correct me if I'm wrong).

May 24, 2018
It might be a little advanced, but I would absolutely LOVE if we were able to make our own custom bosses. Maybe take some Animus from, say, Malistaire for the appearance, but put a twist on it and give him Storm spells instead of Death.

I'd just love to be able to make my own bosses and watch other people play them. It would be so fun and a great way to express your Wizard. Although, there may have to be a 4 custom boss limit, just enough for one full team.