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Loading screens taking a lot longer then normal

Feb 21, 2015
I am getting this issue when in loading screens, where its taking a lot longer than normal to transition between scenes and a lot of the time its shows a message saying "That area is closed now, try again later", prompting 'ok' and 'quit', clicking on ok takes me back to character selection which usually doesn't load, then showing "unable to connect" then i have no option but to quit.

I have restarted the game multiple times, and even reinstalled the game and its still happening.

I have also tried shutting down my computer and turning it back on etc, to see if it wasn't just my computer causing the problem, but it didn't work.

Jul 27, 2010
I don't get the "area is closed now" messages, but yes, I have also been noticing loading screens that are a lot longer than usual. I think I sat through a loading screen for about a full minute one time when I was playing yesterday.