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Glitching/Sticking together housing items?

Dec 22, 2010
Recently I've been having certain items/types of items glitching when I try to place them down.

I had 2 of the same tables (I can't remember what they were because I sold them) that would essentially stick together when I placed them.

I'd place 1 table down where I wanted it and go to place the second beside it to make a long table, and while trying to rotate it to match the other, they would both start rotating at the spot where I touched them giving me a weird connected table thing.

It also happens with a glyph and a Jack-o-lantern rug.I put the pumpkin head down and was going to put the glyph close beside it and they just meld into one as I pass it over the pumpkin one and they rotate and move as 1 solid piece.

When I do pick them up they separate though, so that's good.