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Daily Assignment Rewards Membership Bonus

Jul 11, 2009
So I know that there is an ongoing bonus for members who complete their daily assignments from Aegon Statz, but am I doing something wrong?

I complete the assigned task and receive the normal rewards. Is the bonus a random day thing? Or is it only on certain days? I'm confused as to what the bonus actually is. Could anyone help explain it? Thank you!

Jan 18, 2010
If you look on the chart (which shows the rewards completed and the progress made of each subsequent days) you will notice that all reward for members are now doubled.

This is the bonus.

The chest at the end are now shiny, indicating higher chances of valuable items.

The crowns for example on Day 4 has now increased from 10, to 20 and so on.

Likewise the Arena Tickets!

I've also noticed that the daily assignments are a little easier too.

Jul 11, 2009
Star Edward on Mar 4, 2018 wrote:
If you look on the chart (which shows the rewards completed and the progress made of each subsequent days) you will notice that all reward for members are now doubled.

This is the bonus.

The chest at the end are now shiny, indicating higher chances of valuable items.

The crowns for example on Day 4 has now increased from 10, to 20 and so on.

Likewise the Arena Tickets!

I've also noticed that the daily assignments are a little easier too.

Ah, that makes so much more sense. Thank you for pointing that out. I wasn't paying close enough attention. I appreciate the help!