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Fizzle Problems

Aug 08, 2010
I have been having problems recently with multiple fizzles in a row. I am a storm level 120 and will fizzle sometimes 5-6 times in a row. The other night it was 9 (all attack spells). Thank goodness I had help in the battle. It has gotten so bad that I cannot quest by myself or even do defeat/collects without help.I am seriously thinking about quitting if this issue does not get fixed. This was not an issue prior to level 100 and I do not have this issue with my other wizards under level 100.

Jan 18, 2010
How is your accuracy?

It is extremely rare for Exalted Diviners to have any problems with fizzling.

We usually fizzle only when we're dispelled.

Darkmoor Gear and Storm Accuracy Jewels for example should be enough to get your accuracy over 100% preventing fizzling.

Nov 08, 2015
rmsf12 on Mar 15, 2018 wrote:
I have been having problems recently with multiple fizzles in a row. I am a storm level 120 and will fizzle sometimes 5-6 times in a row. The other night it was 9 (all attack spells). Thank goodness I had help in the battle. It has gotten so bad that I cannot quest by myself or even do defeat/collects without help.I am seriously thinking about quitting if this issue does not get fixed. This was not an issue prior to level 100 and I do not have this issue with my other wizards under level 100.
How much accuracy do you have? Most Storm spells have 70% accuracy, but the Polaris and Mirage spells have 65%.

If your accuracy is low, I recommend getting Malistaire's robe. It offers 25% accuracy, which brings your number up to almost what's needed to never fizzle. I also personally try to use a Sniper jewel on all my pets to never fizzle, but I see other people adding accuracy jewels on their athames/decks.

Jul 05, 2011
Storm has a big chance of fizzling, it's not rare to fizzle a few times in a row, to have a lower chance of fizzling, buy more gear, some pets even gives you some accuracy when trained.