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PVP/Duel Lag

Jan 08, 2011
Has anyne ever had a lag spike when you're going to attack, heal, etc. and the game lags for the period of time for the planning phase, and you get skipped? even if you have the spell selected? my internet is good, and only lags really bad when someone else is on the bandwith. However i get random lags spikes only when i do something important. Especially when dueling. Anybody else have this problem? Thanks for reading this!

Johnathon RavenShade ~ Level 55 Life Wizard

May 25, 2016
I've had that happen to me. I'm on a macbook pro 2010.
Sometimes I'll click a spell and it won't register that I pressed it, timer runs out and says that I passed.

It was worse on my Macbook (white) 2008
I'd click a spell it'd show I clicked it, then nothing would happen. Timer ran out...frozen. 1 minute later it'd catch up and show all the attacks at once and my health down to half.

Lol so compared to my macbook 2008, my 2010 macbook pro does a lot better with the lag xD
I think it just has to do with with the internet being slowed for whatever reason. This only happens to me when dad and I are watching Netflix which slows the internet.

Oct 06, 2016
LukasTheBrave on Apr 8, 2017 wrote:
Has anyne ever had a lag spike when you're going to attack, heal, etc. and the game lags for the period of time for the planning phase, and you get skipped? even if you have the spell selected? my internet is good, and only lags really bad when someone else is on the bandwith. However i get random lags spikes only when i do something important. Especially when dueling. Anybody else have this problem? Thanks for reading this!

Johnathon RavenShade ~ Level 55 Life Wizard
Yes, my game lags all the time like that and its only during battles that it lags and then I get skipped which is so annoying because then I lose a turn. I coped with it by limiting my time in the battle so I don't get skipped.