Hello, I feel like some myth school spells are not fair. Minotaur and Orthrus. With resistance when I have traps and blades those spells go to waist. Because even with myth prism only the week first attack is storm, and the others are not. It's annoying. Maybe someone can help me a little. - Gavin Shade level 51 , Trevor Thunder Flame level 38 , Zachary level 11 .
When going up against a boss with Myth resist, you can buff up your Frog or Earthquake as much as possible and use the prism. You might have to repeat this several times.
Or, you can get Medusa treasure cards and use her with your blades and prism.
I get Medusa treasure cards by gardening Sour Fickle Pickles. You can get these plants in the Bazaar and they do self-seed (so you only need to buy them once). Sometimes there are Medusa tc available directly in the Bazaar as well.
Medusa is the spell you will earn at level 58, so hang in there.