So I got the Dromel Dwelling, but now I don't want it anymore! So I cleared everything out, and unlocked it in my backpack, then I see 'Oh! It's no sell!' so I try to trash it, but the icon is greyed out. Later, when trying to find what to do, I stumble upon a little trash button in the bank interface, and this one is in full color, so it MUST work! I click it, press yes on the confirmation question, and it doesn't delete.
You cannot trash or sell any houses sadly. If you dont want it, you can put it in your shared bank for another character or just to let it sit there! Hope this helps.
I've always gone to a house vendor to sell houses, but going to Turtleton in Wizard City shows that my Tabbi Apartment is No Sell. Going to the original vendor shows the same. Since its No Trade you don't have the option to put it in your shared bank either. KI may want to fix that, the no trade is understandable, but we should have the option to sell/trash. You should report it to support.
You cannot trash or sell any houses sadly. If you dont want it, you can put it in your shared bank for another character or just to let it sit there! Hope this helps.
Main Andrew Storm 120
Malvin Hawkblood 115
yes you can sell houses back to house vendors; the mirage ones and crown (bundle) houses you cannot. would be nice to be able to sell/trash these so you don't have to purchase another housing potion to add new ones?
You cannot trash or sell any houses sadly. If you dont want it, you can put it in your shared bank for another character or just to let it sit there! Hope this helps.
Main Andrew Storm 120
Malvin Hawkblood 115
Cant place faction houses in shared bank as they are also no trade as well as no sell. Kingsisle needs to make them sellable or at least let us just sell them back to the vendor.