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Collection quests

May 29, 2010
Collection quests such as the one in Wysteria, are terrible. Why should it take so long to get 4 leaves? There is very little exp for defeating the creatures and the amount of exp for the quest is small. I would be tempted to repeat these quests on another wizard if the drops were better. I have never played an mmo that it took you a day or more to get your quest items. A far better thing would be to let us finish the quest quickly or give us a good deal of exp for defeating the green men. The other problem is weakness spells, they are used far too much by creatures. It would be ok to use that spell once in awhile, but here in the lower level worlds its at point where I just don't get it, one battle alone with 2 creatures they both gave the weakness spell, talk about laziness. I would if I were creating game never create that kind of spell.

May 29, 2010
I think also that if they at did something so you could feel like your are accomplishing something this would go a long way. After all this is not fishing, which takes time and patience. How many people actually do \the collection quests? The only way I've found to speed up the process is have other quests to go with like defeat so many and it seems to help, but that is not always possible.

Aug 23, 2016
Leafs from the Tree Men in Wysteria is the WORST collection quest. Using it as an example of collection quests in general is a bad example.

Most collection quests can be finished within a few battles. So although I would ask the fine folks at KI to increase the drop rate for this collection quest, as a general rule, they do a fine job on the others.

Steven Ghoststalker