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Ridiculous Drop Rates

May 31, 2011
I've been farming Polaris all day, trying to get the goat horns or the ice horns. From my research on the wiki, message boards, and blogs, I've guessed the drop rates of both combined to be thirty percent when facing the right bosses. I beat Baba Yaga 7 times and Inspector Clooso 11, and didn't receive either once. I began complaining through the text chat, figuring Kingsisle filters it and might see what I was saying. After complaining, I faced Clooso twice more, and received absolutely no drops at all, not even gold. My conclusion is Kingsisle got their feelings hurt and messed up the drop rates to make sure I didn't get what I wanted. Let me know if I'm wrong, but have you ever heard of farming non-stop for a day and not receiving a fairly common item, or completing every single quest in Mirage on two wizards and not receiving the macaw pet once, or farming secret tunnel and not receiving flying squid ink for weeks at a time? Something has to be done to make drop rates reflect effort applied, rather than pure random chance (which can obviously be tampered with).