Today i was trying to buy Membership and Crowns to my account and my friends account but it wouldnt work(i added the money to my credit card and i as soon as i got it so maybe thats why it doesnt work, but its been almost 2 hours now) It keeps saying this...
Oops! An unexpected problem has occurred. We have not billed your PayPal account, so feel free to re-try the purchase. If the problem persists, please contact Wizard101 Support at:'>Support@Wizard101.comI
I dont know why i have this because when i got member for my account it worked but now that i added my friends account to family it doesnt work anymore(He said he couldnt buy anything from his account using multiple paypal accounts or credit cards, maybe thats why it doesnt work?)
A family of accounts is a permanent arrangement. By linking your friend's account to yours, it will now be impossible to separate the two and only one of you can be the master account. Also, the clashing payment methods might be part of the problem, especially if you two were both trying to pay for something at the same time using two different credit card or paypal accounts.
This is a payment issue that no one on these boards can help you with.
You should do as the notice said and contact Support. They gave you the email address to use. Your friend might need to contact them as well.