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Potions Truly in Motion

Jul 07, 2009
So, I had the longest problem that I have WAY too many potions stored up. Not because I am purposely saving to use them, but because I never find opportunities to use them YET I also don't want to waste them. I have my inventory and banks just full of them.
So my idea is both a remedy for this AND a neat new decoration idea. Potion Cabinets! Much like the Trophy Displays, Potion Cabinets can show off all the cool looking potions you have collected over the years from rewards in the scroll of fortune or events. And Top Decorators can use these cabinets for more elaborate Laboratories in their castles.
To flesh out this idea, I was thinking that the cabinets can be about 2 player heights high, with 6 shelves. Each shelf can hold up to 6 potions, in a non-linear organization/zigzag pattern to have more depth to the shelf. To add the potions in, they must select the cabinet, much like a Seed vault or gear vault. The cabinet itself will look like Old One's Lab equipment, with 2 large glass doors closing off the shelving.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I 1000% agree with this. I almost don't want to get any more Scrolls of Fortune because it clutters my backpack with Elixirs and Temporary Mounts. I DESPISE limited time use stuff. I literally have stuff from 10 years ago (like stickers) that I don't want to use. This clutters my backpack even after purchasing all the Expand Backpack Elixirs that I can.

Placing these items as housing items I think would be so fun. Especially since the majority of them already have models. It would be a really great addition!

Mar 19, 2009
If I could mix my elixirs together and drink the jungle juice I think I would be constantly buying them from the crown shop

Mar 30, 2014
Yes, we need potion cabinets, but this is just one part of the massive storage problem in this game. I'm not sure what it will take for KI to realize that a game that is largely about winning stuff, becomes not fun when you have no place to put the stuff. We also need pet kennels and generally better storage options. The 100 limit on seed vaults makes no sense when people have more seeds than that planted in a single garden, yet we can't put down 2 vaults in the garden. The bank limit of 150 is a joke when you consider there number of items in the game must have increased by more than 100x and yet the bank size over the years has increased by 0.5x. Please consider that storing stuff is not fun and that is taking too much play time and making the entire wizard101 experience not as fun as it should be.