Looking to Purchase Mega Bundle (Sultan's Bundle) Code/ Card
Hey, y'all! I'm new to the forums, but I used to play Wiz a lot when I was younger. I've started a new account and I'm looking to get some of my old effects back, and I've been going nuts looking for the retired Mega Bundle. Does anyone have any idea where I could purchase the code or card? I know it's a shot in the dark, and it's a very slim chance that I'll be able to buy it. Looking for advice- thanks!!
(Also, I don't believe I'm breaking terms with this post, but let me know!)
Re: Looking to Purchase Mega Bundle (Sultan's Bundle) Code/ Card
BardBarianBaba on Jul 24, 2022 wrote:
Hey, y'all! I'm new to the forums, but I used to play Wiz a lot when I was younger. I've started a new account and I'm looking to get some of my old effects back, and I've been going nuts looking for the retired Mega Bundle. Does anyone have any idea where I could purchase the code or card? I know it's a shot in the dark, and it's a very slim chance that I'll be able to buy it. Looking for advice- thanks!!
(Also, I don't believe I'm breaking terms with this post, but let me know!)
You will likely NOT be able to fine a Mega Bundle code to redeem. However, if you're looking specifically for the house, it does return for Throwback Thursdays on occasion. The wand also might return; for some reason KingsIsle LOVES bringing the Charmer's Mystical Flute back.